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Posts posted by puck2

  1. For many years in my life I wasn't interested in the background of the political life in the USA. This changed fundamentally since Trump appeared on the scene.


    I realized that the USA is comparable to a Swiss cheese – too many holes in the system. (it would be interesting and worthwhile to start a new threat about this point/s. I'm not allowed to open such a threat – TV rules!)


    The Supreme Court of the US is one of the holes in the US cheese. For many reasons:

    • The members of the most important court (in every state of the world) should be completely impartial and not party-orientated.

      • Therefore Cavanaugh shouldn't have any chance. His devotion to Trump and his former connection to the Reps don't guarantee his neutrality.

    • Because the judgments of the members in the Supreme Court have far-reaching consequences and impacts for the people of a state (i..e. abortion) there should be special procedures for the election of these important peoples. Among them

      • the candidate shouldn't be elected by the simple majority of the votes of Senate and House of R., but at least by a qualified majority of 60% or more in each chamber. This gives the guaranty that the member wouldn't be elected only because of his political (biased) view and conduct. The Reps had changed this to 50% from 60%(?) .

    • Manipulations shouldn't be allowed. Instead there should be a timely strong regulated procedure. Remember the vacancy of the ninth S.Judge during the last year of Obama. Unfair behavior by the Rep majority in the 2 Congress chambers, because there hasn't been a regulation.

    • In general, unlimited staying in the SC , once being elected.  Trump and his consorts will chose a young Rep so that the Rep-ideology will prevail for many, many years, even if there is a political change (although the selection of judges should NOT depend on a party ideology).

    • The list goes on


    One of the most awful and biased decisions of the SC concerned the election gift for the rich (money elite): the abolition of limited party donations. Out of my viewpoint this was one basic reason why money of people like Koch brothers etc. decided the outcome of the last (Trump) election. That money plays a role in elections …...... bah – and is against the proclaimed principle of equality.

  2. 2 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

    Obviously something to hide here.

    Witness the politicization of the US Supreme Court about to happen.

    Obama was not allowed a vote on his choice for 12 months due to Republican obstruction. 

    ....  and now they hurry up, afraid of the November-election results. Let me repeat it: SOP is now the deserved name for the Reps - Sordid Old Party. Own interests prevail.


    The Senate is one part of the Legislature and  therefore should serve the interests of the people, not those of a party or the Executive/ LOTUS (Liar Of The ....) for their own fortune re. future/job.

    • Like 2
  3. When I said "It's a pity that the USA doesn't have more McCains   ..... in both parties." I referred to  his maverick style.


    He didn't do what was ordered by the party or its political leaders. At now you recognize the style of sheeple all over the parties, especially in the the SOP (not GOP). You don't know SOP? The Sordid Old Party which doesn't stand up against a reprobate "leader", as McCain did?


    But if you and I don't or didn't agree with his very conservative views, that doesn't mean "political" sins" in general. I'm aware that McCain made mistakes and has had  flaws . But who is free of them?



  4. It's a pity that the USA doesn't have more McCains   ..... in both parties.


    I remember that even some Dems voted for the new tax law.  Self interest or pressure from the financial ghosts (paying and lobbying in the background), would never have been a reason for McCain to do so.


    Playing, voting for groups/sharks  with some special financial or political self-interest wasn't his style.

  5. Reading the CNN post was disappointing for me. Only statistical bs. Now some details I read in a German magazine.


    The research was financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


    But the results are questionable:

    • in 1 year of 100,000 people between 15 and 95 years old not drinking any alcohol, 914 people have fallen ill or received injuries

    • in 1 year of 100,000 people between 15 and 95 years old only having 1 daily alcoholic drink 918 people have fallen ill or received injuries in connection with alcohol. [only 4 more!]

    • Do 100.000 people daily consume 2 alcoholic drinks then there have been 977 cases of alcohol related illnesses each year. When drinking 5 glasses daily the number went up to 1252.


    Among the 23 illnesses related to alcohol or injuries have been:

    liver cirrhosis and -cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, heart attack, high blood pressure, bowel cancer, tuberculosis, self-injury, and also traffic accidents.


    The British medical statistician David Spiegelhalter criticized the conclusion. There should be 25,000 people drinking together 400.000 bottles of gin for making a problem to one of them.

    He said, because many of these health problems (in the statistic) concerned the 914 non-drinkers, too, it's not depending on alcohol. Otherwise the number of non-drinkers had to be zero. And the moderate alcohol drinking delivers some fun.

    • Thanks 2
  6. I understand his reaction of "discontinuing the medical treatment“ completely. I think you have to translate ending medical treatment as stopping the chemical treatment.


    My late brother did the same. The main reason: for gaining a few more months of your life, for many days you have to suffer from very awful pains after the injection (of the chemicals). Stopping this treatment after several sequences made him feeling better. Pills against pain have been prescribed.


    The last months of McCain's life will not be so painful as before. It's easier for him to say good bye to his family, his friends and the world.


    Mr. McCain, you have deserved respect from all over the world. Thank you.

    • Like 1


    "It's important... whatever the controversies around Donald Trump, to recognise that actually he has not been the isolationist president that many feared he would," Hunt told BBC radio, in an interview recorded before his departure to Washington.



    Farting on and biting or attacking nearly all US friends doesn't make the LOTUS (Liar Of The...) an isolationist?


    Hey Mr. Hunt, I'm afraid the „Trump-brain-sickness“ has already infected you. Or was is a@xrsh licking, sometimes named diplomacy ??

  8. 4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


    I am absolutely proud to be American. Plenty of things I wish were better, but I love the country and the freedom. The nationalism pisses you off because of your inherent distaste for the US. If you were fond, Americans being proud wouldn't make you upset. I meet people like you all the time in Thailand. 


    Everyone wants to dunk on the USA on this forum, and when its given back in kind nobody can take it. You see it as arrogance, and thats laughable. 


    PS this is your PM... How embarrassing ?



    Oh, poor UTF.

    You remember me the man driving his car into a one-way street and complaining of thousands of people driving in the wrong direction, but only me (you) not.


    There are some  people – especially here in TV – who don't know the difference between hate and criticism or dissenting opinion.

    • Like 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, ballpoint said:


    Going one step further; even when putting aside the physical abuse of children, the abuse of their minds by indoctrination from an early age, when they are unable to form and analyse opinions for themselves, is still a charge that may be levelled at all religions, though granted, some more than others.  Religion works by either altering ones mind, to the point that one really believes what they are saying, or, if you don't achieve that "higher" state, by making you unwilling to speak out due to fear of the consequences - if not in your current life then in whatever afterlife is offered by the religion / denomination you happened to be born into.  Planting these seeds into a young, impressionable, mind is key to a lot of the power that religion holds.  As such, it should be treated exactly like any legalised drug, with appropriate rules on age applied. Giving a mind altering drug to a child is illegal - no matter how legal it may be for an adult to take it.  The organised brain washing and indoctrination of that child, when s/he has no defences or logical prowess to analyse the informtion given, and decide for him/herself whether to accept or refuse it, should be treated with the same condemnation.


    In a few words:

    religion is the polar opposite to knowledge. It's a power to manipulate people (to believe). History is full of examples. And the present age, too.


  10. I remember China had some pharmaceutical/vaccine scandals. Among them vaccines against rabies. I wouldn't be surprised if the concerned companies sold these „fake“ pharmaceuticals to Thailand, cheaply of course.

    Google: rabies scandal in China

    Example:  BEIJING (AP) — Chinese state media say a total of 15 people have been detained in a growing scandal over the faking of records by a rabies vaccine maker. ….......


  11. A question to the experts:

    Why isn't it possible to take the LOTUS (The Liar Of ...) Trump to the judge because of his unjustified, extreme crude and nearly daily insults against people he doesn't like ???

    Freedom of speech (has limits in a normal state) ?

    Immunity as the POTUS ?

    Resistance of the Rep party (because you need a special number of the members of the congress) ?

    • Sad 1
  12. IFrom:



    .... And yet, Italy’s sovereign debt is among the world’s largest. Investors and the rest of the euro zone will be watching intently when the new government presents its first budget in the autumn. Expect tensions. Italy’s financial constraints will inevitably bite and the two parties will squabble over what pet projects to prioritize.


    @bristolboy - # 9 - , you should think twice before writing such a nons...e.

    • And you seem to be confused what a sovereign debt is or not.

    • And you seem to be confused about the €-currency or not. The value of the €-currency depends on many factors. One of them is the budget of the EU members. The € has lost a lot of value because of the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) states budget problems. Their main problem was the excessive national debt. And Italy was and is (under the new government) on the way of the Greeks. That means going bankrupt.

    • If You think there was no justified reason for the EU to put the foot on the brakes of Italy's national debt, then I question your mental health. GDP alone is not an indicator for the real health of a state. Italy has been a problematic state for many, many years. Should the EU pay again for an idiotic debt policy?

    • Maybe you don't know Italy has a lot of unsolved problems. In a nutshell: in general weak fundamentals in the economy – look at #5- guardian website-; shadow economy, (illegal) tax avoidance. Many, many banks with bad loans (Unicredit – 77 billion €,  for example)

    • High levels of corruption, criminality, and inefficiencies in the country’s bureaucratic and banking systems are additional problems in Italy. None of these problems will be solved by exiting the euro and in many ways leaving the single currency could achieve the opposite result. From: http://www.bin-italia.org/italys-economic-problems-are-not-caused-by-the-euro-but-by-the-countrys-chaotic-political-system/If you think „And a big reason for this is that Italy was not allowed to engage in stimulative spending unlike the USA to make up for the shortfall in demand. And the reason Italy wasn't allowed was because of the EURO.“     then you are very naive. Stimulus programs are somewhat controversial. What worked in the USA, must not work in Italy. Different background, see above. All these mentioned negatives gave the reason for the EU to put the foot on the brake.

    • The EURO was not the problem, but Italy itself.


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