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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    With 28 nations involved in this club, the UK tried many times, including David Cameron's last-ditch efforts prior to the referendum, to change things in the EU and we know how successful that attempt was.   We are "running away" from the EU because the EU is the problem.


    Brexiteers seem to claim all UK problems are solved after leaving the EU.

    Then good luck by solving your own problems. Oh sorry, I forgot there are none.


  2. 10 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

    What's incredibly ironic is that Kavanaugh's nomination is going to fail for the same reason that he tried to take down Clinton for a BJ when he was Ken Starr's tool - perjury.  The lies were about small details which didn't directly relate to Ford's allegations, but will be easily verifiable by the FBI's interview of Kavanaugh's high school classmates.  <------->


    Here we are.

    So I hope the FBI will invite Charles "Chad" Ludington, a college friend of Kavanaugh. He confirmed that K. in their common college days in Yale


    • had drunken often and hefty.

    • often has been aggressive and quarrelsome when being drunken.


    Ludington also said he wouldn't like to denounce K. for his alcohol intake as a young man. But he is worried about K.'s testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing - under oath.

    That is just the opposite of what K. said under oath.


    Result: a judge lying under oath – in every civilized country a criminal act. Maybe not in the REP-dominated USA parliament.


    What a shame for the LOTUS (Liar Of The …... ) and the SOP (Sordid Old Party) !!!


    Source: I just read it in the German magazine SPON (Spiegel Online)

    • Sad 2
  3. 49 minutes ago, Morch said:


    To keep himself relevant. To remain in the public eye. To leave options open in case things pan out in unexpected ways. He's many things, but daft about politics (and specifically, party politics) isn't one of them.


    ... but, but great in diplomatic .............. (ehm) failures! Among them

    Maybe in this time of split nations the Brits need a second Trump on the top of their government. A strong man without any glitches  :cheesy:

  4. May has the same problem as the German coalition.

    They have lost the trust of the electorate and they are afraid of the results of a new/snap election.


    The UK is divided by Brexit (EU membership), already a longtime political problem.

    Germans have lost confidence in the former top political parties not respecting  the wishes of the normal people.


    Not sure if new elections would solve the problems at once, although there are signs of changing. Both governments need a wake-up call.




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  5. 45 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Whole lot of confusing computation. Comes down to a simple explanation that the junta has rigged the system to disadvantage PTP getting a landslide victory and Ahbisit still hold key to who will be the next PM. 


    If you don't understand this system then please don't conclude: …. the junta has rigged the system to disadvantage PTP …..


    That is the best democratic election system. Because it isn't the same as in the UK or in the USA that doesn't mean it is worse. The winner takes it all is not a democratic result. Democratic means the majority of the votes. All votes together, not those of a constituency!!! We experienced the bad/=undemocratic election results in the USA where the majority of the votes was pro Dem and not pro Rep. but where a Rep-LOTUS won the presidency.


    The new Thai system is nearly the same as we have in Germany. From Thai PBS World:

    Here’s how the “Every Vote Counts” system worksAll ballots cast for all parties will be counted together and calculated into the number of seats each party gets out of 500If it is figured out that Party A gets 200 seats and it already wins 190 constituency seats in the election, it will get an additional 10 seats.

    One exemption: The German „Senat“ = Der Bundesrat has no say in choosing the MP (because not elected by the people, but sent there by the 16 states). This system results in so called excess mandates. It guarantees that parties have mandates in the parliament who haven't been chosen directly and therefore representing the %-part of the voters.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 8/30/2018 at 5:16 PM, roquefort said:

    10 - 20 employees moving to Amsterdam? That's really gonna scare the Brits.


    There is no way the financial services jobs in the City of London (hundreds of thousands) are going to move to Amsterdam or anywhere else.

    Did you receive this „news“ from B. Johnson, published in the Sun?


    Here some facts not very interesting for you, I guess.

    1. London is already losing some bankers to the continent. Only one example: Deutsche Bank. More will probably follow, depending on the Brexit negotiations.

    2. Even if only 10-20 employees are moving to Amsterdam, the tax (especially the income taxes) of their company is moving too.

    3. The Brexit fortunetellers say the same as you: There is no way the financial services jobs in the City of London (hundreds of thousands) are going to move to Amsterdam or anywhere else.

      I hope you don't bet on it.

  7. On 9/20/2018 at 8:37 PM, Srikcir said:

    It is not.

    Immigration court does not belong to the Judiciary branch but to the Executive branch.

    You learned correctly.

    Please help me to understand this nonsense.

    If a judiciary branch belongs to the executive then there is no independent third shelter in a democracy!  And that is how democracy is defined: 3 independent (!) powers in a state !!!

    Therefore I repeat it, the US judiciary is like a Swiss cheese. Don't let me talk about the US Supreme Court, stinking cheese.

  8. I learnt in school about the judiciary that it is one of the three shelters of a democracy and should be nonpartisan.


    In the USA under Trump and Sessions it is intensively regulated by the executive. This is evidently shown day by day.


    This is another proof for what I said before: the US political and state system and especially the judiciary is like a Swiss cheese – full of holes.

  9. The German executive in the parliament, Bundestag, consists of 3 parties. CDU (Christian Democratic Union) with Merkel as leader, her sister-party CSU (Christian Social Union; only in Bavaria) with Seehofer as leader and the SPD (Social Democratic Party) with Nahles as leader.


    All 3 parties are on their way down as polls have proven. One reason for their declining is the distance between what the politicians do and what the commonality wants. The political Maassen disaster is just a proper example of it. Rewarding Maassen for his ineptitude by a promotion as state secretary in the interior ministry which is under Seehofer. Topping the stupidity of these 3 politicians – they dumped an overall accepted and recognized man (SPD) to replace him by Maassen, not an (technical) expert for the new job, at all.


    This shows the politicians don't worry about quality but about their own interests. One reason the people loathe them more and more (look at the poll results). To understand their horrible behavior a little bit (but not accepting it), in Bavaria, Seehofer's homeland, there will be (state)elections next month on October 14. He didn't want to drop Maassen.


    Instead of firing Seehofer because he didn't want to sack Maassen, Merkel agreed to his promotion. Nahles too. Official reason for all 3 concerned party members: there was a big danger that the GroKo (great coalition of the above mentioned 3 Parties) would crash, That would be dangerous at the moment for the BRD.


    Their untruthful explanation. The real reason, all 3 parties are afraid of a new election in the light of the declining poll results. They have been afraid of protest votes against them – all 3 parties. But exactly this will happen in the coming elections.

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  10. Webfact wrote



    "The so-called agreement on Maassen is a joke," Florian Post, an SPD lawmaker in the Bavarian regional assembly, told the RND newspaper group. "Either the man is fit to hold high office or he isn't."



    But Mr. Post also said (but here not printed): „What did they drink during the crisis meeting?“


    I think that outlined what has happened in this meeting, `cause to reward Maassen by a promotion – look at Naam's #16 - for his incredible misjudgement of the situation in Chemnitz. Hold in mind, he is/was the boss of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Result, an reward for incompetence and stupidity given by the 3 party leaders.


    Face saving politicians at the cost of common sense, that is what makes most Germans so angry.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Knowsitlike, #16, explains it is possible for PR (permanent residents). In this case you need the TM6 card for leaving Thailand („on the way out“). But there not so many falangs with an PR, i guess.


    Therefore it would be interesting to read details from somebody in TV who made this flight from Hong Kong (and if she/he needed a TM6). There are no doubts checking through the automatic pass control is the fastest way for people with a „tourist visa“. The demanded information has been delivered by CX (Hongkong) through the APPS to BKK.


    But nothing is said about what you have to do or to show when leaving Thailand to Hong Kong by the same system. I guess you have to stay in the same row as every time before and to deliver the needed documents. Out of my viewpoint, that means leaving Thailand is not the same procedure as when arriving (by APPS). Result: you save time when arriving, not when leaving Thailand.


    BTW, my best German friend is married to a Chinese lady, A few days before he told me this APPS (system) now is a normal procedure in most Airports of China, especially in the big ones. As in Kunming in his case. When arriving in Kunming he received a small „paper“ after finishing the process. This paper was needed for his departure. But I didn't ask for details.


  12. 15 minutes ago, strikingsunset said:

    and your post is spot on - i totally agree - in 10 years time the UK will be booming and my guess is the other 27 or so countries will be collectively - down the tubes - rushing to the printing presses

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    It seems you have contacted a soothsayer. How much did you have to pay for his forecast?


  13. On 9/11/2018 at 11:54 AM, tropo said:

    It's the other way around actually. If the Trump haters want to be taken seriously, then spell his name correctly instead of using childish tactics (deliberate misspellings) to deflect. When I see this, I stop reading and move to the next post. All they are doing is talking to their own fan club.

    Do you know the main difference between "Trump haters" and Trump minions?


    Trump minions discuss the label of a bottle of wine, the Trump "haters" discuss the content of the bottle.





    • Like 1
  14. A typical Thai problem. The chemicals are a danger to the people, animals, nature  and environment. But nothing happens, because of the big money in the background.


    Therefore it's not surprising that the vast majority of poor farmers don't receive any education about the danger of these chemicals. Neither learning about the problem  at school, nor giving information by TV (but advertising!).


    The most annoying, the farmers seem to think that killing the vermin 3 times is better than one time. That means spraying the poison 3 times within a short time.


    Reporting to the village office is very dangerous. The officers seem to die for laughing.

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 9/8/2018 at 1:27 PM, PhonThong said:

    You are really showing your ignorance. Our drivers can earn $100,000 plus in their first year.


     You, should not respond to things you obviously know nothing about.


    You call me ignorant which is derived from the Latin word ignorare = not knowing. You would like to silence me with the fact that you cannot find a driver for your company earning +100,000$ in their first year. Or more than 8.000$ monthly. But I don't know, if „earning“ means gross or net in your case.


    After searching the internet, I have to believe that it isn't easy to find a driver for your company because of some state regulation. Therefore immigrants can't get the job, in general. I have to correct me.


    But internet also showed me that you gave me/us only a look at one side of the coin, the bright side. This salary maybe given in NYK, San Francisco, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Boston, big cities etc. The dark side is the inflated prices of living in those/your locations. Especially rent an apartment i.e. with prices about 50% of the income or more. And possibly not near to the driver's residence.


    I've read in San Francisco a two-paycheck-couple isn't able to start a familiy because they belong to the low-income earners with an income of 10,350$ ! Furthermore, I have read in the Silicon Valey a coupe, she a lawyer, he a software-ingeneer, are not able to raise a family because of the „tremendous“ living costs.


    With the same income they would be kings/queens in the rust belt or Mississippi-delta where the yearly earning of 40,000§ is of „no need“. You can guess the daily costs are there much, much cheaper.

    I could ad more of these conflicting results. If this is true what I've read then you must admit that earning as much as +100,000$ yearly isn't the point if you are hit by inflation of the prices for goods and daily/monthly living in your residence. It's only a sign that it easier to gain a job at now. But it's not a sign that the poor and the middle class got richer. Getting richer ,means the net income must start upwards.

    Let's wait for some years. Then we can talk about this again.

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