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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 4 hours ago, allanos said:

    As stated elsewhere, this seasonal burning has been going on for hundreds of years and has certainly not been kept a secret. It begs the question whether the farang who took up residence in these very same areas first did due diligence, or whether they simply chose to ignore a problem which they were already aware of. I understand that other issues may have been paramount, like moving to the wife's village, but, in that case the seasonal burning simply comes with the territory. In the end, it is a trade-off, like so much in life. Crying about the problem is not going to help, one iota.

    It is proven that the fires increased dramatically during the last decade until now !!!

    • Confused 1
  2. 8 hours ago, toolpush said:

    Thais just gotta burn. It is in their DNA

    Also my experience in the MHS Province. Even in areas where it doesn't make sense: i.e. in the rocky area(s) of mountains, or the grass on both sides of the N 1095 (from Mae Taeng to Mae Hong Son).

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 11/28/2019 at 2:06 PM, Boon Mee said:

    Trump is keeping moral high among the members of the military by not bowing down to the liberal panty waists that want see America crippled. 



    You missed only one word:   criminal.

    Then read please:

    Trump is keeping criminal moral high among the members of the military by not bowing down to the liberal panty waists that want see America crippled.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, J Town said:

    I honestly think it's all about the extreme right wing judges. As of 17 September 2019, Trump has appointed 150 lifetime federal judges. This is going to throw the states back into the dark ages. Roe v Wade is already under attack and similar crazy laws are coming down the pike. Cor porations are LOVING it!

    This is only one example - among a big bundle - that the constitution and the political system of the USA contains more holes holes than a Swiss cheese. Just under Trump it is shown day by day.


    I had already written this in other threads. To remember only a few:

    • the POTUS has a power like a dictator. Being on the top of Executive he/she shouldn't be allowed to circumvent the Parliament, the Legislative.
    • the judiciary should be the 3rd independent power in a democratic state, but not manipulated (by LOTUS Trump) - as shown by the nomination of Kavanough. The US Supreme Court independent - :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
    • the POTUS is not elected by the majority of the voters of the USA, but by a poorly system.
    • .......................


    • Like 2
  5. On 11/9/2019 at 11:48 AM, spidermike007 said:

    A more accurate statement would have been for Pompeo to say both myself, and my political master must change. We are both ignorant of world affairs and diplomacy. And we have been terrible for the alliance, and have treated our allies with no respect whatsoever.


    Pompeo lecturing NATO? You have got to be kidding. This guy is the very epitome of an empty suit.

    This fat man has already forgotten, that the USA pressed the NATO-members to follow in the manipulated Iraq-War. Would you like to trust them ... and especially the Liars Of The United States ... and to support their weapon industry???


    Again the incredible arrogance of the new US-dictator clique.


    Europe's energy supplies should not depend on Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said.


    Translate it like this: You have to buy the US (cracking) oil.


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  6. 35 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    America apologizes for the rantings of our ignorant Prez.  But if it's any consolation, most Americans despise Trump more than you Brits!

    Sorry, Mr. Berkshire, maybe or probably it's wishful thinking (as I do).


    But the reality will show how stupid the Americans are ... in the next election. Stupid enough to elect him again, the LOTUS (the Liar of the United States). Everybody with more than half a gram of brain in his/her head could recognize already before the last election what a shameful character he would be in this top job. Change, I'm not sure :annoyed:


    And Farage listens to this small US brain. Not yet, but wait .... !

    • Like 1
  7. The Thai currency remains strong although you cannot say the same about the Thai exports. In the economical theories the Baht rate should go down, but it doesn't. Hence there must be another reason to explain this dissent. Look at the interest rates in the EU, USA and Thailand.


    1. The ECB has a negative deposit facility of (minus) -0,50%, the Swiss National Bank negative -0,75%

    2. The Bank of England gives you an Official Bank Rate of 0,75%, the US FED a Federal Fund rate of +1,75 – +2%. Normally the money should flow into these banks, but … you don't trust them so much because of the current political and economical instability, caused by BREXIT and TRUMP.

    3. The THB recently dropped by 0,25% to 1,50%. The THB is attractive, because of some good background conditions, as for instance low public debts, holding a lot of foreign currencies.


    So, if you would be a bank manager and you would expect a today surplus you would not transfer it to your central bank in the EU, GB or USA because of the negative reasons mentioned in #1 and #2. Respecting the geological time difference you would transfer it to Thailnd for a safe +1,5% interest.


    One reason why the THB is so strong.

    • Like 1
  8. Trump doesn't belong to his "tower", but to the "hotel" for psychos !!!


    It seems there are enough stupid people in the USA who like incompetent idiots on the top of the state. It's not astonishing that many Americans didn't like the highly intelligent Obama, but the present LOTUS (Liar Of  ....), an absolute slouch in all subjects you need as Potus.


    To name and improve his failures would be a script over many pages. But everybody with a normal and open brain knows about his myriads of lies and  his incompetence. This thread about Trump and the Kurdish people in Syria is only one example of many.


  9. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    The Law doesn't depend on your political views, nor your, mine or anyone else's views on Brexit.


    Johnson has clearly treated the law with contempt, the courts with contempt and parliamentary sovereignty with contempt. That is disgraceful and totally unacceptable in a constitutional democracy.


    There can never be a situation where the PM puts himself/herself above the Law, just because you or anyone else doesn't like the law or thinks the end justifies the means.


    Johnson must be punishes for his silly schoolboy antics.

    LoB Johnson = (the) Liar of Britain – should be punished by the members of the Parliament. For his plan to close the parliament until October, but stopped by the highest court. Before he disrespected the members, now he is kissing their arxsholes.


    Even the EU members recognized already that you can trust your own dog, but not the LoB. The first ideas they have are: is he lying, betraying etc.? Last example: the letter to Brussels without his signature (he was forced to write). This insane political baby thinks it is above the law.

  10. 3 hours ago, Kelsall said:

    Also,  Pelosi is now claiming Adam Schiff did not make up his Trump "parody" and that those words were Trump's actual words.  This senile old bag has lost it totally



    Is stupidity located in the genes?



    Is stupidity a disease?

    Yes, it is spread by Fox-News and Twitter.


    Are there „weapons“ against this disease?

    Theoretically – Yes.

    Practically – Not.   If you don't have enough money to buy or silence companies, you cannot stop this disease. Do you remember the story about Trump's extramarital affair with Karen McDougal? The story was bought by Trump-friend David Pecker from the publishing company AMI McDougal for 150,000 § – and NOT published! But you cannot by FOX or Twitter news for „lavish“ 150k § …. to silence them.


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