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Posts posted by puck2

  1. To compare it with Visa (Europe)



    Currencies fluctuate every day. The rate shown applies to transactions processed by Visa Europe on 31 December 2018 with a currency conversion fee of 0.00%

    100.00 Thai Baht = 2.45 Pound Sterling

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    1 Thai Baht = 0.0244566775 Pound Sterling

    - Or -

    1 Pound Sterling = 40.8886284738 Thai Baht

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    1. Rates apply to the date the transaction was processed by Visa; this may differ from the actual date of purchase.

    2. The number of decimal places shown above may differ to that shown on your statement.


  2. 8 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

    Given there is little to no indication of inflation he goofed raising the rates. If that wasn't bad enough they said they would raise the rates two more times in the net year or so. If that wasn't bad enough he came out to make a completely unnecessary press conference on the reasons of why he went this way.


    it was simply series of bizarre and unusual circumstances and all completely avoidable. The market dipped and recovered after the rate announcement. Then for whatever reason he came back to pick the scab until it gushed blood. 


    As a trader i loved it but for the long term investor it was inexcusable.Not saying he should be fired but it's a bit like Elon Musk he should simply keep his mouth shut and not speak when it isn't required.

    A typical comment of a money maker. If the decision of the FED-boss seems to be good for him, than this man has a quality. If the FED-boss explains the decision of rate a hike, he finds his explanations „inexcusable“ and should „simply keep his mouth shut“, because it could be against his interests.


    Openness – the enemy of the „traders“ ????? A trader who only looks for the up-going rates. Understandable, but being blind to recognize the real reasons for loosing value don't come to his mind, as already mentioned in Trump- threads. To describe the reasons you need a long, long list – nearly all related to Trump and his @rsh... lickers.


    BTW, a (money) rate hike in general has two consequences (for the $) - among others

    • interest rates go upwards on both sides, loans and interests

    • stock rates are losing value.


    I wonder why you didn't complain about the tax-reduction law, mainly fabricated for the riches, the stock market and Trump himself, including his family and friends. This was a promise for the future (of course not from Powell) – and I'm sure you liked it „not simply keeping his mouth“. The rates went up. Traders, like you, reacted to this „good news“, not thinking about the bad part of this announcement. Therefore you are complaining about Powell, instead of your new „darling“.


    • Like 1
  3. On 12/19/2018 at 10:48 AM, spidermike007 said:


    ???? TRUMP
    ???? TRUMP Jr.
    ???? TRUMP Organization
    ???? TRUMP Foundation
    ???? TRUMP Campaign
    ???? TRUMP NatSec Advisory Committee
    ???? TRUMP Shadow NatSec Advisors
    ???? TRUMP Transition
    ???? TRUMP Inaugural Committee
    ???? TRUMP Administration
    ???? TRUMP Allies (e.g., MBS, Russia)




    In the time before Trump a POTUS had to be reliable and honest, at least.


    Since 2016 The USA has changed fundamentally. Someone with the „quality" of a liar, extremist, moron, an endless insulter, inhumane charcter (the list goes on) has had a chance to sit in the White House..


    The subject of this thread is only one example of of Trump's criminal behavior. In many, many other countries he would have spent a lot of his time behind bars. Nowadays it seems to be a qualification for the election of a Potus.


    That the REP's supported him, not very surprising. But that the third power in every (real) democracy does not have the laws or the force/power to put him where he belongs to, that's annoying and a shame for the US political system.


    • Like 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    You mean the hunt for indictments continues, the list so far:

    George Papadopoulos

    Paul Manafort

    Rick Gates

    Michael Flynn

    13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies

    Richard Pinedo

    Alex van der Zwaan

    Konstantin Kilimnik

    12 Russian GRU officers

    Michael Cohen

    Sam Patten


    source: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/20/17031772/mueller-indictments-grand-jury

    It seems since 2016 it is a condition that the POTUS and his minions must be criminals in order to be elected.  It's very sad that there are still politicians in the REP-Party and their followers who don't want to open their eyes.


    It's aching what happens in the USA, once a dignified idol and symbol of a democratic state. Now a state with a lot of criminals on the top.


    BTW, since Trump you are able to recognize so many failures and loopholes in the political system of the USA.

    • Like 1
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  5. 20 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    Well, Trump called it right. 

    Tillerson was definitely not a team player nor very talented. 

    Yes, the other fired "players" have been tooooo intelligent for him. Team playing impossible :w00t: .


    Boon Mee, how much money do you receive for all your unsubstantiated comments concerning Trump and his cohorts?

    • Haha 1
  6. On 11/20/2018 at 10:30 AM, owl sees all said:

    My local Tesco shop only reluctantly will put an item in two bags.


    A couple of weeks ago a check-out lady put over 4kg of drinks in just one bag. As I was lifting it off the counter, the carton made a hole in the plastic bag. Rendering it useless. She (check-out girl) then attempted to put the goods into a second bag,,, and you have guessed it; the bag split right across the bottom. The cartons of fruit drinks fell out but fortunately did not damage to the point where fluid leaked out.


    Now, was this a one-off defective bag? I don't know because I now do my shopping at Big C. Their bags are green (environmentally more friendly),  and the check-out ladies seem more clued up on the stuff they actually put in the bags.


    The downside to me now going to Big C is that the check-out ladies are not as lovely looking as at Tescos, but are more efficient.


    I do moan though at Big C. It's that sometimes they mix refrigerated goods with non-refrigerated goods.

    Ooh poor man, having observed how the plastic bags have been abused ????.

    It seems you don't have enough money (only a few THB) to buy 1, 2 or 3 cotton bags and carry them with you when you leave for shopping ?


    Problem solved and you never are able to complain of the "plastic abuse" in 7/11 or anywhere else. The problem isn't 7/11, but you.

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    If tiny Don attempts to squash this investigation, it could be his undoing. It is incumbent upon the new congress to treat him like the rabid, disloyal, disengenious, lying, cheating dog that he is. 

    Comparing Trump's vile character with that of dogs is a verbal slender for our2 dogs.


    We can rely on our dogs, they don't change their attitude within 5 minutes, 1 day, 1 week or 1 month. They are not disingenuous, don't bark against not-white people, don't like „pussy-grabbing“, are very loyal. In short, you can relay on them. A big difference to the orange man-child.


    In exactly the same way as Trump has chosen his (formerly „great“) co-workers“ for the government - as Sessions and many, many others – in the same way it has gotten obvious that this Lotus (Liar Of The ….) is absolutely incapable of selecting competent and intelligent people for the highest jobs in government. Changing his co-workers like an underwear says all about Trump. An absolute slouch, whereas our dogs have brain enough to differ between god and bad, competent and incompetent.


    And our dogs are faithful.

    • Like 1
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  8. 1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

    Seeking asylum is forced by "circumstances."


    The Germans (Nazis) tried to hide him, knowing that such a rocket expert would be „welcome“ by both Russia's Stalin or the USA. In both countries his „history“ in Germany wouldn't be a problem, 'cause that more than 12.000 forced laborers or people of concentration camps (=official accounting) plus 8.000 non military people had died in connection with his building of A4-rockets. And he went on working emotionless.


    So, who would get asylum for such a big number of deaths, he was responsible for? Only the military and states of the war winners would disregard Braun's history … instead of pushing him into the Gulag or to the Nuremberg Trials. That he personally surrendered himself in Reutte/Tirol/Austria to the Americans is understandable. The best „choice“ for him .... as a NSDAPand SS member.


    Now the USA - Pompeo -  is playing the "holy" man against the "thief - China". 5555.

    I'm sure the USA never harvested the fruits from buying German companies as Braun, WMF etc. ????.

    • Like 2
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  9. I think this thread needs some facts we miss to read here.


    • This TG971 flight normally is made by a Boeing 777 which has no first class.

    • Instead of the Boeing 777 Thai Airways deployed a Boeing 747 (jumbo) which has a first class.

    • It's usual that passengers from the business class are upgraded to the first class in such a case.

    • The upgrade is limited because the first class has a lower number of seats than the business class. This is up to the airline. Some chose priority passengers or those with the earliest booking time.

    • At the end, Thai Airways cancelled the upgrading.


    Of course, that's no excuse for the management of this affair.

  10. 3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    Nikki the contrarian who became another hypocrite in Trump's administration.

    Before Trump won the POTUS election:

    • Trump was "everything a governor doesn't want in a president."
    • “During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices,”
    • We must resist that temptation. No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws, and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country.” 


    She won't be missed.







    "She has done an incredible job. She is a fantastic person, very importantly, but she also is somebody that gets it," Trump said on Tuesday. "She's done a fantastic job and we've done a fantastic job together."



    One of the few times Trump didn't lie.


    „Incredible“ contains 2 (Latin) words

    in = not


    credible = trustworthy


    Translate Trump's words: She has done a not trustworthy job. That confirms what you told us about her slimy words.



    .......She described Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and aide, as "such a hidden genius that no one understands" for his work on renegotiating the NAFTA trade deal and preparing a long-awaited Middle East peace plan that has not yet been released ............



    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, terryw said:

    It has been said on various news programmes recently (Sky, Politics Today etc.) that leaving the EU on March 29th is irreversible, unless the UK government decides to temporarily request a halt to the Article 50 process.


    Leaving the EU is now UK law. There is no legislation before Parliament that can stop Brexit and the legislative timetable is controlled by the Government.


    Remoaners should get over their loss and get on with life.


    If I remember correctly, Sky is in the hands of Murdoch (although he tried unsuccessfully to control it by 100%). Murdoch provokes the connotation to (US) Fox, … ehm a very reputable channel, best know for alternative facts ...... to say it very politely.


    Now I read here again from Brexiteers with a Murdoch-defect. The subject is …...if UK can unilaterally reverse Brexit.


    The UK told the EU on 29.03.2017 we will leave you (after 2 years as regulated by EU law). If the UK doesn't reverse it, the Brexit works as stipulated by the EU law. Then Brexit is Brexit. None of the 27 EU members will be asked to agree. The wish of the British government cannot be opposed by the other EU members.


    But that's not the issue here. The subjects is „unilaterally reverse“ the Brexit. You even didn't understand the headline! To explain it to the highly informed Brexiteers: If the UK suddenly revokes its Brexit decision of 29.03.2017, then all the other members (27) of the EU have to agree.


    And exactly that is very important to know before  there should be another referendum. It would be idiotic if any EU member would like to jump out and in as a goat jumping over a small creek.

  12. 2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    With 28 nations involved in this club, the UK tried many times, including David Cameron's last-ditch efforts prior to the referendum, to change things in the EU and we know how successful that attempt was.   We are "running away" from the EU because the EU is the problem.


    Brexiteers seem to claim all UK problems are solved after leaving the EU.

    Then good luck by solving your own problems. Oh sorry, I forgot there are none.


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