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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 3 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Yes...….I read in my local newspaper that, in replying to the latest bombshell re Russian involvement, Giuliani stated, "well we all know that Cohen is a liar".


    And Trump is not???????????????????


    You couldn't make this stuff up!


    It's so easy to rumble Trump. If he aggressively attacks somebody who once was "tremendous", a good friend, extremely competent... (the list goes on)

     and suddenly is

    a liar, a monster, incompetent, traitor etc.

    than it's obvious this moron deserves the title  LOTUS, Liar OF The United States. Then there is no doubt he is lying.


    There are a lot of people who he slandered and who can or could improve he deserves this title, i.e.

    • Michael Cohen - concerning Trump Tower etc.
    • James B. Comey
    • Playmate McDougal
    • Stormy Daniels
    • Andrew McCabe
    • John Brennan
    • ............
    • ............
    • last but not least:  Melania Trump, if she wouldn't be afraid of losing the Trump-advantages of a private "deal".
  2. As normal facts between what „Tiny Don“ (not my invention) says or said and the reality has a distance just from here to the eternity.


    Alternative and real facts:

    1. Soybeans; The agreements between Trump and Juncker are more vague in the official statement. Soybeans are only one of various commodity groups they would like to work for to reduce the hurdles. With an eye on the midterm elections „the dealer“ trumpeted, nearly immediately the Europeans would buy more soybeans!!

    2. LNG; The EU wanna import more LNG from the USA to diversify the energy supply. The man with the orange face trumpeted again: big/giant purchase quantity. His usual exaggerations.

    3. As already noted here, the US LNG would be too expensive, much more expensive than the Russian one trough the pipe line. Who would like to buy it in the EU? And last not least the „tremendous“ ignorance of the "great dealer": Although The Commission externally represents the EU countries in trade-related matters, it cannot decide on concrete projects and deals. The companies pick the contractors by themselves.

              Hot air, Mr. Trump, to save face?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, petermik said:

    The EU are simply trying to make the UK,s exit as difficult as possible full stop.....we voted out...we want out :thumbsup:

    According to you"voted out" means also voted out of of all EU preferences. The EU status eased the (trade) problems between of the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland/UK. 


    "Out" means then old status, old problems. In the absence of Brexit-plans in the election campaign the Brexiteers didn't like or have not been able to inform about what the UK could lose.

  4. 1 hour ago, malibukid said:

    maybe she will enter politics and become the first woman POTUS

    ... the first female POTUS and the second LOTUS (Liar Of ....).


    As written before,

    According to the Wall Street Journal, online sales of Ivanka Trump's brand fell nearly 55 percent in the 12 months to June, compared with the year-earlier period, citing Rakuten Intelligence, which gathers email receipts from 5.5 million U.S. consumers.

    she is saving face. She cannot admit that the name Trump is a synonym for NEGATIVES as liars, fake news, bankruptcy, incompetence, stupidity in spite of a nice face, etc.


    Although  "accidentally" exempted from extra tax in China :ph34r:, she couldn't go on with her business ?

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    Let's put it this way. An adult with Alzheimer's and a brain damage that could be from a tumor. When does he understand that his Superpowers never existed? America is long in China's and Russia's hands. He's just an old senile fart. 


       I'd love to know what drugs he's on. 

    Sorry, I cannot agree.

    The main reason for his actions is his vile, despicable character.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  6. Headline:

    Trump denies wrongdoing, says lawyer's tape 'perhaps illegal'


    Did you expect anything else from the LOTUS (Liar of the United States?) Of course, next argument: fake news/tape  from Cohen, although he confirms now that it was "illegal". Telling lies will never stop.


    In a normal democracy this moron would have been impeached, maybe already after 3 lies and for his heinous character. It's a shame that he still is supported by this hypocritical and depraved "GOP".


    BTW, it would be interesting to know why his wife doesn't ask for a divorce, the same thing the GOP had to do?




    • Like 1
  7. Trump again at his best:


    Correcting a lie or nonsense by the next lie or nonsense


    Trump said in Helsinki: „I don't see any reason why it would be Russia.'"

    He allegedly forgot the „n't“ (not) in his new statement – after a hefty outcry from all political sides, even the conservatives. His new excuse is in a very, very strong contrast to his further remarks … in Helsinki:



    Trump, who was given numerous opportunities to publicly rebuke Putin during the news conference in Helsinki, instead praised the Russian leader for his "strong and powerful" denial of the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that the Russian state meddled in the election.


    That improves, Trump corrected an incredible mistake/fault by another lie.


    I can trust my dog by 100%, but you cannot trust Trump only for 1 minute. As I commented once: what Trump says today will be invalid tomorrow. He deserves the title LOTUS – Liar Of The United States - by 100%,  and confirms it day by day.


    What a horrible creature and POTUS with an evil character.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. A typical Trump reaction. Like a dictator he thinks he is the only one to know the solution of a problem. But most dictators are much more intelligent than this egomaniac.


    He isn't able to solve his own problems (i.e. migration), but is arrogant enough to give other countries „good/right“ advice.


    Beside the quality of his quacking it's an incredible and embarrassing remark against his host. This confirms again he has an utterly disgraceful character. A shame for the USA as the people show now in GB that he isn't welcome.


    He deserves a night in a pig-stall.

    • Sad 1
  9. It's like swimming the sooner you learn the better you are. Have at it.


    What a strange comparison. When swimming the danger/risk is only on your side, when driving a motorbike that may hurt other people (beside yourself).


    Maybe you would say the same when the kids are six years old and would like to drive your car: „The sooner you learn the better you are.“


    Only a small problem …. if they survive an accident.


    Did you ever think about the consequences (and the responsibility) after a motorcycle accident?


    Hopefully you will not give the youths a gun for your mentioned reason.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. Last year, October 10, I had a colonoscopy in the RAM-Hospita of Chiang Mai by

    MD Jaruwat Jossombat.

    He did an excellent job (ambulant). The same in 2012.   No pain, not hurt.



    Total doctor fee                                                                              7.500 THB

    Hospital Cost - including written report -        8.659 THB

    ./- discount (for regular customer)                 - 1.731 THB        6.928 THB

                        Total                                                                            14.428 THB


    Even if you add the return-flight by a low-cost plane and taxi from the CM airport to RAM -and no discount in RAM - it would be ~20.000 THB.

    I don't know if you would already get the discount by the 1st register and I don't know if the prices went up. Call 053 920300 ext. 4400 or e-mail: [email protected]. Normally you'll get an answer within the same day.

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