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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 23 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    Everyone should be concerned that someone as narcissistic as Trump will provoke an international crisis. Look up the term 'narcissistic rage' if you're not. Concerns that his cognitive abilities are in decline are also legitimate given (1) his age, (2) repeated reports that his attention span is very short, (3) he repeats himself incessantly,  (4) has difficulty processing written information, and (5) has a troubled relationship with the truth.  Please also note that he never submitted to a legitimate physical and mental evaluation as a presidential candidate.


    May I add: 

    6) His father suffered dementia.  The medical science assumes that at least 5% of all dementia cases have a genetic origin.

  2. This (criminal) moron remembers me Trump.


    They don't worry about the national budget. They promise a lot of money what they must not pay out of their own pocket. There are enough stupid people who believe these autocrats take care for them by election promises. In reality they think of 

    themselves and for the money-elite.


    Berlusconi doesn't worry about the wrotten and partly corrupt bureaucracy and the government's debt. The justice system is in a desolate status so that the criminals can rely on it! He himself gained from this disaster: Many of his cases of tax evasion expired by limitation.


    Thinking of the future of the people or the state? Apres moi, le deluge (the devil-may-care).

  3. For me a typical US problem. 3 reasons

    1. job exducation for the police is disastrous, no serious law and right education. That cannot work within a few months, as it does/n't in the USA. Are you able to tell me one state in the civilized world, where so many people have been shot by police even for minor misdemeanors, i.e. traffic offences? In civilized states police shoot the people/criminals only in the case of real self- defence. They are obliged to make them unable to fight.

    2. Gun law. Because the police are afraid that the culprit may have a gun they are afraid to be killed und therefore shot first. This means they are afraid of violence. In civilised countries the police must not be afraid that culprits have a gun, in general. They try to talk before, having ideas and job-education of not killing the culprits.

    3. To me it seems that the US people have a gene of violence on their chromosomes. Devellopped in history when occupying the land of the indigenous people. That means being prepared when going around the corner, through the mountains, or the forests. The only solution: kill before you are killed.

    In many cases they are unable to solve a problem by talking to each other. I had my own experience with such a gun-lover in a guesthouse below our land. When our dog „touched“ him we heard a big noise. Running downwards I saw this man menacing he would shoot our dog if she would „touch“ him again. This man pretendet to be a dog expert when talking to each other and abou dogs(!) the day before. A Non-American – and just a dog expert - would have talked to us about the problem.

  4. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    The Iranian people do not enjoy the same accesses to information or the same freedom of expression as people in the USA do. There is nothing in the USA approaching the level of control on media and power to shape public views which exists in Iran.


    Yes. It's a pity that Iranian people cannot watch „Fox“. Polls in the West? Experts say, give me the desired result, then you'll get your poll.


    Morch, think twice about your comment. The people in the USA have the freedom of chosing their medias, that's right. But who controlls fake and manipulated news? The Iranians have their mullah-regime, the USA have a much, much more complicated system controlled and influenced (advertising!!!) by the BIG MONEY. The Iranians would like to have a relative free press system, but are not able to use it as the people in the West. The West - and specialy the USA – have a free system, but a big part of the populace doesn't have time, the will or the intelligence to read/understand  biased press properly.


    Why is Fox treated like a „government“ channel by an incompetent, sick liar? The connection to your comment: dou you believe the grewing number of Fox viewers are better informed than the Iranians? In general, the result of this poll shows that the Iranians are able to recognise manipulated news in contrast to a lot of the „freely“ informed.

  5. 15 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Most people die immediately after getting bitten , not many live to tell the tale 






    Are Centipedes Dangerous to Humans?
    Smaller variants of centipedes produce nothing more than a painful, localized reaction, not unlike a bee sting. Larger species, however, administer more venom through a bite and can produce more extreme pain. While centipede bites can be extremely painful, they are not generally fatal to humans. Pain from a centipede bite may last up to several days. However, an experiment conducted in the 1920s concluded that the pain most commonly subsides after a number of hours. There can be swelling around the bite, and some victims may experience nausea, sweating and the swelling of lymph nodes following an attack.


    Individuals with other insect allergies should observe their symptoms closely in the event of a centipede bite. Beyond the initial pain caused by an attack, possible side effects include severe swelling, chills, fever and weakness. In the event of a severe allergic reaction, emergency medical services should be contacted immediately.


  6. 21 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    They'd be better off  going back to the Drachma and giving up on the Euro...

    In this thread the old wisdom is demonstrated: the bigger the blatant ignorance about facts – the bigger the open mouth.


    Fact is

    • when Greece ask for the EU-membership it didn't fulfill the EU-conditions (the last 3 years budget deficit shouldn't exceed 3%). The Greeks manipulated this „serious“ problem with the secret and not declared support of Goldmann Sachs. They booked Goldman Sach's 2.8 billion „Euro-financing“ (currency-SWAPs-2%), 15 years) not into the budget. Problem criminally solved.

    • That means, before entering the EU the Greeks lived beyond their means

      • unreliable budget policy; very high state deficits over the years

      • lack of competitiveness; the money paid for productivity was to high

      • high standard of nepotism and cronyism

      • corruption and shadow economy

      • inefficient and uncontrolled financial and tax policy


    The Greeks got used to this status of spending more money than having earned. And therefore they „enjoyed“ the intended financial support of the EU. BTW, partly paid by the UK, too. So, they could have a better life outside of the EU than receiving EU(RO)-Money? You are joking.


    Everybody knows, returning form a higher standard of living to a lower one is very hard for the people.


    I guess Tsripas would like to give some money back to the people, mostly hit by the crisis – as it's  „normal“ for the next re-election. The current better economical conditions in Greece are related to Erdogan's autocratic policy, especially in the tourist sector. Result, a big number of European vacationers switched from Turkey to Greece and Spain.


  7. 11 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


    Which pensions of EU citizens do we need to pay?


    Our own ex-politicians (like Kinnock) - will no longer be a burden on Europe. So we don't have to pay his pension. 


    What about the UKs share of the assets the EU owns? Do you know the value of those?


    Perhaps you could outline the specific payments you think should be made. After all, my own 'bugger all' was presented itemized and in full. Yours lacks detail to the point of being less than vague.


    The people living in the UK will will recognise value of the EU„assets“ after Brexit. The EU wasn't a one-way street in the market and money area.


    It seems you and your Brexit friends don't know or realize the positive aspects of the EU membership. „Maybe“ it was worthwhile for GB to pay for the membership. The Brits already have got their money back in many different systems, among them free trade.


    Now I ask you: „do you know the value of this?“ Let's talk talk about this a few years after Brexit.



  8. It disappoints me very much that a lot of contributions to the Brexit debate is dominated by Britain's loss of money and sovereignty. Thatcher's „I want my money back“ comes to my mind. Imagine, all EU members – and especially the paying members - would be dominated by the same idea.


    Since WW II and China's Deng Xiaping's reform the world has changed 'a little bit'. Britain, France. Germany, Spain, The Netherlands etc. are dwarfs as single states against the USA, (Russia?) and the new world power China. Wouldn't it be useful to have a mighty bloc as an equivalent instead of stubborn single states? The EU as block has a quality and strength as equivalent to the new world powers, as single powers they are a laughing stock, a pawn in the hands of the powerful.


    It's an historic wisdom that unions force some states to swallow bitter pills as an equivalent to a better future. Even if you believe in the bible, the world hasn't been made within one day. Look at the history of the USA. So give the union (EU) a chance to eliminate the flaws, although losing some sovereignty. It's worthwhile.


    BTW, Brexit was only the result of the majority of the voters, not the people! Sometimes – and especially in this case – it's better to have a parliament to vote about such a difficult decision. Why? The members of the parliament in general are a little bit more intelligent than the voting sheep. You don't believe it? Make a referendum: Do you want a 50% tax cut? The majority of the voting sheep will answer YES.


    That's what happened in Britain; brain and sanity down, temporarily influenced emotion high. All this is now reflected in the Brexit negotiations. And the EU should reward this? Brexiteers, think about what England would do, if Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland would like to leave GB - after a positive referendum. Shaking their hands and open the wallet? I don't believe.

  9. One sentence (from Karl Marx, 5555) explans it all:

    religion is the opium of the people.

    • or better -

    religion is something you cannot improve, only believe in.


    The brain is closed. Experience, science intelligence and in many cases normal sense stay outside of the door/brain. Psychology is used to control you- and that's the opium for good and bad intentions, dos and don'ts. And it's often against human nature. All members of one religion are ordered to swim in the same direction, otherwise you will be punished by the proxies of the special religion.


    Look around in the world and you will recognize you believe what you have been told in your early years, when logic doesn't exist or prevail. But it sticks in the brain and dominates you when getting older. Then the opium is working, unless you are able to get rid of it. And that doesn't happen with the majority of the believers, for many reasons.


    I could give you examples over many, many pages, it's an endless stuff. That some shouldn't think I'm raving only a few examples

    • the world is made within 6 days (by god)

    • you go to heaven or hell after dying. But where is their position in the universe?

    • You will be reborn once in the unknown future

    • god comes to the people or comes from them through the air, light or ???? - without aerospace vehicle (in that past time).

    • All the fairy tales concerning Noah's ark, Moses, Jesus a.s.o.

    • Every religion has a moral codex. So, why do we not have exactly the same in all of them? That means, the religious conditions are made by different human  prophets, priests etc.

    • which religion is the real, the true one? Can there be 20 or 50 different truths?


    there are and have been good and bad people (including fanatics) everywhere in the religious world. Be it Jews, Buddhist, Christians, Muslims with all the plenty of sections.


    Thailand is not different.








  10. One of some Tory failures within the last time: Johnson, the chief diplomat, has to be stopped by a "normal" diplomat. Congratulation to the British diplomat in Myanmar for his courage against his boss - and shame on Mr. Flibbertigibbet.

    Madame May, you are second behind Trump for choosing "excellent" ministers. Maybe you are replaced by Mr. "Moggmoment" (Jacob Rees-Mogg), a man from the 18th century.

  11. 2 hours ago, stevenl said:

    How can the EU get involved in a dispute between US government and a Canadian company? You still have not answered that question.


    2 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    Why don't you stop trolling and do a bit of basic research on this issue and it's relevance to the UK? Hint: it's in the thread op. You know? This thread in which you keep posting your daft responses? And if you still need help, go and mither someone else.


    You don't stop asking the same (stupid) question tree times (ore more). A question with wrong fundamentals.

    To enlighten you

    It's said already many times here that nobody is able to answer a question of this (nonsense) style:

    Why doesn't the EU support the UK against the USA when CAN had built a licensed factory on the moon/in the UK? Bombardier is a Canadian Co., not belonging to the EU. You are contradicting your own ideas: The UK should design and resolve its own affairs. That's already a view into the Brexit future (you like and prefer so much !).

    If the US action is against the EU law, why didn't your Brexit darlings. TM + BJ + NF, ask the EU for support against the US tax intentions?

    The EU has represented the Airbus concerned EU countries against Boeing. That includes the UK. You see, the „bureaucracy monster“ (favorite word of Brexit lovers) has fought for the UK, too.

  12. 1. This thread is opened by Reuters „news“, copied by many, many medias. Believing in every point of those agencies doesn't mean that they are correct by 100%. Sometimes you detect they are missing and ignoring important points.

    2. Threatening the Jews is not the main agenda of this reactionary movement. The Reuters point that „official data show anti-Semitic crimes reported to the police rising 4 percent to 681 in the first eight months of 2017 against the same period last year.“ is incorrect in this form.. Not all of these crimes don't have a connection to the AfD. In the „Zeit“ journal you can read that there is a higher rise of Anti-Jews crime in English speaking countries than in Germany.

    E.g. Reuters forgot to mention the AfD as well as the left-wing Linke have been elected in this poll as a protest against the ruling parties CDU and SPD. This means the protest voters haven't been satisfied by the politics of the 2 coalition parties. And that has nothing to do with Jews. That is one point Reuters didn't name.

    3. Correct is that most of these voters didn't like the well-meant attitude of Mrs. Merkel. The state and the bureaucracy haven't been prepared for a controlled immigration of this migrant/refugee wave and was too reluctant to push the economic migrants back.

    4. The German government of those days didn't think enough about the real problems that automatically come with the (Muslim) refugees. Among them housing (for more than 1m, suddenly), religion, many children, the majority of male people, standard of education, how the mainly Muslim refugees have to adjust in Germany. And that Germany isn't Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan or Sudan.

    5. Although I can understand the sorrows of the Jews (history), there is no verifiable trend of a changing attitude. In Germany there is still a reliable third power in the state, the law abiding one. It seems the AfD will have problems with the existing law.

  13. 2 hours ago, Naam said:

    BRAVO! let's kill and maim innocent people as it was and is always done and then call it collateral damage.



    Yes, the 9/11 bombers have had the same idea and didn't worry about "collateral damage".


     @sweatalot's , think about the reaction in the US (and the world) to only (sorry)~ 3,000 people  and compare it the with possible collateral damage in NK alone.


    Concerning your following comment

    34 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

    kill thousands of people to save millions  .... (dimensions up to you)

    are you sure it would "save" the life of millions - and not destroy another "million" of innocent people?


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