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Posts posted by puck2

  1. On 6/26/2018 at 1:12 PM, JAZZDOG said:

    Problem with that is everybody I know would empty my account within an hour of me giving them access. I'm leaving everything to my dogs via a living will.

    .... then give your dog the PIN-number of your ATM-card.

  2. @Morch, - #24

    you completely missed my point of view.


    It's not about laughing Iran, it's about the world laughing at America's liability. The USA together with 7 other countries reached a deal/contract lifting sanctions against the Iran for stopping its atomic program.


    The USA signed this contract. It doesn't depend who was or is POTUS. As Trump canceled this contract that means the USA isn't reliable. If you make a contract with the USA today be prepared it will cancel the contract tomorrow. Therefore it's better to make no contracts with the USA. It isn't worth the paper used for signing the deal.


    That is what the Americans under Trump have to consider. A contract with Trump's signature is only useful as a toilet tissue. Trump and America would cry foul, if Kim would breach a NK-US atomic contract within a short time. The world would tell Trump and the USA, that's what you did with the Iran-deal/contract. Do you understand now: the USA a laughing stock?!


    Do you believe that the other 7 nations would follow Trump and Pompeo into an made-up US-Iran war?



    • Like 1
  3. If it wouldn't be so serious: aren't the USA now under Trump a laughing stock? The masters of contradictions and lies.


    First, Trump canceled the Iranian nuclear deal.

    Second, Pompeo warns Iran on nuclear arms; hopes military force will never be needed.


    Like master, like man. The USA are now very, very far away of reliability, common sense.


    When Tump and his submissive underlings open their mouths, brain and memory are closed assuming there exists some at all.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Although it's really amazing that the Thai police (squad of 13 – in words thirteen!) tried to bring this criminal monk home without contacting the German offices) nearly nobody is talking here about the chances of getting asylum in Germany.


    To be recognized as a (refugee or) asylum seeker you have to fulfill a lot of conditions.

    • NOT coming from a so called „safe country of origin“. Thailand belongs to the safe countries, in spite of the moderate junta. Therefore no reason for asylum.

    • Only extremely sick people have a chance for staying in Germany. I don't know if the German office will recognize the massive embezzlement of monastery funds as severe sickness. 5555

    • Prosecution because of religion (and other elementary rights/ reasons). It will be hard for the former monk to improve this.

    • To be young in order to get a vocational training. He is a little bit too old.

    • Fleeing from Syria.

    • Not being a criminal.... ehem, ehem


    This former monk only made one mistake. He should have done this 2 years before, entering Germany in the Bremen area. The Bremen BAMF office is under (criminal) investigation for unlawfully recognizing the status of a refugee/asylee in too many cases.


  5. 21 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

    Weapons are a symptom, not the disease. The disease is cultural.


    It's open to dispute, if the weapons are a symptom or a disease. Fact is that they are used to solve a problem violently. It's obvious that mainly in the USA the weapons are used when something isn't okay. It doesn't happen in this way and so often in other „civilized“ countries.


    So let me exaggerate it. Many (many) US Americans have a gene, named violence. They are not used to solve problems with normal sense, but by a violent behavior. Examples in history and presence:

    • Killing the Amerindians when occupying their land, also called: colonizing America

    • Slavery over many hundred years (is dominated by violence)

    • Read the TV posts, especially when it concerns crimes, re. alleged crimes. It is a typical reaction of many US Americans with words as: „kill him“, „life sentence“ (for minor offenses), „cut his balls“, etc.

    • the idea to solve North-South Korea problem by weapons (not by diplomacy) and -..... very up to date

    • electing a (childish) obnoxious, undiplomatic man as POTUS who proclaimed wars to solve problems in the world (Iran, N-K, trade wars, etc.). In „normal“ countries this would never had happened to chose such a violent man for the top job of a state.


    Nowhere in the free world you'll find such an aggressive and violent behavior.

    @lannarebirth, please no quibble about the word „gene“. Don't understand it biologically, but „culturally“.


    Understand me right, not all Americans are like this, but the percentage of people with such an gun attitude/mindset is undoubtedly much higher than in „normal“ countries without this gun obsession.


    The guns (laws) are a propensity and a symbol for violence.


    So it seems impossible to solve the gun-crime problem in the USA. Because of the unbelievable power of the NRA lobbyism neither Reps nor Dems can/will solve the problem in the near future.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 hours ago, riclag said:

    I refer you to post #22!  IMOP,  protecting the schools should be the priority .This thread is about a shooting in the schools,nobody talks about that. For example, in war you take over something then you build a perimeter and secure it.. Schools are soft targets now.Protect them 


    It seems you would like to cure symptoms and not the disease. The US disease is weapons and violence (with a historical background).


    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, riclag said:

    Only sick people(insane) kill people Protecting(security and perimeter deterrents)  schools should be a  priority.  

    Hereby you confirm that the USA have an overwhelming number of sick people, in contrast to other countries. De facto, not in my imagination.


    BTW, here your beloved 2nd amendment: from Dec. 15, 1791 :cheesy:

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”


    Wasn't that the time when the immigrated settlers fought against the English occupation forces? It took ~200 years to eliminate slavery in the USA constitution and it will take about 1,000 years to kill the 2nd amendment, if …. yes if the Americans did not yet extinguish themselves – by guns.


  8. 2 hours ago, Scott said:

    I believe these are annual exercises and were planned and known about well in advance.   They were not secret or unexpected.  


    I'm afraid you are not well informed.


    The annual exercises have been delayed for the Olympic winter games in SK. So there is the question when the US and SK could do it for the (shie“t) Olympic winter games (=sports), why couldn't they do it for a more important reason: peace ??? At least trying it and looking for the result.


    Maybe the incompetent LOTUS (Liar Of The....) will get very angry, as normal, if his good NK friend Kim will cancel the meeting, which should have „made Trump great again“.



    January 2018: http://time.com/5100039/donald-trump-kim-jong-un-good-relationship/


    I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un,” Mr. Trump said in the Thursday interview. “I have relationships with people. I think you people are surprised.”

    Trump has made dramatic switches in the past with other opponents, though typically the stakes were political and did not involve international diplomacy.


    • Like 1
  9. Who will trust the lying US government. It's better to believe in Santa Claus. But it's up to NK.


    Maybe the Chinese could convince Kim for a change showing him the example of the positive Chinese economic development since Deng. The advantage for Kim for a deal with the US, more economic freedom and he wouldn't be forced to give up his dictatorship, and at the same time the NK people would be more happy.


    It seems Trumps wants his name in the history books, although he already has one, a completely negative one. The main reason Kim Yong-Un for changing his atomic policy is not the LOTUS (Liar of …. ), but his own atomic ambition. The last explosion was „a little bit“ too strong, so that this ground and material cannot be used anymore. So it's easy for him to give up the atomic policy in exchange for some "advantages".


    BTW, Pompeo forgot the Chinese will have a saying in this „deal“. How naive!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Anyone remember that new kid at school who would just go nuts when being told off by the teacher. The reaction of a spoilt child screaming and kicking. All the other kids look on and think, “What a wrongun”. Well, here is that kid. Only thing is he hasn’t grown up and this is his first telling off.


    And this, ladies and gentleman, epitomizes so much the attitude of the rich and powerful here. This guy is an utter scumbag who believes he can do as he pleases. 

    When I read your comment without having seen the top it exactly matches the qualities of your best friend, the LOTUS.

    So, why do you complain about the man here in this case and not about your darling :closedeyes:.  Great moral ! Some people call it double standard.

    Be sure I don't like both.

  11. 12 hours ago, oilinki said:


    Military is an essential part of USA society. For European countries the military is simply an necessity. We would be much better off, if we wound't have to spend money to military, but we also understand the facts and do it, because we have to.


    The less tension there is between different tribes of humans, the less we have to waste our money to protect ourselves. Peace means prosperity. 





    12 hours ago, Morch said:


    And, of course, many a European nations are able to invest less in it's armed forces, knowing that the US is there to back them up.




    As @bristolboy said in another context:



    Nice evasion.



    That the European nations know they are „backed up“ by the US maybe partly true. But the main difference between the US and Europe is: Europe has learnt from the past. That means avoiding wars, reducing the military budgets as much as possible. Beside the fact that die US has the absolutely #1 highest military budget



    hey want to be the globel power #1 – for wathever reason. Blinded by this pride they started very expansiv wars

    • Korean War - 320 billion $

    • Vietnam War - 686 billion $

    • Irak War

      + Afghanistan - 2,000 – 3,000 billion $ (estimated by J.Stieglitz and L.Bilmer)


    Having deliberately provoked at least 2 wars by the USA, Mr. Morch, that is one reason that „many a European nations are able to invest less in its armed forces“.


    It seems the US – LOTUS (Liar Of The United States) - deliberately want to provoke another expensive war.

    • Like 1
  12. A typical crap, concerning statistics.


    • If 83m saving accounts have been counted by WP and as Thailand has a population of only 68.6m by 2016 - including children – then there are people who have more than 1 account.

    • In the number of 83m accounts there are foreign (falang)-related accounts, of mia(s) or mia noi(s), too.

    • It's not clear if this number contains falang-accounts, including those of a Thai man or woman supported by a falang.


    Result: You read a lot of numbers, but idiotic numbers without any significance.


    There is no word about how many people are not at all able to save money. And there is a big percentage, easy to improve.


    Let us assume that the minimum wage is payed everywhere in Thailand (in reality it isn't :sad:). Furthermore let's assume 1 man or woman works 30 days a month, not abnormal in our area in the North, then he/she earns +9.000 within 1 month (if sick, no payment!). From this +9 thousand THB they have to pay water, electricity, rent, maybe oil or gasoline for their vehicle on their way to the workplace.


    This all doesn't yet include children or family members they take care for. Even if man and wife would work that's scarcely not enough to save a few bahts.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  13. On 28.4.2018 at 8:53 PM, maximillian said:

    Do you know how to use Google ? 

    Try to avoid the streamline media. (MSM)


    Different from Baerboxer – and maybe you - I had used google (German).


    And google told me that she herself never had denied having been a „communist youth leader“ (in FDJ). But half true sometimes is like lying or slandering. The last part of Baerboxer's „changing from a communist youth leader with secret police associations“ isn't proven at all, until now.


    With a little bit of (google)knowledge about the former (Eastern) communist state you would know, that the students have been handpicked for a study by some „qualifications“. Intelligence was not a priority. So Merkel's chance to get a university place was the communist youth organization.


    @maximimillian, Because of his slandering I asked Baerboxer to enlighten us about „changing from a communist youth leader with secret police associations“. You and B. failed to do so.

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