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Posts posted by puck2

  1. 4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Most likely because the queues at European airports are worse at the moment!

    Sorry, I cannot confirm this.

    April of this year we have flown from BKK to Germany changing in Vienna. There incredibly fast service in the early morning. In Germany no control when leaving the airport  ... because of Schengen-Visa, checked in Vienna!

  2. 31 minutes ago, Rancid said:

    Well, first thing you need to get past is believing that any news services tell the truth, they all simply massage the message they want to send. People don't even tell the truth as such, I don't tell the truth, I simply convey my interpretation of events from my perspective. Other don't even do that, they just parrot back what they saw on the news.


    That aside CNN is notorious for outright lying, yet is broadcast worldwide. Aljazeera was regarded as fine until they broke ranks with the Saudis and got too friendly with Iran, now they are pariahs to the Israel/Sunni alliance. You may recall that ISIS are in fact Sunnis...

    ....."I simply convey my interpretation of events from my perspective" .....


    I try to do the same .... being critical against medias, reading more than one, especially with an opposite background. No (media-)agency, no person (including the "infallible" pope) is free of influence. They all have a special directive, be it conservative, liberal, socialist and worst religious or nationalistic.


    I didn't watch Al Jazeera for some time. But l liked it 100-times more than Fox, i..e. a lot more reliable.


  3. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    What is know is that Russia did the hack.  There's no denying that.  What's not know is if there was collusion.  Or, if the hack had an impact on the elections.  But it seems it did.  I've posted this before, but an interesting read:



    Kinda hard to say it didn't have an impact.  Especially with the election being so close, and the predictions changing so much around these email announcements.

    Even if the Russians hacked into Dem's e-mails and if this has had an influence on the US elections there seems to be an arrogance in the USA.


    • First, it was not the only issue deciding the last US election. That there have been so many – I repeat so many – stupid and uninformed people who gave more weight to these e-mail-affaire than to the content of all tweets and speeches of the LOTUS (Liar Of ….). That is the problem of the last election. That they didn't consider the wretched character of this man is nearly not excusable although clearly noticeable.

    • Second, this means the Americans try to defend this flaw, mentioned before, although there have been bigger problems concerning Trump and his campaign.

    • Third, the Russians occupied the Crimea in March 2014, more than 3 years ago. Now the unbelievable contradiction. Suddenly the Reps – before denying (maybe knowing about) the Russian e-mail hack – punish the Russians just for this reason. An irrational reason, because it concerns „the pride“ of the USA, being invaded in a modern technical style, be it true or not.

    • The real reason for this new enforced sanction is economical - in conjunction with the new policy. From: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/06/trump-natural-gas-europe-leaders.html

      President Donald Trump on Thursday pitched U.S. energy exports to Europe as an alternative to supplies from Russia, a nation he suggested had held the region hostage in the past.

    • America first by using the elbows. Congratulation for this policy. You and others defend it by ignoring the real reason(s).

  4. 20 hours ago, nauseus said:

    I believe in democracy that's why I do not believe in the EU as it is now.

    7by7, I admire your patience towards some believers/Brexiteers.


    You and others show them examples of what they believe is wrong (there is no half-wrong). As US Reps, they are getting aggressive and insulting when you don't confirm their believe – because of your explanations with facts.


    They follow the preaching of their „masters“, neglecting (your) facts.





    Long explanation is biting them, it' longer than a tweet.


    That remembers me our good teacher in high school who said: „politics and religion have something in common, believe“ (against facts).


    You can tell them, I walked over the water. They will deny it. But when they read it in the bible they believe it. The imams can tell their muslim followers that they directly go to the heaven, if they kill a nonbeliever and will have 72 virgins (Farage and Johnson – if muslims - would promis whores). The muslims believe it.


    And here in this threat?

    You can show them that the EU has a parliamentary democratic style, they don't believe/"get it".

    You can show them that - „Juncker was nominated by 26 votes to 2. Are you saying that Cameron's vote should count more than the 26 who voted for Juncker“ - . they believe that the UK is a democracy and the EU not.

    The list goes on ….


    Although Farage corrected his mistake – too late after the Brexit vote - it didn't disturb the Breixiteers.


  5. 2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    What the same consequences that NK is still waiting for ? You have lost all credibility Donald.

    Did you say he lost credibility?

    He never has had any.


    A typical Trump-bubble.

    Maybe, somebody will talk with him about not having reasonable chances of success when starting a war in the ME. And about the fabricated chaos thereafter.



  6. 3 hours ago, nauseus said:

    I don't get it? Juncker was forced to resign as prime minister of tiny Luxembourg, after a spying scandal and he was also recently associated with corporate tax favoritism in Luxembourg. A truly devious and failed politician to be selected rather than elected as European Commission president, despite objection from the UK! Yes, unfortunately, he is a powerful man.


    The European Commission is the EU executive. It proposes and enforces legislation and implements policies and controls the budget. The European Commission is is the real power in the EU and rarely are its proposals denied or altered by the two councils or parliament.  


    Get it?

    You don't get it.

    7by7 patiently explained the difference between the executive and legislative in the EU.

    The Commission can propose EU laws, as can and does the UK civil service, but those proposals have to be approved by one or more of the three democratically appointed

    legislative branches of the EU; the Council, the Council of Ministers and/or the European Parliament.


    An alternative to Juncker was Tony Blair. But his chance/credibility was squandered as Bush's pudel in the Iraq war. I don't defend Juncker. Democracy also means majority of .....and not UK hegemony.


    It seems you deflect from the subject of this topic. The current UK government isn't prepared for  the Brexit for some reasons. Among them the discord of its members.




  7. Refering to the OP, it's obvious that the Brexiteers don't want to accept some positive facts of the ÉU.


    • It should be thought-provoking that the British have to restore xx.xxx EU laws into UK law. All of these laws have been bureaucratic, or even undemocratic, senseles, useless, redundant etc.? Let's see how many (few) of them will fall under the table – after the Brexit.

    • The US has not been made within the earth-time frame of 7 (no 6 days) as reported in the bible. So give the the EU a chance to build a strong bloc over many years.

    • Under the EU there was no war among its members and I guess there won't be one in the future. Compare this to the USA history. For problems there is a European Court, normal in a democratic system of separation of powers.

    • The EU as bloc has effectively much more power and influence in economic, political (and war affairs in the future).

    • The EU has already positively managed economical threats though world cartels. Among them banking cartels, i.e. Visa-/Mastercard-(fees), Google, Facebook etc.

    • Positive side effects of the EU, although now not all members are concerned:

                    Euro- I know not all will agree with me. But handling the problems is possible.

                    Shengen – free visa-free moving within the EU, great! And more freedom of   moving businesses.




    3 hours ago, CutiePi said:

    The Brits should just walk...their fellow Europeans will soon be reminded of Churchill's dictum: "The Germans are either at your heal or at your throat."  The UK is well to be rid of the EU mess.

    Poor CutiePi, in what time are you living?

    Churchill's words are from WW II.


    Today: are he Germans „either at your heal or at your throat." :shock1:




    Happened just in Heidelberg. 2 teams, mixed of students of Cambridge and Heidelberg are directed by William an Kate.


    They are on a good-will tour through Germany to show the people of the UK and Germany like each other, in spite of Brexit. They have received a cordial welcome in Germany.


    BTW, concerning Brexit, it seems you don't know the difference between the EU and Germany.

    It will be very interesting to judge in 2019  if "The UK is well to be rid of the EU mess."


  9. 1 hour ago, OJAS said:

    Several unsuccessful attempts to this end have already been made (most recently with Cameron's futile attempts pre-Referendum). Unfortunately those who lead the EU have made it clear that they have absolutely no interest in the fundamental reform which is clearly needed for its continued existence but instead cling to the outdated and idealistic notion of establishing an artificial USSR-style superstate across the outdatedEuropean continent - and we all know what happened to that particular superstate!


    Would you pleas give us some examples of

    • fundamental reforms, needed for its continued existence
    • outdated and idealistic notion of establishing an artificial USSR-style superstate



  10. 3 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    It depends how you look at it. I assume you are hinting that having a big folder of paper which are wants means you are prepared. It could easily be argued that the Brexit team have all they need to say. like its this way or we walk. The photo does give some good options for 'speech bubbles' though.  Mine would be is "this is how much we want you to pay" with DD saying "this is how much you are getting". LOL


    Possibly worth another thread alone.

    Brexit is not only about paying (concerning the UK), but also about losing a lot. 

    I.e. Foreign banks in London cannot wait another 18 months - until the final decision. The missing UK policy is precarious for them. Therefore they start already moving their offices to the EU continent or maybe Dublin. But Northern Ireland and Ireland is another Brexit problem for the UK. ... the list goes on.

  11. 14 hours ago, Scott said:

    Please stop trolling.  People are welcome to comment REGARDLESS of where they live.   Many people commenting on this thread may be subject to these rules.  


    The rule applies mainly to making sure that countries provide up-to-date passports that can't easily be copied and that information that may be known is supplied before entering the US.   For the average tourist from many countries it will not affect them.   It may leave them a little nervous and it may result in a different destination of choice.   


    I won't speculate on if it is an over-reaction, but terrorists do not just come from specific ME/African countries.  


    Much of the information on passengers is supplied either before or at the time a person boards a flight.  



    In general I can agree. But, but ... overreaction without any doubt.


    I'll never have a Facebook account. Imagine; i would fly to the USA. Stubborn question at the US Immi: Why don't you have a such an account? We cannot believe you; go home! And there are more examples of these CIA-like "controlling" questions.


    What would you say if you and all your countrymen should have to do the same as all non-US citizens when entering any other country in the world? Opening very private secrets with the danger of being abused (often proven).


    BTW, what would you say, if all immigration in the world would ask every US people if you have a gun at home  (in the USA)?  And by my own experience, I can confirm that this question would be very useful.

  12. 33 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

    "So it needs to be a 'fence' to 'see through'! and only 700-900 miles out of 2000. He is making it up as he goes along."

    The POTUS is flexible, probably a good thing.

    Yes, he is very, very flexible ...... concerning promises and reliability.  Some intelligent people call it lying or mucking around.

    :ermm:  The "Mexican wall" is only one example.

    But this time it seems to have a rarely positive side effect.


  13. Pib, I don't know about your banking contract concerning ATM withdrawals in foreign countries.

    You gave us details of successful and unsuccessful withdrawals. Obviously contradicting. Because one day you have got the money, the other day not – from the same bank ATM.


    This rises the question if your bank has a daily limit for ATM withdrawals?


    I.e.: your limit is 900 US$.


    Yesterday's US$-VISA-rate was 1 THB = 0,029461

    on ATMs - withdrawel limit 20.220 in US $ = 595,70

    on ATMs - withdrawel limit 30.220 in US $ = 890,31


    Assumed, Yesterday's US$-VISA-rate was 1 THB = 0,029820

    on ATMs - withdrawal limit 20.220        -   in US $ = 602,96

    on ATMs - withdrawal limit 30.220        -   in US $ = 901,16


    This means: because of the constantly changing exchange rates, today your 30.220 withdrawal is under your ATM-withdrawal-limit of 900 US$ (set by your bank), the other day the withdrawal of the same amount (30.000 THB + 220 THB for ATM fee) is exceeded.

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