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Everything posted by howlee101

  1. So would you agree with what Dave Chappelle said?
  2. If Hillary had won, do you think she would have appointed conservative leaning judges?
  3. I have a Phillips air fryer also. It's a great alternative to frying with oil, healthier, and easy clean up. I cook chicken wings and pork most of time, marinate with whatever you like and turn it on...both turn out great.
  4. Just a question....so you would be completely satisfied with 9 liberals justices on the court, voting for all things the left wants?
  5. Just curious if you have any compassion....say a person with conservative beliefs?
  6. I was looking at Vietnam for the wife and I to visit. I found this link and thought it may be helpful for your questions. https://evisa.express/en/news/vietnam-open-for-international-tourism
  7. I can't understand why women aren't lining up to apply with such incentives as you describe. ????
  8. Then you are the Silent Generation (I had to look it up). Below was a copy/paste from wikipedia:
  9. "Baby boomer" is a term used to describe a person who was born between 1946 and 1964. According to dictionary.com: "OK boomer"—dismisses a person from that generation (and older people more generally) as out of touch, close-minded, and part of the problem. The specific slang expression OK boomer took off in early 2019, issued especially from millennials and Generation Z as a reply or reaction to older users (lumped together as baby boomers) who posted content that condescended to younger generations or provoked their sensibilities. So, IMO, it's a derogatory term from someone in another (younger) age group telling the older person they are out of touch. Just for the record, my generation would never eat Tide pods as a viral challenge ????
  10. It has to be true. Before coming back to Thailand, my neighbor had a cat that was determined to be a "covid related death". His wife had Covid and ran over the cat with their car. ????
  11. nauseus, this is a common strategy with the left. Whatever the subject is, deflect from the storyline and insert the talking point narrative(s). "Whataboutism" is quickly becoming another tactic used quite often.
  12. So does CNN. There ratings tanked faster than Biden's approval rating. Being a real estate magnate, Trump has been living rent free in their heads for over 6 years now.
  13. Where did they find that new press secretary? Guessing she was a triple covered affirmative action selection. Judging by the multiple other cabinet picks in Biden's cabinet, you don't have to be qualified...only woke.
  14. It's the typical response of politics. For 8 years under Obama, everything bad was Bush's fault. After Trump took office, all good things was because of what Obama left him. Now, under Biden, everything is Trump's fault. But according to Biden's press secretary, the US economy is in great shape ????
  15. I would suggest the cheapest fish at the market and a 50kg bag of the lowest grade rice...eat for 3 meals a day. That shouldn't cost more than 10k peso per month. He may have enough to buy a tomato or two to add to his cuisine.
  16. As long as Anutin leads the committee....then we'll get some serious indecisions ????
  17. As for me, I look forward to her first match/bout. I'll bet she gives her opponent a good licking ????
  18. Agree. Also, in many instances (at least in my overseas jobs), there is the US tax exempt status that made it more beneficial.
  19. If Walmart carried Thai coconut milk then I surmise there is/was a market demand. If there is a market demand I would bet there are more than a few asian/oriental stores in the same area that still carries coconut milk.
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