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Everything posted by howlee101

  1. I wasn't sure where specifically to post so here it goes. A coworker suggested this app, DofuStream, to watch some US sports...the app I downloaded has access to NFL, MLB, NCAAF, NBA, NHL. I am currently working in Japan (temporarily) and was able to watch US college football via the app. The Google Play store has different options for Dofu but the icon I downloaded looks like this No VPN needed.
  2. ~ 25 comments so far and not one mention saying it's Trump's fault....has to be a record for AN.
  3. Another thing, you didn't specify what country your passport is from but check the website to determine what is required for your country.
  4. I recall entering First, middle, last name on the application. What payment method did you use? I used Payoo and was approved the same day. Not sure if it was the issue but if you entered Last name then first name, I'm guessing your application didn't match your name of your credit card? Maybe try paying again or use another method to pay. Good luck
  5. I set up an account for my Thai wife using the login.gov link and it didn't ask me anything about a US credit report.
  6. This is the link I used for the wife and I. Of course she has a Thai passport so she didn't need a visa. https://immigration.gov.vn/ Careful because many links will say "evisa" but they will charge you to do what you can easily do on your own.
  7. I would suggest the first step is to have your friend go to https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/. Have them register for an account to verify they have at least 40 credits. Not saying it's the case with your friend, but my wife had a friend who discovered she is not eligible for SS because most of her working years, she was being paid under the table so she won't qualify. Good luck.
  8. Not endorsing this website since I have never used them. I did a quick web search and found this link. Hope it can be of some help to your situation. https://www.notarize.com/knowledge-center/find-a-us-notary-public-abroad
  9. The wife and I visited Da Nang back in October. I used the ATM (with US debit card) without any issues. Advise to make a conversion cheat sheet because you will have a few million viet dong in your wallet and the mental math drove me crazy. Current exchange is approx 23600 to $1. If I recall correctly, some vendors will drop the last three zeros when giving you the price. I thought the prices for food, beer, tours were reasonably cheap...even at our hotel lounge. IMO, a must see when visiting Da Nang is the Ba Na Hills (suggest a Google search). I'm sure your hotel Guest Relations person can arrange everything to include a driver. It's an all day trip and you will do plenty of walking once you get to the top (you take a long cable car ride to the top of the mountain). Again, the prices for food and drinks were quiet cheap inside the park. Although our hotel advise against it, we ate seafood platter at the night market (the tail end of the Dragon Bridge)...lobsters, shellfish, etc and 4 beers for about $35 . We didn't have any issues (we often eat street food in Chiang Mai) but if you have a sensitive digestion system, you may reconsider. Good luck and safe travels
  10. I doubt he has a work permit because this job is only reserved for Thai superstition and fairy tales ????
  11. Maybe he's reporting those foreigners working jobs only reserved for Thais. ????
  12. They should appoint Anutin...he's adept at inflating numbers. Under his tutelage, I'm sure he will announce 1200 more psychiatrists by June of 2023.
  13. They could be deported for doing a job reserved for Thai people. Wait, on second thought......keep up the great work ladies.
  14. My wife and I went to Vietnam in October for a short vacation. We didn't get insurance nor did anyone ask.
  15. Hopefully you "reach your destination" and give the grindee of your woodwork a decent tip.
  16. Check SurfShark prices. I renew about a year ago...$48 USD for two years. I believe you can sign up and cancel within one month at no cost if you don't like it. Just my opinion but it has been working for me for the past 3 years.
  17. check Agoda (dot) com. You can choose your preferences (i.e. gym, pool, max price, location, etc).
  18. Suggest Dr. Jirayu Reungyos at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital.
  19. Was it a "BIG" surprise, or just a surprise? ????
  20. I'm hoping she doesn't speak in public.
  21. Thinking ba ba meant the e-visa to visit Vietnam. It took me about 3 days to get an e-visa approved when I visited in Oct 2022.
  22. If you have a VPN service, you can watch the World Cup on tubitv (dot) com. Cut/paste below is for information only. I'm not a soccer fan so not sure if they will have live matches....the channel is now playing a match from 2018.
  23. Suggest Owndays located at Central Festival. My pair cost ~3500 baht. Of course the frames will be a factor in the total cost.
  24. My comment was meant to be tongue in cheek. I rarely wear a mask either (exception is at a hospital) but just about every politician/celebrity wears one, at least when the camera is rolling...so the blind continues to follow the blind.
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