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Everything posted by howlee101

  1. Don't assume gender ????
  2. The internet will be flooded with "I see dead people" memes (from the movie The Sixth Sense).
  3. Sir, your attached picture is highly inappropriate and I adamantly insist on the link to this website....asking for a friend????
  4. This morning (28 Sep ~1030am), I went to the ATM to withdraw baht from my US account. I checked my account amount upon returning home and calculated I got 37.80 exchange rate.
  5. I used onwardflights (dot) com to obtain a ticket but never was asked to provide proof....only asked "do you have a flight" and I gave them my flight number. Each airline will vary I'm sure.
  6. The first, and only, sensible thing sniffing Joe has said "the pandemic is over". But funny his handlers are quickly saying "what he meant to say....."
  7. Where are they located at Central Festival. I go there a few times per month but never saw it...granted I wasn't looking for it either.
  8. They stamped my single entry right under my one year visa stamp, so on the same page but it was sideways????
  9. Great to know, I'll check it out when I depart next month. I read somewhere on this forum it was a hit/miss if they are open and didn't want to chance it.
  10. At Chiang Mai International airport?
  11. Alibi up front - this is my first experience (today) for getting a reentry stamp at Chiang Mai immigrations...it may be different at your local immigration office. My post is a bit long but wanted to possibly help the next person from getting frustrated while trying to navigate the maze which is called Thai Immigrations. - Upon arrival, I walked through the Covid temperature set up (I honestly don't think it's even on anymore), tell the person at the window "I here to get a reentry stamp". She points for me to get the little sticker to put on my shirt (guessing it means I successfully cleared the temperature detection) and tells me to proceed to window #3. BTW, it's window #1 but I'll get to that later. - The lady at window #3 tells me I have to get a queue number and directs me to get in another line (actually, it's the unnumbered windows as you enter the facility). So as I was waiting in line, a gentleman wearing an Immigration Police vest is checking everyone and says we need a "pink card" from the volunteer check station outside (my guess is the pink card suggest a immigrations volunteer has looked over your paperwork). I stated I have all my paperwork but he was adamant I needed the pink card before getting my queue number. - Outside I went. The gentleman volunteer asked if I had all the paperwork and pointed to a placard. I stated I had those documents (I'll list those later), looks at my paperwork and says "you don't have a copy of your visa stamp". I pointed out the placard doesn't list that document....so he escorts me to the front of the building and points to a bigger sign at the entrance (photo below). I mention to the volunteer the sign differed from the placard...he mumbled something then suggested I follow the sign at the entrance. Fortunately I only needed to a copy of my visa. He rechecked my paperwork and was given the much needed "pink card". - Back inside I proceeded to the front windows, the person looked over my paperwork and gave me a queue number. There were 3 people ahead of my number and probably waited 15-20 before I was called up to "window #1", gave all the documents, along with 1000 baht (single reentry), and sat down to wait. Maybe another 10 minutes and the person called my name, and I took my passport and was on my way. Here's what I submitted: - completed TM-8 - photo - copy of my passport information page - copy of my visa stamp, the Non-O, one year stamp (note: I didn't provide a copy of my entry stamp, 90-day visa, and was not asked for it) - copy of latest 90-day report (I do this online and had to print out the file/receipt) - copy of the TM-30 (I, actually my wife, did this online but Chiang Mai immigrations requires you to get the hard copy receipt from the TM-30 desk which is currently in the back of the building next to the copier ladies). - 1000 baht (single reentry) - NOTE: a copy of the TM-6 arrival card is listed but I did not submit nor did they ask for it. I understand "This is Thailand" (and this is a rhetorical question) but why make this so painful when a traveler can quickly get this done at the airport for a fee of a few hundred baht. I would have like to get this done at the airport but I'm leaving from Chiang Mai and not sure if they have this service. I previously read it was a hit/miss if someone was actually manning the desk at CM airport so I didn't want to take the chance.
  12. Check out this website....indicates covid insurance no longer required. https://www.vietnam-visa.com/entry-quarantine-covid/
  13. There seems to be conflicting information but I did find this link: https://www.vietnam-visa.com/entry-quarantine-covid/ Just a cut/paste of so info from the link above. Vietnam Entry Requirements In order to enter Vietnam now, the foreigners must have the following items: A valid entry paper (Vietnam visa / temporary residence card / permanent residence card / 5-year visa exemption certificate / entry permit) unless you are exempted from Vietnam visa. Passport valid for at least 06 months from the date of arrival. Note: The Covid insurance, Covid-19 vaccination certificate, and Covid test certificate are no longer required.
  14. According to the Vietnamese Tourism website, Thai citizens get 30 day without needing a visa. If staying longer than 30 days, a visa will be required.
  15. Suggest trying another browser (i.e. Chrome or Edge)
  16. Same....I used SurfShark daily.
  17. While your two points are valid, I'm hopeful you are not naïve to realize corruption is not only rampant in Thailand, it's rampant all over the world. If there is a way to skirt the process, someone will figure out how to do it. Just one point to make, the immigration officer at the BKK et al does not ask for a return ticket, the airlines do. As for the visa agencies, I don't have any first hand knowledge but I would bet my annual income there are many brown envelope being handed out in order to get a visa processed. Is life fair? Not even close. Here's an honest question, if you were arrested in Thailand, or anywhere else, AND if you had the means, would you take your punishment OR try to buy your way out of it. I personally don't have a problem with the ticket websites or visa agencies. Blame the inane bureaucratic process we are faced with....the old saying, when in Rome.
  18. Agree but Covid travel restrictions put many in the category of not being able to renew.
  19. Information for those in the CM area. I am currently on a one year Non-O (Marriage) visa. My original license (valid for 2 years) had been expired for less than one year. This is what was needed to get my renewal: - Residence Certificate (it took 3 weeks to receive it in the mail) - Medical Certificate: I went to Chiang Mai Klaimor Hospital (158 M.10 Chiangmai-Hod Road, just up the road from the CM Provincial Transport Office) -- The whole process took just a few minutes and, IMO, was a "This is Thailand" paperwork drill. We (thai wife and I) walked in, presented my passport, took my blood pressure, the nurse asked my a few health questions (suggest answering "I'm fine, no problems"), took the printout and directed to the next room to see the doctor, listened to my heartbeat and took my pulse, he signed the printout and was directed to the cashier. Total was 200 baht and took about 15-20 minutes. Not sure what it proved other than getting my 200 baht????. - Went directly to the Transport Office after getting the Med Cert. -- Go to the second floor and speak to the lady at Counter 27. -- She needed my Passport, copy of passport information page and visa stamp (copy service on the second floor), Residence Certificate, and expired license. -- The lady at Counter 28 called me up and conducted the traffic light test. Basically it was "tell me what color light comes on - red, yellow, green" -- Lady at Counter 27 gave me a queue number and my paperwork and told to have a seat and wait for my number. -- I had 7 people ahead of me but only two people working the counter. When called, I paid 505 baht, given back some paperwork, and told to get my picture taken. -- Went behind the counters, presented my paperwork to the camera person, took my picture, handed my license after a few minutes. The renewal process from parking the car to getting back to the car took less than 30 minutes. Also, I'm guessing the expiration is tied to your next birthday because my new expiration is Jun 2028...making my license valid for 5 years 10 months.
  20. Greed is the only reason ponzi schemes continue to work. The same with the Nigerian marriage scam that many women continue to fall for.
  21. Was he a retired Special Forces Seal Team Delta NCIS agent? I think I met a number of them drinking 10 baht coffee at the mall. I told them when the investment returns reach 60%, then let me know. Of course I'll drop millions of baht into this scheme when the Nigerian prince sends me my millions. ????
  22. Of course they will lend support. They will patrol the South China Sea in that new sub they just bought, granted it will stayed anchored since it doesn't have an engine. And they will provide Combat Air Patrols with their (soon to be) newly acquired F-35 fighters.
  23. It's not about a limit, it's the matter of declaring how much. Same with the US regarding taking money out of and entering with.
  24. Uh, no I did not. Stop trolling and baiting.
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