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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. The question you pose seems to be taking into account "knowing what you know now" and on that premise I would choose to be 17. I would join the military and put in 30+ years. I would retire at 50+ will full medical, dental and a monthly paycheck guaranteed for the rest of my life. Along the way I would make small, monthly deposits into an offshore savings account, purchase small amounts of gold and silver and invest small amounts into a stock portfolio. All of my housing, clothing, utilities and food would be 100% free, cigarettes and alcohol would be tax free on base so IF I chose to indulge, it would be a greatly reduced cost. My monthly salary would be direct deposited into a Credit Union so whatever I didn't spend/deposit elsewhere would just pile up there. "A girl in every port and any port in a storm". Since you asked...
  2. Not to worry, the Israeli army is "freeing" as many of them as it can as fast as possible. Now, if the US would start rounding them up and shipping them back, as well as the UK, Europe, etc. and the politicians would start pulling the collective heads out of their collective asses and realize there is no "cum bi ya" solution to terrorism... Yeah, I know. It's all a pipe dream.
  3. this is the new trend in the states for houses - material and labor still beating the new construction costs atm: https://zerodown.com/homes-for-sale/tennessee/cheap-old-houses-for-sale
  4. https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/cheapest-places-to-live
  5. Just a thought which may or may not help: After recently moving back to the states after 25 years in Thailand I got a new American phone and number. Low and behold, when trying to download apps I kept getting the error message that the app "Wasn't available in my region". NOBODY could figure out why. Even the Geek Squad at Best Buy were left scratching their heads. Did some searching and found a video on YouTube directing me to change my region location on my Google account and VIOLA. Instant success. I made my Google account 25 years ago when I moved to Thailand because new wonderful things in social media were rolling out like FaceBook and my students asked me to get an account so they could ask me questions outside of our class time. (Yes, it's true. Students used to actually WANT to learn) My point is, some apps are moving to being regionally restricted so it might be worth a try. ETA: my wife and I still maintain our Thai phones and are still able to use all the apps they have so it didn't affect anything from Thailand but opened up everything from America
  6. get the banking app loaded on your phone when you go in instead. They also have cardless ATM access.
  7. I don't subscribe to any 1 discipline - Creationists can't explain dinosaurs - Evolutionists can't explain "The Ark" - Ancient Alien Theorists can't explain either. I think "Best Guess" based on previous learned people's "Best Guess" is not unlike school rivalries and there's very possibly an, as yet unknown answer that will emerge. Up until Einstein no one thought that spacetime (4th dimensional measurement - 19th century) was as curved as the Earth and now that's being challenged. It was only 3 centuries before that that it was believed the Earth was flat until disproved by Magellan. If you argue from a single corner of the room you will miss the ideas of the other 3 corners and the meeting of those ideas somewhere in the middle. 😉
  8. pretty sure the first bus from Mo Chit to Pattaya left over 70 years ago.
  9. still based on interpretation - if monkeys evolved into man, why are there still monkeys? if it were only a certain species of monkey, wouldn't the original species have vanished? which species is now missing?
  10. Guess it all boils down to who do you believe and which discipline you follow. Darwinism makes chronological sense as adaptation and evolution can be proven to some extent in some species but still clearly limited. (gaps in evolution lines) I find it hard to fathom that an ameba morphed into a dinosaur. (I know that wasn't a single step but you get my point) Creationism works with faith but doesn't reflect timelines correctly unless completely misinterpreted by the "Learned Scholars' " translations of an ancient dead language written by the interpretations of ancient dead men who heard it from...? (God) (can't be proven hence the faith needed) Places man on Earth 7 days after it was created and populated by 1 man and 1 women...? (Again, simplified for a point) Ancient Alien Theorists subscribing to "The Big Bang" theory make some sense in claims that extra terrestrials sent DNA strands to a newly forming planet then made follow up visits over a period of millions of years to cultivate and advance the growth but still doesn't explain what Paleontologists, Anthropologists and Archeologists claim to be fact even though none have a point of origin so doesn't discount nor discredit the Ancient Alien Theorists. We very well could be a giant lab experiment. 😁
  11. order Navage: https://navage.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtJKqBhCaARIsAN_yS_kCJLeAcH_r_3czJVc3bcQS3kthXy-DEuQnYPIqHUtenaOjxOivC0saAnOOEALw_wcB
  12. never said I was in favor of anyone killing anyone but I do side with Thais right to do things in Thailand the way they choose. pretty sure they didn't invite YOU over saying "please help us, we're so lost without British rules and opinions." "How else may we serve thee oh high and mighty one?" I DO, however notice the few happy posters on here are the ones that moved here and learned how to live within the culture.
  13. thought humans still lived in Africa today hence, never has been a permanent leaving. 😁
  14. " When did humans leave Africa to Europe? By reanalysing human skull fragments discovered four decades ago in Greece, an international team of researchers now believe that an early modern human migration out of Africa may have reached Europe by at least 210,000 years ago. This pushes back the known date of Homo sapiens in the region by more than 150,000 years." https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2019/july/modern-humans-may-have-been-in-europe-150-000-years-earlier-than.html
  15. you're the one that insists Thais and Thailand do things YOUR way. That's pretty arrogant to expect an entire country to change because YOU decided to move here. the empire is dead, get used to it or move back home.
  16. It sounds like you're trying to do the right thing so let me toss this out; ask your landlord to use the time you're in the UK to do his renovations with the understanding that when you return (if that's your plan) it's still your house until the end of the current lease. The 2 of you can reach a new agreement after that - you move or pay the same or slightly increased rent for the next year since he won't suffer any loss while renovating.
  17. stopped reading after here: "The oldest known evidence for anatomically modern humans (as of 2017) are fossils found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated about 360,000 years old. Anatomically modern human remains of eight individuals dated 300,000 years old, making them the oldest known remains categorized as "modern" (as of 2018)."
  18. would seem the same could be said about you. not your country but your arrogance and assumed self worth puts you in the superior position and them below you for not bending and complying to you. see many Thais riding mountain bikes on the main roadways through the mountains? maybe ask yourself why?
  19. "Thai laws state that everyone, including its residents and citizens, must always have a valid ID when leaving their homes. Since U.S. tourists do not have locally issued identification documents, they should have their passports as proof of identification." https://www.travelvisapro.com/blog/passports/do-you-have-to-carry-your-passport-in-thailand next fallacy please.
  20. My brother lives in Washington state. Are you my father?? OP - Does it really matter how much junk mail the post office forwards to you? You throw it away at home so just throw it away now. As for the jury summons - if you were living in CA. at the time you must reply - if you were living in Thailand at the time, you must reply. (they won't make you fly back for it)
  21. go get a copy of last weeks' newspaper and just photo everything with it in the pics
  22. There seems to be a lot of concern and speculation about the financial security of "Western" expats here lately. Might I suggest that in the interest of your deep concern and thirst for social-economic knowledge, you fabulously rich and highly concerned folks pool your vast resources and take over some of the multitude of failed and dilapidated condo projects, fix/finish them to your standards and offer them to those who fit your description of "downtrodden" at a reasonable 25%, all inclusive rent. (25% of their meager retirement income) This would give you a bevy of "test subjects" for your social-economic study to satisfy your near insatiable thirst for knowledge of other peoples' lives and give you something structured and concrete to do with your time. Who knows, you might even turn a profit.
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