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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. Not sure what will be the numbers for today but heard more other provinces are joining the protest as well.

    The protest is not only about the Southern and Bangkokians anymore. It is now about the whole nation. There are even north people walking in the protest.

    Btw anyone got any link showing red protest rally? They mentioned nationwide right? I love to see their crowd.

  2. She want to opt for decree?

    She should opt for resignation immediately.

    500billion bahts losses in the rice scheme. Where have all the cash gone to?

    A farmer has died for nothing, just because the government never pay him payment cause him to have in big debt.

    This shouldn't have happened at all.

    An innocent live just sacrificed away.



  3. Is this the "white" group "RESPECT MY VOTE"?


    Respect my vote in the name of....democracy?

    Or in the name of...TS?

    The poor lady in the video has no idea. She really thought they want election in the name of true democracy.



    So you imply that Thaksin organized those candlelight protest?

    I will suggest people to do their own csi.

    Hahaha! RESPECT MY "VOTE" TS!



    The pictures in the first FB link are not of the same guy. Someone totally different. As for the rest, yes, I'm sure it's true that the white shirts are mostly red sympathizers (for now). It's also true that Nattawud etc are wearing white or normal clothes, but so what? If the other side was doing this, it'd be hailed as an attempt to "reach out". Remember the multicolours in 2010, mostly PAD supporters lead by a hardcore royalist but some moderates joined them as well.

    Even the girl in the video that was attacked by idiot Thaksin lovers who didn't understand her sign was part of the anti-LM campaign. But decent people in the video helped her and it all ended peacefully. Obviously there will be hardcore TS fans there like the clowns shouting at her, but many are not.

    Anti-LM?? ermm.gif huh.png


  4. It is good that other Thai citizens to voice out their opinions and of course people also have to respect their votes.

    Therefore they encouraged to deal in a non-violent peaceful way and also urge all parties to search for a true democracy.

    They are much appreciated but they have to beware of other color party who is always in the disguise and misuse in the name democracy.

    Nevertheless I love their slogan.



    Poor girl, someone invited her to this group to ask for peace and true democracy. Things went wrong, not the kind of "democracy" as she thought.




  5. Hahaha! RESPECT MY "VOTE" TS!



    Ok thanks for your impartial pictures smile.png

    Remember that everyone have right to protest, not just the side you like wink.png

    As I believe the most of protesters that we saw since November are spontaneous and believe in their ideas. I see the same way also this protest. But you can turn it as it is convenient for your views.

    Maybe you should prove that candle protesters are really paid by Thaksin, but let's pass on it.

    End of discussion, at least by my side...

    Let's hope tomorrow will not be a disaster.

    I have never mentioned other people have no right to protest. Did i?

    They of course have the right to vote for Thaksin.

    When you ask me a question earlier, I have not answer to you directly.

    I have expected your argument.

    Maybe you should PROVE that candle protesters are really paid by Thaksin, but let's pass on it.

    I would agree with you on the last part, let's hope tomorrow will not be a disaster.

    It's getting more colorful as days goes by.

    Red, yellow, black, White whistling.gifclap2.gifdrunk.gif

    You did reply me. wink.png Not directly but quite explicitly.

    Hahaha! RESPECT MY "VOTE" TS!

    By the way. I tend to respect everyone's opinion, as long as they will not become violent and disrupting other people life.

    Living and working in Bangkok, next days will be really hard for me and every other people, Thai or foreigner, that will be influenced by this nonsense.

    And I love their slogan very much.



  6. Is this the "white" group "RESPECT MY VOTE"?


    Respect my vote in the name of....democracy?

    Or in the name of...TS?

    The poor lady in the video has no idea. She really thought they want election in the name of true democracy.



    So you imply that Thaksin organized those candlelight protest?

    I will suggest people to do their own csi.

    Hahaha! RESPECT MY "VOTE" TS!



    Ok thanks for your impartial pictures smile.png

    Remember that everyone have right to protest, not just the side you like wink.png

    As I believe the most of protesters that we saw since November are spontaneous and believe in their ideas. I see the same way also this protest. But you can turn it as it is convenient for your views.

    Maybe you should prove that candle protesters are really paid by Thaksin, but let's pass on it.

    End of discussion, at least by my side...

    Let's hope tomorrow will not be a disaster.

    I have never mentioned other people have no right to protest. Did i?

    They of course have the right to vote for Thaksin.

    When you ask me a question earlier, I have not answer to you directly.

    I have expected your argument.

    Maybe you should PROVE that candle protesters are really paid by Thaksin, but let's pass on it.

    I would agree with you on the last part, let's hope tomorrow will not be a disaster.

    It's getting more colorful as days goes by.

    Red, yellow, black, White whistling.gifclap2.gifdrunk.gif

  7. Is this the "white" group "RESPECT MY VOTE"?


    Respect my vote in the name of....democracy?

    Or in the name of...TS?

    The poor lady in the video has no idea. She really thought they want election in the name of true democracy.



    So you imply that Thaksin organized those candlelight protest?

    I will suggest people to do their own csi.

    Hahaha! RESPECT MY "VOTE" TS!



    • Like 1
  8. Problems can all be solved within Parliament, and by essential urgent augmentation of the current Parliamentary profile, achieved by high-level State discussion between the various modules of State. There is no further need for reds yellows pinks or greens to 'Hit The Streets'. We all know what everybody wants from each social group. The problem is that the current Parliamentary build is not customised to Thailand's specific problems re; corruption and lopsided underclass voting block. The solution in /macro-sentence ; greatly restricting PM/ruling party powers, making the PM and ruling-party position into an honourable but decorative title, where you get to be Boss and feel all 'Facey' but at the same time you are essentially doing State Events / foreign dinners / hand-shaking - you become the figurehead on the prow of the Democratic ship - but you are not steering it without clear debate-based Parliamentary consensus, and enacting a stricter consensus-directive on all Bills, and creating an external Parliamentary Watchdog run by Legal and other other high-State sovereign modules - this Watchdog's primary objective is the strict monitoring of policy-queueing systems - where policies that are Good For Thailand are green-lighted and go to the front of the line, policies that are okay but not priority are marked with a semi-tick and are put mid-queue and thereupon will eventually receive intense cross-party debate & never leave the floor of debate until there is consensus at which point the Watchdog will re-examine the agreed nexus-point and greenlight it based (again) on the Good For Thailand primary objective, and thirdly all policies that are entirely criminal or self-enriching (Thaksin Passport policy) would be marked with a red cross by the Watchdog, blocked from the debating floor, and sent to walk home barefoot while being laughed at.

    Re; Corruption. The above system can filter out internal corruption, which always dies when it is exposed to enough debate and scrutiny. It can also achieve consensus on the best model for establishing a permanent and ironshod Corruption Agency, and funding thereof, to monitor corruption in State, business and official modules across Thailand. Obviously, lowering corruption slightly is the main goal. Nobody expects miracles.

    Why this is ontopic is that the pointless street action is gearing up for another long hot summer, and while I personally do pray daily that nobody will receive so much as a stubbed toe in the whole situation, the actual point is that its pointless, and the whole problem can be solved by repairs to the existing Parliamentary system, and within said system.


    Problems can all be solved within Parliament?

    If can be done, things wouldn't be happened in the current situation.

    The YL govt is insisting according to their own wishes. The laws suit them, they are fine. The laws are not favor to them, change it.

    It's like a fixed soccer match. (fixed parliament)

    The referee is also a member of their team (YL govt).

    The opp team will keep losing in the matches as the referee is always in favor with his own mates. (ptp)

    So the opp team has enough and quit playing with them.

    Again YL team agree to rematch. (new election)

    All the opp football fans, football lovers, football associations came out to protest.

    All demand to REFORM FIRST (change the fixed referee, change the rules and regulations),

    making sure everyone is going to see a real fair game.

    Whoever win take the cup.

    Happy and satisfaction for all.

  9. Medics are also voicing out their requests.

    News > Local News

    Medics want PM to step down

    Medical personnel at Ramathibodi Hospital have called for caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra step down and the Feb 2 election be postponed, the Post Today website reported.

    It was clear that the Feb 2 poll would not settle the ongoing political conflict, as the root causes have not yet been resolved, said the statement by the group calling itself the Medical Professional Group for Democratic Reform.

    The statement also noted that the new House of Representatives would not be able to convene because it was unlikely there would be 95% of the 500 MPs present, as required by law. This would be a waste of 3.8 billion baht of taxpayers' money it us costing to hold the election.

    The group called on Ms Yingluck to step down immediately to open the way for a national reform. It also called for an indefinite postponement of the election.

    Members demanded key reforms prior to the next election, particularly laws and regulations related to corruption prevention and suppression. As well, they called for freedom of the media in reporting the situation without any interference by any parties.

    They also called on all parties to refrain from all forms of violence. Security units, they said, must provide security equally for people of all groups in order to prevent the loss of lives of Thais due to differences in political ideology.

  10. "Disgruntled farmers are stepping up the pressure on the caretaker government."

    another great The Nation Piece!

    Maybe they should step up the pressure on Suthep and the EC - the first causing this crisis - and as the government can not release payment without the EC authorizing it!

    The excuse using the protests is just a smokescreen. They didn't have enough money before these protest started.

    Yup, but too bad some people just fall into their lies. A neighbor of my extended family is a rice farmer. The whole family is making rice for living. When the protest is out, they have showing strong support for the red party. They do not know the real truth. Till now they are still blaming for the anti-govt protests causing them unable to receive the rice money. crying.gifsick.gif

    I feel sorry for them (not because of the uncollected payment). It's because of their ignorants. facepalm.gif


  11. sigh. Those idiotic yellow shirt thugs are at it again.

    Those idiotic red shirt thugs are at it again.

    Group of red shirts attack PDRC supporters inviting people to join rally


    Seriously... I feel like being at a playschool class. Grow up guys...

    Thugs are on BOTH SIDES! Who attacked first does not matter. BOTH are armed and dangerous.

    To say that wrongdoing is only one side is just blind and factious.

    Yup, we should condemned them using violence no matter which party it is.

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