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Everything posted by Ctkong

  1. Thailand has road blocks along highways miles from the actual porous border between myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. To check upon undocumented aliens as well as drug mules.
  2. Country from where the flights are from is also an indicator for the extra surveillance. Those one way mirror or glasses are there for officers to survey the crowd without suspicion.
  3. Main reason Muslims from Malaysia got married in Thailand ( whether their spouses are malaysian or Thai) is because the marriage though registered in Thailand would have to re register in Malaysia which many couples did not do. This meant that the wife( wives) in Malaysia would not have known about the marriages. By Muslim law, to take a second wife, the consent of the first wife is needed when registering the marriage in Malaysia but is not known if it is a prerequisite in Thailand .
  4. Who would agree to be filmed in such situation ? Reminds me of the time I was in South Korea doing a report on the trucks used in Korea. My friend was taking pictures nonchalantly of the trucks at pit stops and on one of the stops, a driver advanced menacingly asking why he took photos of his truck. Was told the reason was that he was afraid of his truck being heisted as it was carrying valuable cargo.
  5. Some guys just steal it for joy rides instead of taking public transport. It happened to a friend of mine. Left the bike engine running while buying something and the thief ran off with it. A few days later, somebody called up to say the bike was found intact Kms away . Seemed to be a joyride event.
  6. Indian man from which country ? Nowadays nationality and race is confusing..and Indians migrated to all over the world nowadays.
  7. Fake cops , real cops either way you pay so no trouble comes your way. Same as long time ago, you either pay the mafia or the triads . Someone once said crooked police are just gangsters with badges.
  8. Some people has a sense of empowerment when they have huge amount of cash on their person . Nothing thrill them more than a big bulge in their pockets. More like an aphrodisiac to their male ego. More so if they were able to offer a glimpse of their fat wallet to the ladies nonchalantly….a lady once told me nothing make her climax more than a glimpse of the stack of dollar bills flicking in front of her face while making love.
  9. Cost AED is around US$1500 to 2500. Not relatively cheap at all.
  10. When overseas as a traveller or expat, always value safety first regardless of the lax enforcement by the local authorities. Have situational awareness, knowledge of local driving cultures, travel insurance , international driving license , good motor bike features and no drunk driving at all. love your life dearly as you only live once and there may not be a second chance .
  11. The police couldn’t care less if Thai lives ended prematurely due to their own negligence. You read about these daily about their premature demise. Your action your karma is their philosophy. However Thai police expect at least some semblance of respectability and self preservation from the farangs or expats who normally came from a more developed country where lives are valued much more than Thais. Also that any anti safety behavior of not wearing helmet, drink driving , nonlicenced are basically illegal and life limiting actions not only detrimental to their well-being but also to other road users. Do you think it is a good idea for police to treat farangs the same as they treat Thais and basically look the other way as ‘up to you’? Thais have their family network if things go south while you are in a foreign land .
  12. Enforcing helmet usage is to preserve your life not the cop’s. Thai life is cheap. If you think cops are concerned about your health, you are misled. These is great benefit in ‘milking the cows’ as one poster put it. However if one think of not putting on helmet, then you are solely responsible for your own consequences. The police is only out there to remind you but the prerogative is yours.
  13. Bangkok taxi fare is much cheaper than in other countries and competition is stiff with low entry bar. If fare rates are higher and taxi license revoked if caught scamming, you get a more well behaved crowd.
  14. Shanghai taxis also have gps installed so the company has knowledge of your car location at any time.
  15. Not only for the driver . Police should also fine the enabler. The enabler is usually some doggy mechanic workshop that taxis go to for services. Police should equate the crime like the fence who buy stolen goods.
  16. Like the dilemma when you passed the cash to the bank teller to count for your deposit and at that moment, the bank robber struck. The cash is in the teller’s hand but the machine had not printed the deposit in time. Whose cash is it then ? the bank’s or the customer’s. I can Imagine the pantomime of both sides pushing the cash towards each other to get rid of the ownership.
  17. Maybe not a Thai. Ter name sounds foreign ( maybe yunnan myanmar Chinese) as bangkapi area has many tour guides staying there.
  18. Yes , take it to bring it to the bank later on to prevent unlawful people from taking the cash when they access the atm.
  19. I used to have a girlfriend in the entertainment industry. Her job was like the entertainment lady accompanying the customers to drink. She insisted not having a ‘relationship’ with her customers despite the cajoling of the manager. I told her she won’t last long in the business if she didn’t put out for her best customers and they are not going to keep punting for no gain. I was proven right after 6 months on the job and she had to quit her job to keep her dignity.
  20. To Chinese society, in China, ladies working in the entertainment industry are no better than ladies of the night. Working environment may be different but the final result is the same. chinese punters thought that money can buy everything suggesting their morals are questionable.
  21. I think this is more to the idea that they cannot get their hands onto the money allocated since there is none within their jurisdiction.
  22. For Chinese, unless they are not on the wanted China blacklist which authorities vet before flying, it is not easy for the chinese to leave their country. It used to require a monetary bond of rmb 50000 to obtain a visa to go overseas. At least that is what my friend told me.
  23. Moreover if things go south, there are friendly neighboring countries happy to provide sanctuary for the right price.
  24. Thailand clearly attracts the lowlife from every country on earth…. Tourist stealing mobile phone while on the beach. Probably also following the Thai way of excuse blaming it on the alcohol.
  25. Economic crimes mostly by Chinese and Russians . These crimes need brains to fly. Brits crimes are mainly like you said.. stupid crimes committed by dregs of society.
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