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Everything posted by Ctkong

  1. I remembered years ago when I was renovating my house. I wanted to reprimand one of the work crew but was told by the manager (a Chinese Thai) to reprimand him( manager) instead as he can take it. He informed me that local Thais had a short fuse and big face mentality and he cannot ensure my safety with so many tools lying around the project.
  2. Thais have the propensity to fly off the handle with their short fuse and massive face saving culture. act first and regret later is their motto.
  3. Again due to huge number of monks in Thailand, the delinquent few managed to tarnish the reputation of the masses. I suggest that Thai authorities punish the guilty ones heavily for their misplaced trust of the public. Double whammy is a good start.
  4. After living in Thailand for almost 30 years, I would say Thais are generally a decent bunch with some exceptions. Thailand is much better than some South American countries . Their pragmatic give and take attitude is also commendable.
  5. Thais do not contribute out of goodness in their hearts. They will only contribute if it is for the making of their merits as to temples. There are too many senseless accidents by their own people on Thai roads as it is.
  6. The law is the law. Unwelcome touching of female sex organs be it breast or arse is just that. Sexual assault. Just hope the presiding judge take a kinder look in sentencing the guy.
  7. There is a time and place to smack arses. 7-11 public place is not the place.
  8. Ignorant of Thai culture and equating every woman to those he used to associate with in bars and nightclubs is stupidity at its worst. Normal Thais are not even acquainted with those in nightlife activities and hated to be associated with them both in country and out. Showing scant respect for women is deplorable in Thailand.
  9. Muslims use the left hand for washing the arse and the right hand for handling food. no cross contamination there
  10. Deplorable behavior like that , Thailand do not need…. Deport him after getting some guys to work him over for being arrogant and in your face attitude. The me,me culture of today is anti social indeed.
  11. Maybe the local tax officer knew something we don’t? That we foreigners are small fries that they are not after. There are laws and there are enforced laws and these are just laws that may not be enforced upon mainly retirees.
  12. I have been using wise card for overseas spendings as well as credit cards. The surcharge fees in various countries and merchants are the same regardless what cards you use.
  13. Sometimes it is futile to get a road worthy helmet from rental company that fit your head. My missus had to buy her own helmet when renting a motorbike in Vietnam because the helmets offered were either missing locking mechanism or smell to high heaven. Luckily she managed to buy one the next day.
  14. Overseas agricultural jobs of tb70,000 is not that lucrative. I have seen Korean and Japanese jobs by foreigners of tb70,000 to tb 120,000 in agricultural and manufacturing jobs. Accommodation and social life can be better though.
  15. App based payment may not work properly if your app was from foreign country and not downloaded locally. Always have the cash on hand if taking local taxis to avoid incidents. I learnt that when in vietnam recently trying to use grab pay app with my foreign debit card linked to it.
  16. I remembered many years ago when I went to Dublin, Ireland from Paris. Thinking Ireland was part of Great Britain, I had with me mainly British pounds. I took a taxi from the airport to hotel and try to pay my fare in pounds. ‘Sorry mate. I cannot take your money ‘ said the driver. ‘thinking that it was British hospitality, I almost thank the guy profusely until he told me that in Ireland, being an EU member, they uses only euros. Luckily I managed to change some money at the hotel lobby to settle the fare. I guess it is on the visitors to have the correct local currency in any country.
  17. The onus is on the visitors to have local currency as taxi drivers are not money changers. Tell it as it is.
  18. Turning on sprinklers will over time ,with pressurized water, will break the seals inducing leakages and added costs so if the sprinklers were only turned on manually upon an outbreak of fire, it will surely save costs. That is typical thinking in Thailand , my take.
  19. Yes, my Japanese friends are always polite and careful with their English for not many middle aged or elderly Japanese are versed in English language. They are very conscious of losing face with their utterances. Another issue is their lack of understanding western culture and slang .
  20. You are correct. Girlfriends unlike wives are not on the same social footing . Thai guys treat their gf like their property. Do not come between Thai couples acting like a knight in shiny armor because 1) you do not know the reason for the altercation 2) no Thai male want to lose face in front of onlookers. They cannot survive the humiliation aftermath thus the fatal reaction. 3) mind your own business when you are just a tourist in their country. The locals know how to handle such situation better.
  21. Yes, I saw in the video that one of the robbers was equipped with a machete or sword and not afraid to use it on the poor man. A hard slash from that at the right place severing a main artery can be fatal. That robber if caught should be handed a stiff sentence indeed.
  22. Police had better come up fast with solving this unfortunate violent robbery where machete or sword are involved . Nip such crime on the bud before other copycat robberies. Going soft on this type of crime will definitely affect the perception of expats as well as tourists on personal safety in pattaya.
  23. Thailand environment is always full of noises . Thais lack situational awareness everywhere. Noise is just a mild irritant to other Thais . I understand loud noises is to foreigners as bad smell is to Thais. To each their own afflictions.
  24. Correct. Dismissive behavior in front of police even when he is in violation of traffic rules. Thailand can do better with deportation of such visitors. Don’t need them, don’t desire them too.
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