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Everything posted by Ctkong

  1. A couple of hundred years ago, those parts of upper issan were Laos. Lower part of isaan belonged to Cambodia . If you go to issan, they are clear about their roots.
  2. A few bad apples in the barrel. Given Thailand’s huge monk population, it is unavoidable.
  3. Once you enter monkhood, they issue you a new identification card . New name too. Thus an avenue for those criminals hoping to disappear from the public.
  4. The cash register cannot bill you the alcohol sale.it is auto lock.
  5. And also those more reputable better restaurants and chain store restaurants that adhere strictly the rules of operation. The roadside carts and alley restaurants do not seem to be enforcing much.
  6. Funny thing is that during certain alcohol ban days, I was having dinner at mega bangna mall and was told alcohol cannot be served that day. I pointed out that I have had beer at the restaurant across the bangna trad road during lunch same day.. Oh ! that place is under Bangkok jurisdiction while mega bangna mall is under Samut Prakan jurisdiction. What ? !!!!
  7. Depends upon if those restaurants have strict enforcement or not. Once I was having lunch and wanted to order some drinks but was told I cannot order alcoholic drinks after 2 pm. I pointed out to the nearby table where the diners are having many alcoholic drinks on the table and a case of beer at the foot of the table. Was told theirs is ok because they paid for the bill for alcohol before 2 pm .So the way to go around this is to pay your bill before 2 pm timeline and drink at your leisure . It has something to do with the register being locked automatically for alcoholic drinks after the timeline.
  8. A solution that is difficult to enforce. I understand in Middle East countries, international hotels can sell alcohol within their premises.
  9. Thais used to put the blame game on alcohol intoxication when involved in any physical altercations be it traffic accidents or orherwise.
  10. It goes to indicate the authorities are concerned that local Thais are not empowered enough to restrain imbibing alcohol during those time. Self control is not one of their strong attributes.
  11. Since Thailand is a Buddhist country, buddhists cannot sell alcohol let alone drink alcohol during Buddhist days. They cannot be enablers by selling alcohol even though sellers are not the drinkers. It is their culture. In muslim country like Malaysia, Malay shopowners cannot sell alcohol too.
  12. With intoxication, the primal or basal animal instinct is unleashed showing the world which part of society the guy came from. In touristic cities like pattaya and phuket, it is unsurprising that the worst of human behaviors are exposed.
  13. If he is Caucasian, another dig at the rose tinted glasses Thais used to view foreigners… now white trash are coming in droves due to cheap airlines deflating the notion of a superior two weeks millionaire status. Now not only they spent less , they are also onto all sorts of antics unbecoming of the white farangs. Indians , aseans , Chinese, they can be excused for their boorish behaviours because of where they came from. But Europeans ,aussies, Americans…..? Or worse Russians! If they can be grouped as Caucasians and not Slavs. there will come a day of reckoning by the Thais about trashy tourists just like the affluent Chinese netizens turning their noses upon ‘poor asean countries’ when they visited the countries. China’s average economic status especially the coastal cities is much higher now than ASEAN countries.
  14. Thailand is still in the medieval stage with patronage culture. Who you know is more important than what you know culture. I have seen many Thais and foreigners getting work by recommendations from friends without checking out their skill sets. Those on top of the society do not want to change the status quo as it is not to their benefit. Gunning for reformation by the young is weak as being reverence to the elders and authorities were indoctrinated in their youth. Moreover, somebody once said that in Thailand, the worst sin is being poor. Having money makes all your problems go away. With a common mentality like that, Thailand would have an uphill climb to move away from her current state.
  15. The locals has a propensity to embezzle given the opportunity given their penchants for online gambling and getting into debts when spending beyond their means. This happened to a good friend of mine. His clerk issued a presigned cheque to herself and absconded. A couple of million baht. He got his friend ,a police chief , to apprehend the thief. She was sentenced to jail but the money was not reimbursed since it was spent already. So my friend had to spend even more money to induce the police to work and got back nothing monetary for his effort.
  16. I was told there is a service whereby if you knew somebody who knew somebody at airport immigration , you should be able to see if any red alert was being issued upon your passport before embarking on the journey.
  17. Yeah.. story sound indeed fishy. How did the driver know her unit number if she did not provide the detail? How did the driver enter the secured front entry/exit condo main door without key card ? How did driver knew her front door was unlocked after she entered her unit? How did the driver knew he can enter her room and nobody is at home too ? However if driver was invited into her room, why didn’t he go to police to give his version of the event ? TIT indeed !
  18. I can understand the frustration of the rejected man if he had invested a huge amount of time , effort and money in the relationship. I had bought a condo, a villa, a car, Thai elite for my foreign wife to stay in Thailand. It would make a huge impact upon my financial state if she were to separate from me as everything is under her relative’s name . All the investments were made with an eye for our future together and not as it is currently.
  19. Could be he ‘invested’ much into her and if separation, could not recoup his investment . Maybe paid for her advancement in life such as accommodation, renovation, study, training, upkeep annd such. we do not have the whole picture to give a fair assessment .
  20. If it is true that she is swimming outside the swimming zone, it show the mentality of Russians being unable to toe the line and always pushing the limits .A trait no different from the mainland Chinese. Boorish behavior aside.
  21. Russian doing work reserved for the local is a huge no no.
  22. Flaunting their wealth in gold chains, expensive watches are the Asian thing especially those from China, India, asean countries. People in those countries look at your perceived wealth by your appearances which are never understated. You get much better service if you wear expensive jewelry or drive an expensive car regardless your bank balance.
  23. No. A practicing Buddhist or religious person of any faith will kill or approve of it. Spiritually once we evolved, we are all the same inside regardless of faith. Those committing atrocities are doing it in the name of religions to suit their agendas.
  24. First Muslims regard non Muslims as infidels . Then they dehumanize the non Muslims. Once done, they do not treat others as humans thus the atrocities and violence.
  25. Maybe police use farang for undercover sting job so as not to arouse the drug pusher’s suspicion . Didn’t that foreign guy in udon Thani recently mentioned he worked for samui police before?maybe in entrapment job.
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