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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. At least Paetongtam has probably had a proper University education and has a decent IQ, unlike the present unelected PM and his sleeping partner, who are no more than soldiers with a Military Academy education. In a fair general election with the Thai electorate voting, Paetongtam should win easily. I hope so, anything is better than the aforementioned soldiers.
  2. Anyone tell me the cost of a Grab or Bolt taxi from Morchit Bus Terminal to Pattaya? Is it cheaper than an ordinary taxi? Thanks.
  3. Even a Peltin Elton lookalike can score if he has plenty of money.
  4. I just don't understand this GF experience thing. When I was younger, I was that used to having a girl/lady with me because she wanted to be with me for me, not because she wanted paid. What do these GF renters think knowing that their "GF" is only with them for the money? I suppose they are very unattractive and overweight and been unable to attract any half decent looking girl back in their own country, and can only do so because of their wealth.
  5. I think some people mistakingly think they will be contravening the dafamation law.
  6. What happens if you fail the test, do you get the 3,500 Bt back, or do you forfeit it? The reason I ask is I am wary of the part involving the two sticks you have to line up together. I managed OK on my last motorbike license renewal at my local test centre, but I think that was more luck than anything else. I watched at a different test centre and watched the vast majority of people fail that part of the test. Imagine paying 3,500 Bt and then failing.
  7. I find my Forza 300 great for touring and riding around town, Though I am never in a hurry and happy to be riding about 60-70 Kph out on the highway.
  8. It says google account account as you said.
  9. I was trying to access it from the bottom taskbar. As I said I get Brave and Chrome but not Opera which is my main Browser. This is on my laptop, it is fine on my desktop.
  10. Yes it does, but if I go to Chrome I can get to Gmail. The only problem is on my laptop, the page where I get all the icons. I can get to chrome or any other, it has just stopped me from going to Gmail. I can go to chrome then to gmail no problem.
  11. What about returning expats, some with re entry permits? They are not tourists, so will not be subject to this 300Bt fee. Aye right!
  12. Pity there isn't something like that in the Philipines, though 120GBP/year seems a bit much.
  13. What do you mean "while you still can"? I have some money in my Wise account. I have added money to it and taken it out with no problem. Are you saying my money in Wise may not be safe?
  14. I have had the same bank account in the UK for many years, and still have it after 15 years living in Thailand. I do not have a UK address, my bank knows this, but no one can tell what can happen in the future. I think that Thailand is a far too unstable country to keep a lot of money in.
  15. But any money you have coming in like a UK state pension or private pensions won't be any use to you with Smile Bank
  16. If my UK bank suddenly told be I would need to get a UK address, would they accept a UK mailing address? I have my doubts about that.
  17. What about BritManToo's post about buying a UK postbox, or Kannikap's post about a Wise account?
  18. I operate both my desktop and my laptop. My laptop has now decided not to allow me to get Gmail which is my main browser. I can get Chrome and Brave, but Gmail just will not come. No such problem with my desktop. Anyone know of any reason for this apart from my laptop being a computer?
  19. Really! You will probably need to find out how many IO's work at the office you are phoning, and find out what each officers interpretation of the rule is. ????
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