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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. It already is backwards, especially since 2014 when the unelected PM and his soldiers illegally took over.
  2. I did that and it didn't help me, I showed it to the guy at the agency, and he said he would take it to immigration, then got back to me and said that immigration would not accept it.
  3. How much has the unelected PM and his government ministers personal offshore bank accounts risen since 2014? Answer in billions please.
  4. Anyone know any banks in Central Thailand that rent out safe boxes? Do they rent to Farangs or will my wife need to do it? What's the cost? Thanks.
  5. Use an agent, much, much cheaper and just as reliable. used a few agents over the years I have been here, and all have been reliable except one.
  6. Yes, and you end up going that fast then hit bits of bad road, and you are in trouble, never mind getting out of it. I ride a Forza 300 but still ride as if I was on a 125 Honda Wave.
  7. I would not even try to keep up with the speed of traffic, especially on a highway, most of them are travelling at around 100 KPH. I will never ride at anywhere near that speed, unlike most other traffic, I am on two wheels. There is a reason why about 80% of road fatalities are people on motorbikes.
  8. I have been riding a motorbike over most of Thailand, Bangkok, and Pattaya for the last 15 years without any accidents involving traffic. If you are always aware of the stupid Somchai's and Lek's on the road and ride accordingly, and have genuine common sense, you will be completely safe 99.9% of the time.
  9. I agree with what you are saying regarding the nurses and hospital staff, they would have to be very caring dedicated people to do such jobs. When it comes to corruption, going by what I read particularly here on TV/AN, I believe it is rife among hospital managers and doctors, especially through the pandemic which has resulted in a lot of these people becoming very rich along with the unelected government.
  10. Oh! Grace please hold me in your arms and let this moment linger. They'll take me out at dawn and I will die. Grace. sung by The Wolfe Tones.
  11. "Have you ever broken any Thai law," Probably spends most of his time in bed and is a member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade. ????
  12. If I found out that someone was a rapist or child abuser, I would certainly inform the authorities. The police have to be helped in their fight against real criminals, notice I said real criminals, without the publics help no criminals would ever get captured except ones caught in the act.
  13. As long as they are contributing to the Thai economy and being respectable to everyone and behaving themselves why should anyone bother.
  14. I had much the same problem arriving at Swampy, I took the passport to Key Visa and was told the date would have to be changed at immigration. The guy at Key Visa said he would take my passport to immigration and it would cost me 1000Bt. I told him I would get it corrected at Swampy as I could pass there on my way to Bangkok, He told me I had better not as there "could be problems" his exact words.
  15. It's the same for both ways, no one way streets that I can remember, ????
  16. From the centre of Bangkok, all the way down Sukhumvit, straight through Chonburi, then all the way into Pattaya.
  17. Both the Tories and the labour party are very similar, except that the Labour Party is supposed to be the party of the working class which it has never been in my adult lifetime.
  18. I do not believe there is job or profession in the world without corruption, you will get it from farmers, dustbinmen right up to bankers and the very top of governments. To stop doing anything because of corruption will never work, it will always be there.
  19. Hi Ladies. Anyone tell me where I can get a bottle of shampoo and conditioner combined? Plenty in the UK but what about in Thailand? Thanks.
  20. I always wonder that why from 2014 up until now, the Baht has fallen from the fifties and stayed in the lower forties and even into the thirties against the GBP in all that time. This unelected PM and his soldiers sure must be manipulating it in some way.
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