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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I don't blame you for being confused, I am just not going to take all the time I would need to explain everything.
  2. Did I say that? I'm sure I meant that I never had the chance to buy a house under a labour government as my first two were under special circumstances. I could have bought my last two under a labour government as I got better off financially as I got older.
  3. Without going through all the details, if Labour had been in power all through my adult life I would never have been able to come to live in Thailand. Think Heaths option mortgage and Thatchers gauranteed mortgage sheme in the eighties I would never have been able to buy my first two houses.
  4. I bought my first house when Ted Heath was PM under the Option Mortgage, the next time was under Thatcher when anyone with an average pay packet would get a mortgage. I bought and sold another two houses then came to Thailand.
  5. I don't give a monkeys they all only look after themselves, so I suppose the most important thing to me is anyone but a Labour one. I am no Tory but I have bought sold four houses in the UK, a thing I could never have done under Labour.
  6. I don't agree, AN/T has been much better lately.
  7. I was told a few years back at Phichit IO by an officer in front of my wife that no TM30 was required even after being on holiday in the UK. But this being Thailand, different IO's do tend to make up their own rules as I think you will know.
  8. Ha Ha Ha Ha. Earned his money?? Where?? Inherited from rich Tory parents and grandparents?? I bet a lot of it was on the backs of the working class. A Sir?? Who from?? British Royalty with chests full of fancy medals, regalia and funny hats??
  9. None of them are worth voting for, all politicians are only out for themselves. I cannot think of one in the UK in my lifetime, Labour especially, they are worse liars and hypocrites than all the other parties put together.
  10. "Starmer has never served in government as a minister." No, but he is a "Sir" and a multimillionaire, and there are millions of stupid working class people who will make him the next PM, then in a few months he wil get the Brown, Blair and every other Labour PM in the last 70 years treatment for being a liar and hypocrite.
  11. In most cases taxi drivers are people who are not qualified or don't have the brains to do anything else. I was mostly a professional musician so had a lot of time through the day so held local Taxi licenses. I also held a PSV and HGV Licence for use when I felt like a break from being a musician and when I wanted wage packets for certain things Wink Wink.
  12. That is the case most of the time, and looks like it was in this case, but I have been overtaking on the centre lane and then been overtaken in the third lane with another vehicle which then moves directly in front of me drastically cutting down my breaking space causing me to slow down to prevent me riding up his/her a$$. So don't always assume that someone hitting a rear end is automatically at fault although in the vast majority of cases they are.
  13. He is a "Sir" and a multimillionaire, and he is a champion of the working class.
  14. Who said anything about Thai's drink driving? I was talking about any drunken driver, especially these pals that you mentioned. This debate ends here, we will just have to agree to disagree.you think it is OK to drive while drunk and I don't bye bye.
  15. You have already told everyone that it is good for people to drive while drunk, so you don't need to tell me anything.
  16. I agree entirely Mike, that is if they are caught in the act. I am all for taking the law into our own hands if the police or courts don't do anything, I have done it in the UK, but we just have to be 100% sure that they are guilty.
  17. "literally all my farang/thai friends drive drunk", and they are still your friends?? What does that say about you? Tell me something bob, are you being serious or as another poster says, just trolling?
  18. No 6 bob. So you think it's good that drunk driving is tolerated. Personally I would like to see everyone who is caught driving while drunk getting heavily fined and jailed for at least 5 years, and then if it is a non Thai, deported.
  19. I can remember up until recently the times when most topics you were answering you were treading on tiptoes half expecting some kind of warning. That's not the case now, the admins seem to have full control of everything. You will always get the odd idiot, but I'm happier the way things are now.
  20. I think the poster is referring to the half wits who cover large parts of their body with tattoos, not a small one or even two very small ones that can easily be covered up.
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