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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Military service. . Which wars did he fight in? .
  2. They use legal jargon and possibly small print to try and avoid paying out.
  3. As soon as the hospital see a white face, the cost for treatment etc, goes right up, and not just in private hospitals.
  4. No it is the one in Soi Buckawo in Pattaya.
  5. Does Old King Charlie not pay tax on all that polish that his servants use to clean all these unearned medals he wears which he aqquired only because of his birth?
  6. Maybe I was unlucky two days in a row. I booked 4 nights in Maleez Lodge with the intention of buying carry outs to take to my room as I heard and read good things about Cheap Charlies.
  7. What about the arm sling and neck brace?
  8. Mrs Jones and I lived together for five years before we went to get married in Bangkok.
  9. Yes, would be great but I hate onions.
  10. What is unhealthy about mashed potatoes or beans. Maybe you should just stick to Thai food with lots of sugar.
  11. No wonder, wearing skirts over wee fat hairy legs.
  12. A big long street to try and find that.
  13. There is a female waitress in Cheap Charlies who was very rude to me two days in a row when all I tried to ask was if I could order a carry out as I was staying in the hotel right next. A great pity as I understand their food is excellent.
  14. Do you have a recipe? Sorry, I saw it.
  15. Who's Jimmy's?
  16. I was a fan of the great George Jones and I'm proud to use his moniker.
  17. When I was there in Sept, protests in Glasgow city centre about illegal immigrants living in UK hotels. I agreed with them, but they should have kept their protests in George Sq instead of disrupting traffic on the road, and of course what happened after the poor wee girls after Southport. Then you had the Muslim terrorists in London in 2005.
  18. You mean not even if they are peaceful and causing no obstructions??
  19. Yes people should be allowed to live in any country, as long as they are contributing to that country's economy and not being detrimental to the people of that country.
  20. People should have the right to hold protests as long as they are peaceful and not marching or causing any obstruction on the roads.
  21. I agree with Lucy Connolly's views, though I would be careful of saying anything about "setting fires" or "brown faces". There are lots of people with brown faces doing important jobs in the UK, ie docters, nurses, etc, etc, there is no one more against illegals in the UK than me, ie people arriving and being put up in hotels at the taxpayers expense.
  22. What is this word WOKE that is popping up everywhere? The only WOKE I know is, ie I WOKE up this morning happy and contented.
  23. Why should it not be OK? You would just be telling the truth.
  24. I am never able to get an English breakfast when I'm in Pattaya. I do not like black pudding, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and do not like coffee, I like steaming hot tea, not the lukewarm tea you always get. If you are paying for the full breakfast, surely you should be allowed to take in a flask of tea in with you. I do understand not being allowed to bring in a flask of tea at the exclusion of paying for a cup of tea though.
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