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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Exactly! How many other countries in the world are ruled by soldiers? Any normal country has a government elected by it's people, but Thailand is an out of step Banana Republic.
  2. Is that so? Is there no thought for the thousands of Thais who depended on tourism for their livelihood, and are now out of work?
  3. "(maybe keep the insurance requirement as that is not that unreasonable) and the millions will return.". Why keep it? Don't you know that there is 300Bt getting included in everyone's plane fare into Thailand shortly? That is supposed to help cover insurance, so they say. I repeat, so they say.
  4. The way the Junta has performed, now the Land of Stupidity.
  5. The soldier posing as a PM and his Junta don't have the education or brains to see that. As for Chuckle Brother no2, he is properly educated, but in engineering, not qualified to be a Health Minister.
  6. "In the UK we already see all restrictions being removed by the end of February which is just 3 weeks away". Do you mean "all" the restrictions? Exactly the way it was before the pandemic started? Again, I hope you are right.
  7. Do you actually believe there will be zero restrictions to enter Thailand, even this year? I hope you are right, but I think there will always be some sort of insurance scam as it makes for good financials for the soldiers government. Or even a proper government sometime in the future.
  8. You won't have recognised how bad Thailand has gotten since 2014 when the country was stolen by a bunch of generals and their tinpot soldiers at gunpoint.
  9. I have long hair which covers my ears, or the girls who have even longer hair could not possibly keep their masks on. I sill feel it would be hard to cut the hair of a guy with short hair if he is wearing a mask.
  10. The clowns in office at present need it to go on, as if it doesn't, it will be The Chuckle Brothers and the rest of their lot forced out by the millions off protesters.
  11. Go back to the first photo, how can a guy get a haircut while wearing a mask?
  12. "Drum beats of civil war coming from both sides." 1861 all over again JT? Biden as Lincoln? Who is going to be the Robert. E. Lee? ????
  13. "Were the military to fall from favour," What???? Favour???? The unelected soldier posing as a PM and his Junta are favourites of whom???? Did you not know that they stole Thailand from the people at the point of a gun 8 years ago. Just what is favourable about that????
  14. Good question, I think we would all like an answer to that.
  15. In Thailand a school teacher for 3 years, in the UK A professional musician, Bass guitar, keyboards, vocals. from age 18 right up until I came to live in Thailand. A private investigator for 10 years, held HGV, PSV, Hackney and Private taxi licenses also.
  16. and you don't care if the compulsary insurance scam is still included?
  17. You will never be sure especially with the Junta in charge. If it is true then the compulsary insurance scam should be stopped.
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