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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "I'm in that situation in the UK." I have been in that situation all my life. I just don't know what it's like to live in a country with a government I actually voted for.
  2. The people who are killing women and children in the Ukraine are average Russians, I would bet that some of these killers were even on holiday here in Thailand at one time. No one is pulling the trigger and aiming their guns at women and children but them. It is easy enough to miss if they want to.
  3. If my experience with banks is anything to go by, you will never get a straight answer, even with English speaking tellers.
  4. But would that apply to me having a re entry permit and being on retirement extensions?
  5. "thai travelling to europe do need insurance when applying for visa." This part of your answer is really confusing. So you are saying that if I return to Thailand I only need insurance for 30 days? Like I said I would be entering Thailand with a re entry permit. I am at present on retirement extensions.
  6. IMO, insurance for entering Thailand will always be there even when this pandemic is officially made endemic, <political comment removed>. But as it stands now, for someone returning to their family in Thailand on a re entry permit, what is the insurance situation then?
  7. But what was the rate in 2014 when the unelected soldier posing as a PM and his Junta stole the country? A bit more than 44Bt to the GBP, more nearer 50 Bt to the GBP.
  8. and The Banana Republics circus with it's clowns and midgets goes on and on.
  9. Government?? More like a circus with all these clowns and midgets.
  10. If a poster tells you his personal experience on anything at all, I would be inclined to go with it, but where flights are concerned, they can change quickly despite an individuals experience, so it is best to be aware of that.
  11. I remember as a young teenager Tony Benn wrote a weekly column in the Scottish Daily Record critising people for taking time of work for having a bad back. In those days people only got a two week paid holiday in a year plus extra days at Christmas and New year, while Benn got 3 months paid holiday a year as an MP. So he cannot be described as a hypocrite?? This is a man who was a Labour MP. The labour party, the party of the working class?? What a joke.
  12. "When will the majority of Thai people start to support and elect honest competent people?" Are there any honest politicians in any country in the world? I cannot speak for other countries, but not in my lifetime has there been any honest decent politicians in any of the two major parties in the UK. They have all been lying hypocrites, some worse than others.
  13. Surely anything is better than a bunch of poorly educated tinpot soldiers with an average low typical Thai IQ. Get some decently educated people voted in by the Thai people, and send these soldiers back to their barracks and parade grounds which is all they are fit for.
  14. That's good information, I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.
  15. When I fly to the UK, I don't expect to have anything to do with PCRs or anything else. Qatar can stick their flights where the sun don't shine.
  16. I understand it is much better to pay direct to the flight company, besides, I tried that with kLM a while ago. I went to their offices and no one was interested in me, they asked me to use the phone on the wall, I just walked out. I used a travel agency to book a flight just before the pandemic and when my flight was cancelled, it took six months to get my refund minus about 5000 Bt. No more travel agents or online booking for me. I will do it through the flight company.
  17. Well when there are many soldiers and many guns, as has been constantly proven, they can control all they want, and have sure been doing that, what the generals want, they get, and to hell with the ordinary people.
  18. "Ask any Thai what their safe braking distance is and they would have no idea". I agree with everything you have said except for the aforementioned. I don't know what my safe braking distance is either. It would depend on traffic, road, speed, weather conditions etc. I am not going to bother trying to work out stupid little sums in my head, proper genuine common sense applies here and most Thais do not have that.
  19. You mean it is possible for the likes of the unelected PM and his Health Minister, the one with the engineering degrees, to get law suits??. Is that why they keep their money in off shore accounts?
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