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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. A lot easier than risking 800.000 Bt in a Thai bank.
  2. What a lot of unnecessary hassle.
  3. Why am I not surprised? Lazada are the worst company I have ever dealt with bar none.
  4. Is there no one else but me who thinks that since the last C virus we are going to keep getting threatened with this virus and that virus from the medical profession from now until eternity.
  5. Does no one else think that this Opart guy is a dead ringer for Curly Watts of the UK's Coronation Street TV soap?
  6. The main headline was not on the topic when it was taken from the topics at the right hand side of your screen. Quite a few posters did not see the headline which said the girl was 14, including me.
  7. There's a big difference, driving and riding underage and without proper training risks the lives of innocent road users. Prostitution only affects those taking part and harms no one as long as there is no underage involved, and no one is forced to do anything against their will.
  8. There's the bit about Webfact and the headline not saying the girls age, and the other headline saying she was 14 years of age. This changes things. If the girl was riding the motorbike with her parents knowledge, and it seems she was, then the parents are responsible and should be prosecuted.
  9. Why should she not have been on the bike? Where does it mention her age? Was the bike a 110cc?
  10. "the fact she was underage," What fact was that? I never saw it mentioned.
  11. "started a campaign to teach the kids and parents the risks". You cannot teach stupid.
  12. The age hasn't been mentioned, but usually when a young person has been killed or injured on a motorbike and is under age, it is usually kept quite as it shows certain people in a bad light.
  13. If so it will only last until the next power and money mad General comes along.
  14. Young Mr Grace from the "are you being served" TV sitcom, I'm talking about the actions, not the looks.
  15. Can find pork mince easily, but have difficulty finding beef mince. Anyone know if Makro sells it?
  16. That is the one that I use.
  17. It does not matter now, everything is fine. Thanks.
  18. Yes, I always use Pirate Bay with great success, but there is one TV show I cannot get anywhere it is an old one called McClains Law.
  19. It's OK now, what I don't understand is that big circle going round and round.
  20. You mean one of their many cheating sellers.
  21. He may have learned about defence when he was at the Military Academy, but should never have been a PM for one day never mind 8 years. Still, he always had his soldiers and guns behind him, and still has. There is sure going to be some interesting happenings in the very near future.
  22. Let's be frank about this, the odd tattoo on someone is nothing, but people who cover themselves in them definitely have something missing between their ears. It is nothing more than self disfigurement. Now let's see all the saddo's from the "not right in the head" brigade. ????
  23. Yes, but not by around 50%. The big problem is companies tend to apply at least the full increases on to the customer, and will not take part of the hit themselves. Pure capitalism.
  24. He learned to be a draughtsman when he was at the Military academy. ????
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