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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Money! Money! Money! Then there's the protesters. The Philippines and Cambodia can open up, why can't Thailand? Surely the answer is obvious to everyone, yet there is still the very odd one or two who cannot see this.
  2. You put that very well. I agree with everything you have said.
  3. That's interesting, I would intend going to Emirates office in Bangkok and book a single flight to Glasgow via Dubai, leaving either the next day or soon after. That's if these flights are still on.
  4. Are you not complicating things? Look back to Blackcabs first post. Flying from Bangkok to the UK is the same as it was before the pandemic. Or have things changed in the last couple of days that I have not noticed?
  5. You are talking about overstayers, I am talking about tourists etc, who are being forced into going to hospitals when coming off the plane at their own ridiculous expense and refusing to pay. Two different things entirely. When anything like that happens, it will be all over social media etc. what would that do to Thailand?
  6. I am a bit confused about free changes.
  7. I don't have a credit card, only debits cards from Thailand and the UK, I am flying to Scotland, that is why I chose Emirates, and unlike KLM you can go and by a ticket at their office in Bangkok.
  8. If I decide to take a flight to the UK for about 3 months, should I get a single flight, or an open return? I'm not sure exactly when I want to return. Now that the UK has fully opened up, is everything the exact same as it was before the pandemic? Will there be any nasty surprises? Is it the cheapest and safest way, where getting a full refund if the flight is cancelled is concerned, to book directly with the airline? I was thinking about just travelling to Bangkok, booking into a hotel, doesn't matter if a have to wait a few days, then going to the booking office, probably Emirates, and booking a flight.
  9. That is going to take a bit of time, check the news about the incident here on TV/AN. The witness is a poster here.
  10. 9 Bt per unit?? That is about double the government rate. Someone is conning you. Probably your landlord.
  11. and you believe the Thai health authorities?? We are talking here about a Health Minister with a degree in engineering. No qualifications on anything to do with health.
  12. "yobs"?? I thought it was only one Irish guy who the security guards said "fell" to the ground. There was an independent witness who told of what happened and would have no reason to lie. Even the police did not believe the security guards version of things. This is my final say.
  13. What do you think I expect? I would expect to see them doing their jobs properly and not violently attacking people who may have had too much to drink and would be incapable of defending themselves.
  14. "no need to call them arrogant is there?" What???? There is plenty of need to call them arrogant. They are just a bunch of poorly educated tinpot soldiers who should not be dabbling in politics, and care for nobody but themselves and their bank balances.
  15. Unless you have a credit card or PayPal, Piping Rock NJ have no interest in you. Any company who does not accept debit cards even from reputable Thai and UK banks does not deserve to be in business.
  16. So it is OK for the UK to commit fraud but not the ordinary people?
  17. Reassurance?? The first time I used the temperature thingy to go into Tesco, it registered 38, when I registered again in the same place 30mins later, it was 36. Last week I stayed overnight in a hotel and registered 37, a short time later it was 36. There is always the chance that any testing you get at the airport or wherever could give a false positive.
  18. If they did that it would soon be known all over the world, and what would that do to The Thailand government with headlines all over the worlds newspapers and media? It is bad enough now, but with near neighbouring countries opening up, and Thailand eventually having to join them, who is going to come to a country who has tourists in jail because they wouldn't, or couldn't pay an extortionate fee to keep themselves out of hospital on covid technicalities.
  19. and no insurance scams, come on all you protesters, maybe soon be time to come and help get rid of the Banana Republic of Thailands circus of clowns and midgets that they call a government.
  20. Security guards, notice the plural, should not be attacking one person even if that person is in the wrong. If they were incapable of restraining or holding him, then they should not be working as security guards, as they are incapable of doing their jobs properly.
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