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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "increases the price by about 3000 baht"?? What a rip off. would brown envelopes going in certain directions have something to do with it? This pandemic is sure making certain peoples income rise. Shameful.
  2. If there was a properly elected government in power and no soldiers stole power in 2014, I don't think we would even be having this discussion. Only an opinion.
  3. About 75%. May I point out that I am only referring to Western tourists and not these who come to see a Thai wife or GF.
  4. "The Prime Minister ordered Minister of Public Health Anutin Charnvirakul to regulate the quality of test kits available in the market, and prosecute those selling unauthorized kits." "Minister of Public Health Anutin Charnvirakul" Is this the DPM or is the DPM still that guy with the long funny name? ????
  5. Compassion and this unelected soldier posing as a PM are just not compatible.
  6. What a hypocrite, telling bar owners not to be selfish. This is a guy, a soldier unelected by the Thai people, posing as a PM with earnings that have probably increased a lot during this pandemic, I don't think I have to explain, on about bar owners being selfish. Unlike him they have a livelihood to earn, and no, as a happily married non drinker, I do not frequent bars.
  7. If you like regular exercise like I do, forget about gyms, they are full of steroid taking over muscled monkey men, nothing beats cycling or swimming for old timers. The main thing when in your seventies IMO, is keeping your weight down, so that helps with your health. At 6ft tall and around 75Ks, that does me.
  8. Edge is a dreadful website, on the very rare times I go on to it, it is always in Thai, takes a bit of time to find English, it just won't stay in English at all, it always reverts back to Thai after a short time, that is why I hardly ever use it.
  9. Is it not the case that the number plates are made white by the vehicle owners to deceive the speed camera's?
  10. Things are already out of control, that's what you get when you have a bunch of tinpot soldiers in government whose brainpower is much the same as the parents who give their underage children the keys to their motorbike.
  11. Pick the first 12 adults you find in the street, make one of them the PM and give the rest of them cabinet positions in the government instead of the soldiers who are in now, and they will do a better job.
  12. This is Thailand run by an unelected soldier posing as a PM, and the rest of his generals, they have got to have their fingers in all the pies.
  13. So the rules are not going to keep changing? So your saying that the rules regarding any immigration issue is going to stay the same way as they are now?????? This unelected PM and his soldiers have to keep changing them as they are always making far too many mistakes. Running a country should be left to politicians.
  14. There are other legal options for retirement extensions without risking all that money in your bank accounts. When the banks decided they were only guaranteeing 1m Baht, you can bet there is good reason for it.
  15. You cannot ignore anything while we have a soldier posing as a PM along with the rest of his crew. Did anyone think there would ever be $100.000 insurance scams?
  16. Yes that's right Nick, I only met him twice and he did a good job for me. It was a TV member who recommended him to me.
  17. I went on two Mondays about two or three years ago and he was closed, I ask someone in the next shop, and was told he was closed on Mondays, maybe things have changed now.
  18. Then the insurance company don't pay out because of an existing issue, you had your tonsils out when you were a kid.
  19. I can't say one way or the other, but this being Thailand, well......
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