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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I think there will be a good few UK expats living in Thailand right now who intend going there in the very near future now that their country has completely opened up, but are waiting to see how hard or easy it will be to get back in to Thailand, with the Junta's insurance scams and other money making schemes.
  2. They can't, the unelected soldier posing as a PM and the rest of his soldiers know that when, not if, things return to near normal, the protesters will arrive in Bangkok in their thousands.
  3. I keep the bulk of my money in my UK bank, only keep enough in Thailand for my living expenses. So anyone wanting a large some of money from me are on to plums. I would not trust any Thai bank with my money while the country is run by a bunch of poorly educated tinpot soldiers.
  4. Because it is another excuse for the hospitals to rip us off.
  5. If I tried to wear a full face helmet over a mask, it would knock it off as soon as it went over my head.
  6. If they really are confiscating the bikes of the racers, let them have their moment of glory, the next step should be confiscating the bikes of the ignorant scumb@gs riding their bikes on the sidewalk.
  7. and the unelected soldier posing as a PM is a professional?????????????????
  8. Maybe so, but it will be a lot better than a military educated soldier posing as the present PM and a DPM with an engineering degree posing as a health minister, along with a bunch of generals with probably the average low IQ of the ordinary Thai people.
  9. Yes, joining some posters with membership of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade, they know the protesters will soon be coming, and probably much more than the last time.
  10. Anyone know if KLM has an office in Bangkok where you can book and pay for a flight in person the same as Emirates? I will be in Bangkok on other business soon and would like to book a flight to Scotland.
  11. Is Thailand doing enough for there own people? ie following Cambodia and The Philippines example and opening the country up? Their own people need the tourists for their livelihoods.
  12. I would never grass on most occasions as I am often guilty of breaking laws that I don't agree with. But rapists and child molesters?? I would do anything in my power to have them castrated and jailed.
  13. If grassing is going to save peoples lives then I'm all for it. if there were no grasses, the police in any country would never solve any crimes. ie if you overheard someone admitting he was a rapist or child molester, wouldn't you inform the police? I would.
  14. The liverpool accent is the worst I have ever heard, the mens high pitched voices?? I have to say though that I do like the cockney accent.
  15. Thanks, so it was a Junta that was responsible for the 90 day reporting. I should have known.
  16. So it was in 1979. I'm glad about that, I was put off liking him when I read some time ago in this forum that he was responsible for that 90 day parole system. Was it a proper elected government that was in charge then, or some Junta?
  17. They only shout out "hansum maaaan" to the fat bellied, overweight, tattooed, ugly guys. I can say in all honesty that in all the bars I have passed in the 15 years I have been here, nobody has ever shouted that at me. I have had them jump on my back, thrown their arms around me, tried to escort me in, but never ever had hansum man shouted at me.
  18. That's what I pay for my haircut about every 3 months.
  19. Is it also true that he was the PM who introduced the 90 day report, the very same system that western countries have for ex prisoners on parole?
  20. Is this going to be more brown envelopes heading in a certain direction to accompany the ones from insurance companies, some hotels, pharmacies, hospitals, Have I missed any?
  21. I was thinking about traveling around the end of April or May and staying in the UK for about 3 months, my retirement exts finish in Feb next year, and I will get a re entry permit. I would just be interested to know if I can get back into Thailand with 30 days insurance the way it stands now.
  22. I read that too, but that was a long time ago, and things are changing all the time, if it is going to cost me thousands in insurance just to get back in the country, I will just stay here for now.
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