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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Try and tell that to a certain poster who says he has dealt with the same IO for 40 years and never had any problems.
  2. I did not know there were agents in Phuket, is there really? I thought that most of them worked in Pattaya, though there is one very good one in Bangkok. Regards. Possum.
  3. Great post until that last paragraph. I take it you are not referring to the UK.
  4. and what about the Military Academies, turn them into universities? That will be some upgrade.
  5. "On 5 October 2021, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Don Pramudwinai ." Excuse me! I thought that the other Chuckle Brother Anutin was the unelected DPM? It seems that the Thai reporters are as bad as the Thai government at not knowing who each other is. The left hand and right hand springs to mind again.
  6. Yes, your right. Thailand does not make the rules regarding the insurance scam for the $100K insurance. Sorry about that.
  7. What a scam, get the $100K insurance so that the brown envelopes keep flying in the same direction.
  8. No, that can not happen, do you think that the unelected PM and his Generals are going to cut part of their income stream completely?
  9. Apart from Home Pro, anyone know where I can buy a bathroom shower in Nakhon Sawan where someone will come and fit it up in my village 50Ks away?
  10. I think the unelected PM and his Junta do have an idea of reality, don't forget that most of them are soldiers, not politicians, and yes, you are right about them lining their pockets, but they don't dream of it, they just do it, and that's where their thinking starts from.
  11. That's what you call Military Academy educated mentality, resulting in Thailand now being a Banana Republic.
  12. Not as long as the money keeps flowing into the offshore bank accounts of the unelected PM and the rest of his generals. Think ASQ, yes even after the 1st Nov, PCRs, insurance scams etc
  13. Prisoner (Australia) Country Practice (Australia) Blue Heelers (Australia) Heartbeat (UK) L A Law (US) May I also mention High Chaparral, The Waltons, Boston Legal.
  14. Just the normal with The Chuckle Brothers, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. ????
  15. "only had a couple of changes in 6 years," Your lucky.
  16. Don't you have to keep on adjusting your PDF because of the rule changes and different interpretation of the rules by different IOs? This is Thailand.
  17. That's easier said than done. Family, possessions etc.
  18. Another question could be. Taking away your wife/GF and possessions. How happy are you in Thailand? Yes, I'm happy here. No, I'd be happier somewhere else. I bet you would see some difference in the voting if the above applied in the survey, as IMO that is the only thing that is keeping many expats here.
  19. What exactly is defamation? If you accuse or insinuate someone is ie, cheating you, true or not then yes, they will say that is defamation. If you do not say or print anything negative that could do harm to anyone's business etc, that is not defamation. So if someone tells you anything about their policies, and you name whoever said it, or what these policies are, it is not defamation, as long as you don't add anything negative to it.
  20. I think he is worried about unnecessary about the Thai defamation law.
  21. There's more than just the banks to worry about with your money in this Banana Republic of Thailand. Think about it.
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