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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. and Thais don't run up unpaid medical bills in other countries??
  2. Did I not say only a couple of days ago that this unelected PM will think up some charge for tourists coming to Thailand? As for it to help businesses affected by the Cvirus?? Aye right, just how much of that 500 per person will that be, and will it also apply to returning expats? Oops! Silly question.
  3. I do expect fairness in life, the biggest majority of ordinary people in both the UK and here in Thailand have treated me fairly, the majority of bosses in any job I have worked at have been very fair to me, although there has been the odd exception, and they have always came off worse. I just treat people as they treat me. The main unfairness towards me, though not personally, has come from authorities of some sort, I have always rebelled in some way at unfairness. I have broke many unfair rules or law, though mainly in the UK, and I do not have a criminal record of any sort, my life would sure have been terrible if I obeyed every law or rule that was thrown at me. It is not the hassle of the 90 day report that bothers me, there is not much, it is the fact that I have to report to anyone at all, why should I, I am not a criminal.
  4. "I can't imagine that Honda/Yamaha would put defective/dangerous tyres on their new bikes." They might not but what about the agents? I bought a new Wave125 when I first came to Thailand from the local dealer, and for about the first year I had about 15 flats back and front. I then changed to Micheline and the flats stopped. I kept the bike for 7 years. The next bike I bought was a Fino and I got Micheline I think before I took the bike away.
  5. "Ride at least as fast as 90% of the traffic on the roads" I agree with most of what you say, but not this, especially on a bike below 150cc, I don't think I need to explain. Drive a car at say over 100kph and you can maybe get away with a mistake, ride a bike, even a 1000cc one at that speed and you cannot afford a mistake, remember you are on two wheels. The people who never make a mistake have not been born yet.
  6. There are no rules for riding a motorbike in Thailand, if you do not have much common sense, do not ride here or you will not last long. ie ride the hard shoulder or left lane according to road conditions, not any law, as I said, common sense or forget it.
  7. Aah! But how can the unelected PM get together with some knowledgeable people when he himself is not very knowledgeable having been educated at a Military Academy?
  8. Yes, of course, but how? Do brown envelopes come to mind again here?
  9. Large brown envelopes from the illegal employers to forces higher up??
  10. If it is proved, and I mean proved, that the intruder entered the property with a loaded gun, he got what he deserved.
  11. If it is true that the intruder entered the Swiss guys property with a loaded gun, then he must have thought that he may have to use it, that should have been the end of it. Self defence.
  12. I think that as the guy on the motorbike risked the life of the OP they way he did, he did the right thing, I would have done the same, and if he hadn't been incapacitated, I would have made sure he was.
  13. Back in Scotland I had a next door neighbour who kept a beautiful garden. I had a girlfriend who lived nearby staying with me part of the time and about three nights a week. One day she told me that someone reported her to the local authority saying that she was living with me full time, she was on benefits. I was a PI at the time so it was easy for me to I find out that it was my next door neighbour who had reported me. I destroyed his garden with weedkiller, he moved shortly after. Although it was a bad thing to do, I don't regret it.
  14. Depends on how you look at it, there are refugees, asylum seekers or whatever you call them, been arriving in the UK in boats from France after passing through other countries on their way to the UK, then getting put in hotels, given food and money provided by the taxpayers. This unelected PM, or any other previous PM would never have allowed that to happen in Thailand. On the other hand, look at the damage this unelected PM has done to Thailand and it's people through their greed, I can't be bothered going through it all again just now, but it has been well documented by AN members on this forum.
  15. The positives do outweigh the negatives compared with the UK, but the worst thing is since 1932 the majority of the time the country has been ruled by the military, and you never know what might happen next. Imagine the UK if the country was ruled by soldiers with only a Military Academy education.
  16. Good point, but dissolving the military may be fine, but any country needs real politicians, liars that just about all senior one's really are, that is what countries need, not soldiers.
  17. Definitely not me, I don't drink, and I stopped my karate classes about 10 years before that. ????
  18. Whether in Australia, a man can lose half of the possessions he had before marriage to his wife if he and his wife divorce.
  19. It would all depend on his manner. When people speak to me or I go to see someone, if they are nice to me, I am nice back, if they raise their voices to me, I raise mine back. That means anyone, police, a boss at your work, an immigration officer. If anyone threatens me with violence, they end up on the floor no matter where we are, though that has never happened in Thailand. I find Thai people very non confrontational.
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