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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I do not eat much fried food, but when I do, I have always used RICE Bran Oil, but it is a lot more expensive than other cooking oils, not just a few Baht.
  2. No Newsletter again yesterday afternoon, this morning, or this afternoon. I have to get a kind Mod to send to me. Why is this happening again?
  3. I agree if that is this unelected government that is being referred to. But from my experience of living here for 15 years, I do not get the impression that I am just tolerated by the ordinary Thai people, apart from them trying to jump queues, or riding their motorbike through the market next to me, and that is nothing with me being a foreigner. I have never had any altercations with any of them.
  4. I agree with the poster who said that the guy obviously has no experience of Thailand, or he wouldn't waste his time going to court. He is obviously not a sex tourist or he is very rich. He would find it very difficult scoring with a beard like that. ????
  5. I don't blame you, but I take it you don't mean the Republic of Ireland.
  6. Yes, I believe you, but have you ever heard of anyone win their case then have the judge change her/his mind two weeks later? Could that possibly happen in any other country?
  7. I know a country that doesn't, and we both come from it, well part of it. ????
  8. Anyone know where in Thailand I can buy lamb?
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