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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I'm using Opera browser. An acer Desktop. My cache always gets cleared. I don't know anything about servers, I never thought about them although I have noticed them. any particular one I should use? I will try fmovies24.to/home and get back to you.
  2. It doesn't work Jai Dee. Everything comes up "this video file cannot be played" ( error code 232011).
  3. I downloaded a "different" version of FMovies as the previous one said "This video cannot be played", that applied to them all. This one is called FMovies.to. It is probably the same one. They say it is free, but it is not. I wanted to watch a tv series and the first thing they did was ask for my name, address etc. I printed it out and started the show I wanted to watch. Immediately it stopped and I was asked for 74 Baht then they wanted my credit card details, I refused to comply as I don't trust them due to previous experience. Does anyone still watch any version of FMovies now? Did you pay or what?
  4. Bigger bikes over 250cc should be able to go where cars can go.
  5. I pass a highway police station at least once a week and there is always at least one highway patrol car parked there. No prizes for guessing what the cars crew are doing when they should be out patrolling the highway helping to keep it safe.
  6. I am not getting involved in a debate with someone who makes it obviously that they think it is OK for the UK government to cheat OAP's of their annual pension increases. Now run along.
  7. There are times in life when you have to take chances. You cannot live all your life being mollycoddled.
  8. "Tony Blair and Gordon Brown stole the British State Pension Fund", and they are not even "Sirs". I hope all these people of the working class think about this when they are voting for this "Tory" multimillionaire.
  9. I doubt it. If she left again she would be better keeping quiet about it.
  10. Why?? Because it is theft, that's why. To my Knowledge there is no UK PM who has made any comment on this, and don't tell me they don't know about it.
  11. Every UK PM in the last 70 years who is still alive should be arrested and charged with theft.
  12. Everythings all changed now. Both Pirate Bay and Todays torrents. Used to get on to qBittorent with them, now cannot. Anyone else having problems here or is it just me?
  13. Anyone know what's happened to FM Movies? This is the second day that this notice has appeared every time you want to watch a TV series episode? "This video file cannot be played". (error code 232011).
  14. But is it not the superrich who make the rules? They are not going to penalise themselves.
  15. Are some bank staff not a bit like IO's with different staff members telling you different things?
  16. Very strong Baht compared to the GBP. About 50 Bt to GBP in 2014, down to about 40 Bt to GBP between 2014 and the next 9 years. Now up to almost 47 Bt to GBP. The unelected PM and his soldiers at that time were obviously manipulating the Baht when they were in power, probably to be to their own financial advantage.
  17. If you take away some ridiculous immigration issues Thailand is still much better than the UK ie no council tax, no TV license, in most cases, no authorities to worry about if you want to improve or add to your property, power bills very cheap compared to the UK etc.
  18. "Chances are you're going to be very socially isolated," That can be very true. When I first arrived here to stay 18 years ago I made lots of friends and aquaintances, now they have all died or moved away and I am on my own. The good thing is I have a happy marriage and family life. Also, apart from the very odd two or three, there are a lot of posters here on AN who will be very helpful to you with any problems you might encounter.
  19. Just wait until you start riding a motorbike or driving a car. Yes, the Thai people in the vast majority of cases are honest and decent, just a pity about that, as I said, vast majorities road behaviour.
  20. See an agent. Do not bother with those who say it is illegal, it is not, if it was all the agents would have been shut down years ago, and just ignore any "saddo" emo's this answer will probably get.
  21. True, but it certainly won't with a multimillionaire "Sir" leading the "party of the working class". Every Labour leader in my adult life time has been nothing but a hypocrite and liar worse than any Tory. No Tory yet has ever led the country to bankruptcy. Remember 1976 and the International Monetary Fund?
  22. I have never had any altercation with any Thai, but then I don't drink and don't frequent bars or go out in the middle of the night. As for Thai's, they are the biggest of cowards, and as I have already said, if any farang made any sort of sexual play for my wife or her daughter there would have been consequencies.
  23. One lot is as bad as the other, but Labour are more hypocritable. The party of the working class???
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