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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I don't think the mods can do anything about it, it is just pure laziness on some posters who just cannot be bothered printing the full words.
  2. OK but they are for smartphones, not for reading in a forum.
  3. That's not what I'm asking, are they musicians, politicians or movie stars?
  4. What's OTOH? Are you still on your smartphone or what?
  5. Who's Bob Marley? And while I'm here. who is Che Guevara?
  6. There may have been a U turn or right turn ahead, if so the motor cyclist needs to get out to the outer lane in plenty of time, otherwise he has little or no chance of making his U turn or right turn, especially if the road is busy.
  7. There is a certain class of guys who would need to pay for sex and pay well, otherwise they would never get it. Step forward the members of the "ugly, fat bellied, big tittied brigade".
  8. If it is genuinely self defence the first time he hits the ground you make sure he cannot get back up, if it means hitting him again then so be it. But if the attacker is lying on the ground with no sign of getting up then you do not hit him again.
  9. Is it 10 days or 15 days before my report day that I can do my 90 days report? Thanks.
  10. What if you have a re entry permit. Having that means you live in Thailand and are not a tourist.
  11. What government in any country doesn't fib.
  12. It wasn't the learning so much as trying to understand a Thai talking to me.
  13. I think it's a great idea as it means (well it's supposed to) that we won't need any medical insurance.
  14. If Thai was like a normal language without these stupid tones, ie French, German, I would have been proficient in it years ago.
  15. What are you confused about? Are you one of them?
  16. Name me another country where expats have to do 90 day reporting? This is the sort of thing you do to criminals on parole in a normal country.
  17. I hate the majority of drivers, and motorbike riders, yes majority, in Thailand.
  18. I am the exact opposite, I found that driving in America, my car, not motorbike, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Nashville etc etc was much safer than driving in the UK, and the drivers more courteous. I won't mention driving in Thailand.
  19. Members of the fat, ugly, big titties brigade will have to pay for sex, otherwise they would never get it.
  20. I don't think so, Thailand is not a good enough country now to attract enough westerners to come here.
  21. If people want to come and live in this country or any other country and are contributing to the economy, why can't they just be left alone without all this hassle from immigration? Just imagine the UK if every adult was contributing to the economy instead of all these immigrants costing the taxpayer.
  22. A lone Thai starting a fight????
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