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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. How is Biden my friend? I am not American.
  2. But the UK government is committing fraud, what's for the goose is for the gander.
  3. I went to MOTS to renew my 5 year motorbike licence, Great service.
  4. I see Makro in Nakhon Sawan has increased the price of a tin of spam from around 220 Bt to 260 Bt How can the justify that? Oh I know the Russian/Ukraine war. Never mind, when the war is over I suppose the price will be back to normal.
  5. That applies to any Thai people anywhere, that's why in 18 years here I have never laid a hand on any Thai.
  6. The only problems I have in Thailand is the road behaviour of most drivers and motorbike riders, not to mention queue jumpers. Everyone else, market stall workers, shop assistants, tradesmen , no problem.
  7. "How about foreign PM's coming in every once in a while?" Not British ones surely. Imagine Boris Johnston helping the last unelected soldier PM with his offshore bank accounts.
  8. It's time they were patrolling the roads, it is not unusual to see patrol cars parked at police stations at the side of the highways instead of out on the roads.
  9. I just wish posters would stop this nonsense, it is happening so often now that I just do not have the inclination to google this. Could someone in charge of this forum not consider disallowing initials of more than three words? I just wish I could read posters opinions etc without always wondering what xxxxxx stands for.
  10. I think the army hospital in Korat would be the nearest army hospital to me (Phichit province) so if I want to register, then I would have to go to Korat to do that. Apart from the obvious, a passport, what else would I require? I am in good health just now, but I am thinking of the future.
  11. Neither do I back in Scotland I used to vote SNP, but I would not vote for them today due to having a Musllim First Minister and allowing same sex marriages.
  12. To dob them in, I think you would need to know their full name. address and date of birth.
  13. Sorry to hear that though some poster seems to think it's funny going by the laughing emo. Shameful.
  14. That's true, but I still think that the Nana Hotel wouldn't, though I stand to be corrected.
  15. "It was in the Labour Party manifesto at the last election and now they are more sympathetic than other parties." Really???? Labour are bigger liars and hypocrites than all the other political parties put together. The party of the working man???? If anyone really believes this then think carefully about it. In my adult lifetime, in all the years up till now, the very vast majority of governments have been Tories, and this being in a country of maybe around 80% working class. If Labour are really the party of the working class, ask yourself why this is, ask yourself why the Tories have been in office for so much longer than Labour in your adult lifetime.
  16. True Bill, and how many of these MP's have jobs on the side, Company Directors, lawyers etc and still pick up their full MP's salary?
  17. The Nana Hotel in Bangkok will not accept driving license, must have passport, there is a cheap hotel in Petchabun right next to 7/11 at the back of BigC and 350Bt per night that will not accept a DL, again must have passport, this is a very clean and comfortable hotel.
  18. Yes I see your point, and as I said if I was single I would probably do just that.
  19. Each to his own, though I have nothing against ladies of the night, and would probably use them if I was single as I am not going to be able to attract a 30 year old now. That is leaving money out of the equation.
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