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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. His?? She has two children, now adults, her daughter is about 5ft6ins and her sister is also 5ft9ins.
  2. I don't want to sound big headed, but I was in my mid fifties at that time and could easily pass for around early forties. A barfine only get's you a ST or LT, a marketgirl only cost you a night's company which is a meal, and drinks which could lead to more dates.
  3. When I go out every morning for my bike ride I am getting cars and motorbikes coming out in front of me all the time, and motorbikes always on the wrong side of the road. These are the halfwits that cause me to keep saying that most Thai people are stupid, then the deluded posters start plastering me with their saddo emoticans.
  4. My wife is about that, but she is 5ft9ins tall and a shape to go with it.
  5. If a guy is decent looking and not overweight, he should never have to pay for sex in Thailand, I came to Thailand about 3 times only for girls, dated market girls, office girls etc. I first arrived in Bangkok through a dating agency and never went near Pattaya, on my second visit I just repeated my first visit. On my third visit I went straight to Pattaya, booked into the Beach Hotel. I knew nothing about the goings on across the road, as I stepped outside to explore, I was approached by a prostitute, was pleasant to her then went on my way. I never knew what a barfine was until another farang told me. I just could not understand why anyone would pay just to get a girl when there were so many of them everywhere, but it soon dawned on me the reason for that when I noticed so many facial haired, tattooed, ugly fat bellied farang around.
  6. When we get out the truck and going into a shopping mall, the first thing Mrs Jones does is take my hand, she will take it in front of her family and friends, but knowing that she will never kiss where anyone will see, sometimes I tease her by kidding on I want a kiss when we are near the window the first thing she says is "People see", but when we are away from the window she will kiss fine.
  7. I decide if anything is compulsory where I am concerned, not faceless people who sit round tables, making stupid laws to feed their ego, whether here in Thailand or when I was back in Scotland.
  8. It is only an opinion, I am a lifelong non drinker and going by what I have seen both back in Scotland and farangs here in Thailand, the ones who I have seen drinking in the morning with breakfast or not, their drinking behaviour has always been questionable. Also there have been many moderate drinkers I knew who you would never see drinking in the morning.
  9. I'm not sure about that being an actual alcoholic, but definitely a drink problem.
  10. My local ice cream man reduced the amount of ice cream in the container I used, he thought I wouldn't notice but I did and told him so. I wonder if he did it with all his other customers who are Thai.
  11. They made a lot of money using the Russian/Ukrane war as an excuse, now I'm waiting for them to do what the Mars Bars were doing way back in the seventies, firstly increasing the size as an excuse to also increase the price, then about two weeks later reducing the price back to the original but leaving the price the same.
  12. NoshowJones


    I could explain but do not want to go off topic.
  13. There are new security camera's you can buy now which only require screwing the camera into a bedside lamp in place of a bulb. I think that's a great idea but would wonder about the added cost to your monthly electric bill if you had say three of these camera's switched on permanently in your house added to the cost of your monthly electric bill. What do you think?
  14. More police won't make any difference, the ones there now are useless.
  15. NoshowJones


    That is exactly what I said in my post, I have every respect for the fallen of the first and second world wars.
  16. NoshowJones


    I would be proud to wear a poppy if any instances required it, provided it was to pay homage to the fallen soldiers of the first and second world wars, but not the British army who were involved in atrocities under the old British Empire.
  17. At what age should a kitten by given Feline Enteritis vaccine.
  18. If I have to peel skins of anything it just puts me off. If you buy the Richmond sausages in the UK they are really nice.
  19. No, the ones you buy in Makro in the freezer chests don't have skins on them.
  20. No I just mean the skins, when I first came to Thailand I was buying them, I liked them but I just got fed up peeling off the skins and wondered why there was skins on them in the first place. So you can buy them with a plastic wrap, it should be easier to take off. I will look for them but I think I would have noticed them before now.
  21. In the cabinets of 7/11 and other shops, where you buy sandwich meat etc, there are packets of sausages with skins on them. What is the best way to cook them and getting rid of these skins?
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