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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Not in your pocket, except a very small amount. A manbag across your shoulder with a good zip on it would be the safest bet.
  2. True, as well as the politicians, the soldiers have also said it.
  3. One lady and four Indians in a room at the same time waiting for their turn at the same price it would be for one non Indian.
  4. The Labour government are the same thieving lot that the Tories are. They have had the same chance to stop thieving from the UK OAP's living in certain countries abroad as the Tories. Why can't some people see this?
  5. "and at least drinking a nice beer." yes, if you can afford it.
  6. What is WAWA?? Maybe you would be better just texting on your smartphone.
  7. You try harder and try and understand what I am asking. OK I will put it simpler for you. Where is Palestine involved in the Hamas 7/10 attack on Israel?
  8. I do not know much about this war but I understand that Israel are the aggressors just as Russia are the aggressors in the Ukraine war. But what I do not understand is the Hama's situation, I do know that Hama's are Muslim terrorists. Are they just causing their usual terrorism against Israel for religious reasons and not actually sticking up for Palestine, or is there more to it?
  9. "she'd rather avoid what is a rather unpleasant trip." and just why is it an unpleasant trip? Some of these Immigration officers want to start and be fair and pleasant when dealing with expats, both in my experience and what I read about IO's on this forum quite often. The expats dealing with unpleasant IO's cannot all be wrong.
  10. I think in most cases it's because they can, in other words just pure greed.
  11. I have been very pleased with Opera apart from not being able to get on to Youtube because of this blocking adverts nonsense, though that is not Operas fault.
  12. Thanks, I will add to my bookmarks and try again later.
  13. Except for themselves, particularly in the UK, for their second jobs while drawing full MP's salary, expenses, second mortgages etc.
  14. Can't find on Lazada, can you post a link?
  15. I do not expect prices to come down after the war is over, I only said that in zest, and I take your point in everything you have said.
  16. I don't know that much about Thaksin as his time in office was maybe about a year from ending when I first came to stay here in Thailand, but when you compare it with now especially with no enforcement of this 90 day reporting treating expats like criminals on parole, among other things, to today, the immigration issues are far much worse now than they were then, especially since 2014. The ex unelected PM's term of office should surely be looked at as it would seem the country became much worse between 2014 and now. He should be jailed for leading an illegal coup just on it's own, never mind all that wealth he accummilated. Spidermike007 nailed it right on with his excellent post a few post's back.
  17. What was his wealth when he and his soldiers illegally staged a coup in 2014?
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