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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Why should I have to google anything? I just want to enjoy using the forum with all the uncommon initials nonsense.
  2. What is MSIG?? Any chance of stopping your smartphone texting and using the Forum properly?? Or are you just too lazy to type four words??
  3. Let's be clear, I am not talking about the doctors and nurses here, if you do not know what I am talking about then I understand the confused emoticans.
  4. You will have to use your passport if you ever want to use the Nana Hotel in Soi4 Bangkok. They will not accept your drivers license. I could name another one in Petchabun.
  5. Whatever you think about Thaksin, and I do believe a lot of what you say about him, just don't forget there is an ex soldier who led an illegal coup and stayed in power for nine years backed up by soldiers, guns, and tanks and even today he is walking about free and stinking rich. Why is he not arrested and tried in a Thai court for what he did? Would he still be backed up by Thai soldiers and their guns and tanks?
  6. What chance has any farang got when different Thai immigration offices, and even individual officers often have their own interpretation of the rules?
  7. Some of the "all you can eat" buffets have closed down since the virus they started over three years ago. That won't have pleased them.
  8. Thanks. Nice to get a sensible answer for a change. I have no bother sleeping at all.
  9. Just a tickily one that I don't need to do, I usually just let the catarrh go away. It just gets annoying.
  10. That will be the ones with the red leopard you get in 7-11. I knew about them, but I do not have a cough, I will give it a go. Thanks.
  11. I believe a large number of Thai adults have a hearing loss problem due to their well known love of noise, thumping bass etc. Very often I have to repeat myself two or three times when someone is in my way when saying "excuse me" in Thai. So why are there so many Opticians around and not Hearing Aid shops like there is in the UK?
  12. What is so bad about sweeteners? But being a non drinker, I have never had a weight problem in my life, but I drink 2 or 3 glasses of juice with sweeteners a day and cannot tell the difference between a drink of juice with or without sweeteners.
  13. I keep getting a tickling sensation from catarrh at the back of my throat which gives me a tickly cough. Is there anyway to stop this?
  14. If the soldier who led the coup in 2014 does not go to jail, why should Thaksin?
  15. The Thai government have only themselves to blame for farang's who live here trying to leave hospitals without paying. How many farang's have bought houses and had to put them in their wife's name because the Thai government would not let them buy property in their own names? The farang's could not avoid paying their hospital bills if they had been able to buy property in their own name, so in that case the Thai government could then force a sale on the property to recover the hospital bills.
  16. Yes I have. Everything's fine now. Thanks all for your help.
  17. I did what you said. it will not uninstall as it said it was still running. What I want to do is stop it running so I can reinstall it again.
  18. Can anyone tell me how to close down an app that is still running? I can't even uninstall it for the same reason.
  19. Millions of folk voted the unelected Thai PM in???? By saying millions of folk, I assume you mean the Thai electorate.
  20. At least both Yingluck and Thaksin were democratically elected, which cannot be said for that unelected PM who led an illegal coup and filled his personal bank and offshore accounts big style and and is now in some other big fancy important job.
  21. Can you imagine any insurance company paying the amount of money required to keep him in a top class "hospital" and all that "treatment" for all his "illnesses"? It is hard enough trying to get insurance companies to pay out in normal circumstances let alone this. It would take an awful lot of their usual small print to get round that lot.
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