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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have no problems with Chrome but I do with my Opera browser, so obviously I just go to chrome when I want Youtube.
  2. Accountability?? Was that not mostly the Military Academy educated soldiers with a similar IQ to a Somchai in the street?
  3. You cannot go through life without taking risks, if that's what you want to do then you would be better just staying in your bed.
  4. Knife fighting is only effective when up close together, unless of course you have learned how to throw the knife.
  5. How would you know if it actually works? How would you test it?
  6. Back in the UK, even just anyone threatening me with violence, on the street, on a bus, at my work etc would cause me to retaliate, I had little martial arts training, only a green belt, but being older and wiser now living in Thailand for about 17 years, I have never had anyone threaten me even when I have approached a queue jumper and pointed to the end of the queue.
  7. Even with that training I still believe that in most cases, an experienced street fighter with training as a boxer would get the better of you, especially in the 30-50 age group.
  8. You are talking a load of rubbish. If you read the post again you will see I said that I believe you are being sincere, I never insinuated in any way that you are liar. An apology would be nice.
  9. I have only replied to what other posters have been saying.
  10. I have only replied to what other posters have been saying.
  11. i am just trying to figure out why Manareet would charge 6000Bt for what other agencies charge 200-400Bt. I have no doubt you are a NES.
  12. Thanks for taking the time to let me know all these things, although I would never need to do a 30 day report, I am a bit alarmed they would charge 6000Bt for what other agents charge 200-400Bt.
  13. There is no charge for 90 day reporting, I don't doubt you are being sincere, but I wonder if the person serving you understood you properly. Please don't take this the wrong way, but are you a Native English speaker?
  14. But IO offices do change their staff from time to time.
  15. So the poster who said that Manareet charged 6000Bt for this was either not being truthful or missing something out.
  16. Maybe like me they have a good marriage and good families. If it was not for that I would have gone years ago only because of the many Thai immigration issues. ie the 90 day reports that I did not have to do when I first came here in 2005.
  17. I would agree with you if that was true. All I've heard and read about Manareet has been very positive. so positive that I intend to use them shortly for my retirement extensions, but this is making me think again. I would be interested in any other posters views on this. If anyone is worried about the defamation law, send me a PM.
  18. Amazon are a shower of garbage, I tried to buy from them with my UK debit card and they would not accept it. When asked for my province, all the Thai provinces came up in Thai where everything else is in English. I can only assume that is why they rejected my debit card.
  19. Is that not the case in most countries in the world? Where The Banana Republic of Thailand stands out from the very vast majority of proper countries is they tend to have PM's who are not elected in a democratic fashion.
  20. No fear of me ever working myself to death, maybe that's why I am so handsome now. 😄
  21. Yes, I turned off the VPN and now it is fine. Thanks.
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