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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have posted about this before, am I the only poster who cannot keep earbuds in my ear? I have three sets and they have all fallen out of my ears from time to time. Now this time one fell out and landed on the tiled floor and broke. Is it possible to replace one earbud, or do I have to replace the full set?
  2. I'm 6ft 77k so what does that make me? Surely at 5ft 8ins and weighing 85k, a person is overweight though not obese.
  3. "A western tourist weight 85 kg which is very normal". Really?? At 6ft tall if I was that weight I would be well overweight. What is the average height of a westerner? 5ft 8ins or thereabouts? That would make a westerner of 5ft 8ins and weighing 85 kg very overweight.
  4. The reason he has insurance is also supposed to be for peace of mind. He also obviously did not have these health conditions when he took out his insurance in the first place, so why does he not have peace of mind? Do insurance companies have the right to just stop someone's insurance because they make too many claims? No wonder insurance companies have such a bad reputation. What about all the times someone pays out for years without making any claims? Yes, insurance is a business and they have to make profits, that's fair enough, but IMO there is far too much greed among insurance companies.
  5. How do you know they don't, if someone gets knocked down on Buakhao, who is going to know about it? Where is it reported?
  6. A few years ago a road in my small town/village was made one way apart from motorcyclists, which was the right decision, but they never put signage up in the small ajoining streets which means that any non locals are not going to know they are turning in to a oneway system which means that even today it is a regular occurance to see cars going along the road against the traffic causing mayhem.
  7. That's true, but too many of them are going too fast and not taking into account that there are no sidewalks and people are crossing the road all the time.
  8. Would a one way system not cause a rat run with much more speeding?
  9. I have walked around Pattaya and Bangkok regularly for the last 16 years and never had a problem with anyone, maybe because I don't drink, am never out after 10 at night, and don't frequent bars.
  10. The main reason I retired to Thailand was the 90-day "visas" near the end of Thaksins premiership. contrast that with now.
  11. What about a motorbike? Are the motorbike riders in Vietnam as stupid as most of the ones in Thailand? Riding on the wrong side of the road, coming out of road junctions without looking, etc, etc, etc.
  12. Another stupid post, I have never even as much as threatened any Thai's with violence in the 16 years or so that I have been here. You can make your point sometimes without even saying a word.
  13. Never heard that before. When the former unelected soldier PM staged an illegal coup in 2014, what would have happened if people already in government tried to stop him?? Would there have been a bloodbath? Would the soldiers have backed down? I don't think so.
  14. I wonder if you could explain that last sentence.
  15. No one Thai or otherwise will cut in front of me in any queue or they will know all about it. If you are too scared to stick up for yourself against anyone you may as well join the "scared of your own shadow" brigade.
  16. Some peoples posts are that stupid I am not going to bother answering them.
  17. It's amazing how many posters, and I assume the majority of posters are over 50, do not put capital letters in countries, towns and cities etc, even at the beginning of sentences and paragraphs, you wonder what education some of them had.
  18. "chase them, stamp on them and kick them in the face." Yes I would, but only if it was an adult and male. If it was a female, a hard slap across the face, and only in self defence. I would find it hard to lift my hands to a woman.
  19. Especially if the vast majority of their crackdowns only last for 24 hours. The Banana Republic of Thailand and their unelected PM's.
  20. It seems one poster is happy with soldiers running the country going by the saddo.
  21. I am no expert as to what is going on in this war. but to my way of thinking, the Israelis are the oppressers and Hama's are on the side of Palastine. Are Hama's not Muslim? I am a bit puzzled as Muslims are always the ones in the wrong as they expect any country they live in should always change their ways to suit them. That is the way in the UK anyway.
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