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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. OK fine, then perhaps the first thing he should do is get rid of anyone connected or used to be connected to the Military. After 9 years of mismanagement the last thing we need is soldiers playing at being politicians.
  2. I am a bit puzzled by this topic, every time I pass a tailors shop in Bangkok or Pattaya, they are always empty, I always wondered why they manage to stay in business.
  3. My ex tried to get half of everything, the house, furniture, car, bankbook. All she got was £500 and I got thousands and got a good mortgage on a big house for myself.
  4. I doubt very much if anyone UK person, say over 70 arrives there, maybe due to health reasons with nowhere to stay, is going to be left sleeping on the streets.
  5. I don't. I have a big house here all paid for and solar panels for cheaper electricity. A bigger motorbike which is very comfortable on long journeys, not having to keep dodging taxes, tv licence, etc. A beautiful wife. good weather for most of the time. If I was still in the UK I would have my two bedroomed flat, very, very expensive power bills, dreadful weather for most of the year. Like I said, I am glad I sold my house and came out here. That said, taking my wife out of the equation, I would probably have went to the Philipines if I had known what was going to happen with the country being run by a bunch of soldiers playing at being politicians.
  6. I am still waiting for someone to confirm that the ex elected PM doubled the 400,000Bt in a Thai bank for farangs to 800,000Bt. It was said in this form but no one seems to be able to back it up, so I assume that it was not true.
  7. A third world Banana Republic with an unelected PM supposed to be in charge of a government moving forward on the world stage??????
  8. One ruled the country from 2014 up until this year. This is Thailand, you do not have to be convicted by a Thai court to be a criminal. Soldiers, guns and tanks can see to that.
  9. "The new PM says he’s determined to revitalise Thailand’s economy, which has underperformed recently compared to its SE Asian neighbours following nearly a decade of military-dominated rule." If that is the case, and I believe it is, that if this unelected PM is really genuine in what he said, why does he allow these soldiers to serve under him? I suppose that's a silly question as it was probably these same soldiers who helped get him his premiership.
  10. I always get Mrs Jones to arrange for anything I need done, except where the motorbike is concerned, it works well all the time.
  11. I have to admit that about 95% of work done for me by Thais around the home or on vehicles in the 16 years I have lived here, has been highly satisfactory.
  12. That ChatGPT looked like a good idea, but when I tried it out a message "an error occurred".
  13. and just how much is that new attorney going to cost the OP? A small fortune I would bet.
  14. Why not start by getting rid of these stupid military ranks? The police are not the military, personally , I think these ranks are just an excuse for police officers to buy them no matter what ability to fight crime they have. That is where the problem lies, policemen with funny ranks and next to no ability to fight crime, so they will never "regain" any trust from the people, and never will.
  15. Here's an example of someone in the music industry making too much money. When Paul McCartney wrote Yesterday back in the mid sixties, how much did he make from it during the first five years? Probably millions, so why should anyone pay to download that song today? Surely that is a case for getting free downloads, there are millions more examples.
  16. I have never voted Labour in my life. In my adult lifetime up until now, how often in that time has a Labour government been in power? "Great" Britain has a working class of maybe around 80%. So I ask again, how come the Tories have been in power for so much of that time compared to Labour if the Labour Party is really the party of the working class? Even today the Labour Party is ruled by a "Sir". Party of the working class my AAAAASSSSSSSS!!!!
  17. When anyone is killed in an accident because they were wearing a seat belt and were unable to free themselves, you will never read about it or hear it in the news.
  18. The whole thing about the OP's excellent post is having real genuine common sense, and a part of that is do not ever drink or drive. If you do that then common sense is right out the window.
  19. Excellent post. The membership of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade must be overflowing here in Thailand. I have found it better to live by my own rules rather than these made up by faceless people sitting round tables. I have lived like this my whole life without ever having had a criminal record. The most important thing is never do anything that affects the ordinary working class people in any negative way.
  20. Your the one who's being silly, pay about 14,000 Bt, for retirement ext's then spend what part of the 400,000 you want and no hassle with the agents, and you don't have to put up with all the unnecessary nonsense from IO's.
  21. A booster at my local government hospital was supposed to be free, they asked for 100bt, I questioned it and then they wanted 1000Bt, seriously this is true.
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