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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. See an agent for retirement extensions and forget the 400,000 Bt in the bank. Or you could join the "scared of your own shadow" brigade.
  2. Surely any government must need a PM who was elected by the Thai electorate.
  3. Yes, next time I go to the UK I will be doing my rounds of Sainsbury's, Asda, Morrison's etc. ????????
  4. I am not saying you are wrong, but I hope you feel much the same about the unelected coup leading ex PM.
  5. "Only a fool would ride a motorbike in Thailand." What a load of garbage, there are still plenty of responsible people riding motorbikes.
  6. But some parents don't care at all, their attitude is like, we can just go to bed and make another one.
  7. Yes, if any of the children who were under age were driving the motorbike, then their parents are to blame for this, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
  8. I met another farang out side the Pattaya hospital, the one on Soi Buckawo, a government hospital I believe, and he told he was asked to pay 500Bt before he could even see the doctor. I took a look inside the hospital and there were lot's of people waiting, Thai people. Am I supposed to believe that they had all paid 500Bt to sit down and wait for any treatment? I cannot say for sure and can only go by what this farang said to me, but it does seem that only farangs are charged this 500Bt.
  9. There is a shop near the end of Soi Buckawo on the same side of Treetown on the left hand side but farther down which advertises ear cleaning for 200Bt, I have not tried it, I just saw the notice in the window as I was walking past.
  10. If the UK government can rip off state pensioners by not giving them their annual increases and get away with it, then any government in any country can also rip them off in any way they want.
  11. Nice to see the police earning their wages for a change, now how about them getting out on the roads and doing a blitz on all these dangerous drivers and motorbike riders who are contributing to Thailand's dreadful road statistics?
  12. "when newly elected Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin took office," Elected?? By the Thai electorate??
  13. No! I would never wear a gold chain or any jewelry. Very poofy on a man.
  14. There is no (watch now) on your link, but I found their website and got it from there. Thanks.
  15. Thanks, but this link only takes me to get information about the movies, not the actual movies themselves.
  16. I had a good link to a 123 movies site but lost it when I bought a new desktop. I have tried googling to no avail. Can anyone one give me a link to a 123movies site, or and other good site for old movies and tv shows?
  17. There is no Hibernate button on my new Acer AIO desktop. I always had it on my previous phones. Anyone know why?
  18. Neither does a certain ex unelected PM who led an illegal coup after saying there won't be a coup, then stayed in office for nine years supported by his soldiers, guns and tanks.
  19. Very true, but as the OP said, it is the attitude of some assistants that is questionable. Many times I have gone into some store and asked for something or some service and the staff member starts waving his/her arms about shouting No! No! when all that's required is a "sorry we don't have any" or whatever.
  20. See an agent. That will never stop, too much income streaming for senior Immigration staff. Just accept that there is always going to be corruption of some sort with any government, not just Thai, and their connections, and make it work for you.
  21. I thought of that, but try buying a velcro strap here in Thailand.
  22. I will look into that, but the big drawback is can you buy a solar watch with a velcro strap? I bought my watch in the UK but never seen one with a velcro strap here in Thailand.
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