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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I take it you are not talking about ingots here. Gold is supposed to be the same price everywhere.
  2. I use Gmail for my smartphone, like getting emails. My Gmail is fine on my desktop and laptop. Any idea why my emails arrive OK on them but have stopped arriving on my smartphone?
  3. It's fine Trans, I knew when I bought the phone that there was over 100 GBs on it as I had about 600 songs to transfer from my last phone.
  4. Their is a space for one which is empty, my phone has over 100 odd giga's.
  5. No I won't need it then, I have loads of storage. Thanks.
  6. Please pardon my ignorance here. I have bought a new Samsung phone recently and just noticed it did not have an SD card. That sounds familiar to me. Do I need an SD Card? If so how do I get one? What does it do?
  7. My Forza had over 30,000 ks on the clock before I had to change the original tyres.
  8. Thanks, but it seems I'm going to need someone with me as I am not literate enough. I am going to try KannikaP's one drive method, if I can't do that I will just have to wait until someone can show me what to do.
  9. I know how to copy and paste on my computer but not on my phone. I am not smart enough either where Bluetooth is concerned, all it ever does is give me problems.
  10. I have noticed one drive but never used it, I will see if I can find out how to work it.
  11. Yes using an android phone, and not a laptop, a desktop all in one. I swiped down and there is only something to do with phone numbers, nothing to do with wanting to download music from my computer.
  12. Mine doesn't default at all, just has an empty screen.
  13. No, it doesn't matter whether I double click left or right on the phone number, it just comes up that the folder is empty.
  14. Yes I mean the charger cable. I will try what you say though I'm not sure about trying to paste on to the audio file.
  15. I want to download songs on my laptop on to my smartphone. I have started by using my charger and connecting it from my desktop on to my smartphone, my phone number appears on my desktop, can anyone tell me where to go from here. Thanks.
  16. I'm glad you said games and not sports when you mentioned these. there are actually some people who refer to darts and snooker as sports. I have never understood that.
  17. It would be interesting to know how many people who are 100% British and have no emigrants in their family voted for this PM, as it would be interesting to know the same about Scottish people voting for a Muslim FM.
  18. If it wasn't for soldiers, guns and tanks, Thailand would probably be similar to the UK with the General Elections.
  19. An awful lot I should think, note, nothing wrong with someone of Indian descent, but as a UK PM????
  20. At least countries like Thailand, Cambodia etc don't try to hide their corruption ???? That's only because they don't have the brains to hide it.
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