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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Anyone know where I can buy a battery for my watch in Nakhon Sawan? The one in my nearest town has shut down.
  2. No, I never bothered about them on my last machine, I was just checking through everything when I seen the Power and remembered seeing on YouTube something saying never to switch off your computer, there also used to be a Hibernate button next to the Sleep, so I was thinking about keeping the computer almost permanently on sleep when not in use. I used to always switch it off when it wasn't in use, then I starting thinking that always starting it up was maybe part of the problem with my last computer.
  3. Whether the former unelected PM did a good job getting rid off the Shinawatras or not is not the point. They were voted in by the people. He stole the country in an illegal coup and his generals stopped Pita from being an elected PM, so Thailand still has an unelected PM today.
  4. I have just bought a new Acer AIO and would be interested in knowing what settings you use on Power. A. When plugged in. Turn off my screen after--------. B. When plugged in. Put my device to sleep after------. Any reasons you have would also be helpful.
  5. It was not that long ago the the 49Bt tin was about 42Bt. another case of companies blaming the Ukraine war and the Chinese virus to over charge people.
  6. As I am referring to football live on my computer and not the television so I assume I'm on the right topic here. Is there any company besides beIN who will stream Scottish Premiership matches as well as English games? I used to get regular Celtic matches with beIN, but none this season. I have contacted them and they refuse to answer except for one time when they said they would get back to me, since then nothing, so I have cancelled my subscription.
  7. The last unelected PM said there will be no coup, we all know how that ended up, then led a country full of corruption for nine years, now this also unelected PM has said much the same thing. Are they really so stupid that they actually think that anyone will believe them?
  8. Has the present unelected PM said "There won't be a coup" yet? Oh! Wait! There are still some soldiers "serving" in this government, right?
  9. You do not need much brains to be a Thai PM. Note the last unelected PM with only a Military Academy education, and he lasted nine years. This is Thailand.
  10. Just another reason why I only keep enough money in my Thai bank account for my living expenses. It used to be that people were robbing banks, now it is the other way around. Extra charges for taking your own money out in another province, charging 230Bt for taking money from an ATM using a foreign debit card etc.
  11. After paying 30,000 Bt for one night I would expect to be waited by at least three nurses waiting on me, one in constant attendance at my bedside, the best Ritz type evening meal and breakfast etc.
  12. Not really. A SAD icon has two meanings, it could be an agreement to a post, or a disagreement. Think about it.
  13. How can anyone trust a government where there are soldiers involved? Surely Thailand needs a government elected by the Thai people where everyone in it is actually a politician, and not some soldier probably with a Military Academy or similar education thinking he is one. It seems to me that Srettha is just another unelected PM.
  14. So Srettha is similar to the last PM by being unelected by the Thai people? So that just makes him an unelected PM except that he is not a soldier and did not lead a coup.
  15. I always seem to agree with your posts, and I do not doubt what both you and OneMoreFarang say about Thaksin, but my mind goes back to when I first came to live in Thailand in the later stages of his Premiership. I compare Thailand with what it was like then and the way it is now. All my farang friends back then were happy, with most of them doing a 90 day borders hop and the odd one or two with the 800,000 Bt in their bank. Now, as I do not agree with that method, I have agents fee's and 90 day reporting to do which was not the case under Thaksin.
  16. If you were sober and minding your own business, you would be 99.9% safe here. You would be more likely to get attacked in any UK city than in Thailand.
  17. Everything great. Got my new AIO. Very easy to set up, I did it all by myself despite one idiotic poster who thinks I should stick to writing on a notebook.
  18. Thanks, I took the advice from a poster who sent me a link to Invadiet and ordered one from there, I am just waiting for delivery now.
  19. I used them when Darren was there and was stung badly. But things could be different now.
  20. I have bought from Invadeit, just waiting for it to arrive.
  21. My post is as plain as the nose on your face, so why the confused emo??
  22. I am not saying it hasn't happened, but in my 16 years here, I have never heard of any farang winning 3 million let alone 12 million.
  23. You should have told your friend to see the boss, in fact if he is not a member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade, he should go to the IO again and in a nice orderly manner ask why he has been told "go back to Pattaya agent and get your extension there".
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