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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I suppose I'm "old folk" too, but it never stops me from walking through people who are standing blocking the pavement, the Chinese were bad at this when they were here, they are not going to force me on the the road to get past.
  2. Firstly, give them the chance to move, if they won't then just walk right through them though just be careful of old folk and young children.
  3. On my Redmi Note 9 the home screen just disappeared completely.
  4. I can't, if it kept happening all the time I could take it to the Samsung shop. I could get a few calls and it is fine then almost every day at some point it will change from sound to vibrate, then the call would only ring on vibrate.
  5. No, I have had this phone for about two months and this has only started in the past week. but I will check it out, thanks for trying to help.
  6. Apart from when they are driving or riding motorbikes, I find the vast majority of Thai's very respectful and honest.
  7. Just what bill are you talking about, can you give an example? Besides you are not a guest here, Guests are people who are invited and are respected. Let's wait and see if this new government really will treat us expats as guests.
  8. If you go to the Sounds and Vibration in the Settings part of the Samsung, you have Sound, Vibrate and Mute. I keep my phone on Sound, but I am missing some calls because the sound button keeps moving to the Vibrate button. This is happening very regularly. any explanations for this?
  9. If there is any justice the unelected last PM will also eventually land in Jail. I am not saying that Thaksin deserves to be in jail as I do not know enough about him, but I sure know how things were between 2014 and now.
  10. Sorry for being a bit off topic here, but I have lived in Thailand since the democratically elected former PM was in power. Recently it was said he doubled the amount of money that had to be in an expats bank account to live here. Can anyone really confirm this as I have never heard this in all the years I have been here. I have never in my life put any 400,000 or 800,000 Baht in any Thai bank account to live here, and I'm an expat. All I had to do was have a nice day out every 90 days for a border stamp.
  11. There has never been anything said about this until now, can anyone confirm that this is really true, or even send links of any kind?
  12. Does a Thai Military Academy education not count?
  13. Pattaya Beach Road not OK for all these old, fat, overweight, big tittied farangs.
  14. Also remember the families of those who died from drug addiction. If it wasn't for these drug dealing scum, most of these people would still be alive today.
  15. When I see a service charge which is always 17% in the small print, I just refuse to pay it as the restaurant is trying to deceive me. Of course I will not be returning to that restaurant for obvious reasons.
  16. What an ignorant answer. The poster is only asking a normal question.
  17. Recently in Pattaya, I found a motorbike key on a ring with a couple of others lying on the pavement next to a few parked motorbikes. I picked it up and gave it to a vendor at the side of the pavement and asked her to watch for someone looking for the keys. Supposing it had been a wallet with a good few thousand Baht in it and no identification, if you found that would would you do? Hand it in to the police?? Of course that would be fine in a western country, but in Thailand????
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