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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. A man of Indian descent as PM of the UK. In Scotland a Muslim as First Minister, That's worse than an unelected soldier.
  2. What is the best way to defrost cooked food from the freezer, ie pork mince, boiled fish etc? Leave in the fridge for a few hours, leave covered on the kitchen table? Straight from the freezer to the fridge in special containers, ie bought in Mr Do It Yourself?
  3. I love quiches when I am in the UK, and have never seen them in Thailand, and you are saying you can get them in Big C? Which part of Big C sells them?
  4. I wonder why Villa Market are still in business with their ridiculous prices. I had a look in the branch in 2nd Road in Pattaya, in the 10 mins I was in there I only saw one customer though there was a few staff around, and this is a huge store.
  5. Would that not describe both Thailand and UK governments? I cannot mention any other countries as these are the only countries I have lived in.
  6. What I would really want to see in the near future is the present unelected caretaker PM not explaining his wealth since he stole the country, he would just lie, but to have his wealth checked in some way.
  7. I am not doubting what you are saying. OneMoreFarang, but Thaksin was PM when I started my life in Thailand. The difference then and now with an unelected caretaker PM is like night and day. If I thought I would ever have to do 90 reports and use agents just because I refuse to leave 400.000 or 800.000 Bt in a Thai bank account, I would never have come to live in Thailand.
  8. Having driven and ridden over most of Thailand and it's cities, I can say that it was much safer in Bangkok. The worst was Riot Et.
  9. I think that he should have to get a Military Academy degree before he is allowed to be PM, after all the unelected caretaker has one.
  10. I buy my gold at Damini's just up from the post office. They seem OK to me.
  11. It appears so, but I just can't imagine it.
  12. The good in Thailand outweighs the bad where in the UK the bad far outweighs the good.
  13. There's a lot more than five things to hate about Thailand. IMO the worst of the lot is farangs not being able to buy houses in their name. I agree with not being able to buy up land apart from maybe a couple of rye to surround the house.
  14. I did not mention anything about class or education. I would bet that some of these people responsible for the dreadful road fatalities would probably have university degree's.
  15. You are one of the more sensible posters on this forum, maybe you will understand me, yes I said that most Thais are stupid. I will repeat what I have said many times on this forum, The majority of Thai people are decent, honest and non confrontational, but most of these people are the same ones responsible for the dreadful loss of life on Thai roads. I cannot go for a ride on my bike without people coming out of side roads without looking, many driving and riding on the wrong side of the road, same applies when I'm on my motorbike. Maybe I was a bit strong in using the word stupid, but what I have said is true, and I make no apologies.
  16. I have lived here for years and still say that most Thais are stupid. Have made attempts to learn the language but put off because of the stupid tones. If the Thai language was normal like the French, Spanish etc, I would be proficient in it by now.
  17. Here's another one. Soldiers who think they are politicians.
  18. 90 day reporting. Different branches of IO offices making up their own rules. Ditto Banks. The Thai addiction to noise. The many bad habits of Thai drivers and motorbike riders.
  19. So you think that the Banana Republic of Thailand is a developing country??
  20. Yes years ago back in Scotland I loved mars bars until they had this policy of making them bigger as an excuse to raise the price, then a few weeks later they would reduce in size but the price would stay the same.
  21. True, and the soldiers were only playing at being politicians.
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