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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Why not? I have overpaid by mistake or walked away forgetting my change both in 7-11's and the local market over the 16 years I have been here, and been chased by the staff to return it to me. There are good and dishonest people in every country.
  2. I hope that restaurant goes out of business soon. Dirty rotten lot.
  3. When I was young, and the UK government brought out a scheme for sitting tenants to buy their house, I took a job as a bus driver so I could use my wage packets to get a mortgage. I had to take fares and give out change, at the end of the week any shortfalls came out of my wages. That was fair enough, but any left over was not returned. That was not fair enough. There was no way I was standing for that, so at the end of the day, I was the one who was better off. I don't think I need to explain.
  4. But what if there is any money above the amount recorded in the till. Will that be refunded? I think we all know the answer to that.
  5. All that fine print and legal jargon is there to try and help them refuse claims. small print should be made illegal on anything. There is no reason for any small print, apart from hoping that people won't notice it.
  6. Your posts are usually very sensible, but not this time. I love my Forza, great for both riding in cities and for long distance rides.
  7. A lot of left lanes on highways are left in a dreadful state by overloaded trucks, it can be extremely dangerous for any bike, especially small 125cc's, so it is common sense to ride them on the hard shoulder, though only when it is in a decent condition.
  8. Please do not refer to my Forza as a scooter as it is not ridden by a kid scooting along the pavement hopping on one foot. Anyway, the majority of motorbike riders in Thailand, even on Forza's, are not fit to be on the road.
  9. Compared with the UK, even with Thailand being ruled by an unelected soldier, the good in Thailand still outweighs the bad.
  10. Do not give them anything, but be careful with your tone of voice, if they ask you nicely you refuse nicely.
  11. I managed to do it after watching the video. Thanks a lot.
  12. Going from the bus terminal to Soi Pothole by MC always cost me exactly 100Bt.
  13. App that same distance always costs me 100Bt, but one guy tried to charge me 20Bt extra for carrying a case which I use for a cabin bag on my flights to the UK. He was told to get lost.
  14. Sorry. Do not know how to send photos. Model no PQ206 if that helps.
  15. I have bought two new cutters for my shaver and I cannot change them. My wifes brother is an extra good handyman and good with electrics, and he can't either. Took them to a shop which changes watch batteries etc, and he can't either. I thought I would just have to take the old ones out and put in new ones. Can anyone help?
  16. "You dont need a passport to check into hotels and never had a hotel even question it. So you have never tried to check into the Nana Hotel in Soi 4 in Bangkok??
  17. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Do these soldiers never learn? Here we have the ex sleeping partner of the present unelected PM who said when he stole the country in 2014 "there will be no coup". Does even the most gullible Thai person believe what comes out of these two soldiers mouths.
  18. You mean you have not read here on this forum? I don't believe it though.
  19. There is never an excuse for any country invading another country against the will of that country's people, if it is true that 70% of westerners say that the Russians were right about the invasion of The Ukraine, then what can I say?
  20. So do I, and that's even with the unelected PM and his soldier boys in charge.
  21. There were posters on here only last week saying that the biggest majority of Russians are in agreement with their country's invasion of The Ukraine, but personally I do not agree with that.
  22. I would have thought that would apply more to politicians.
  23. Yes, I will look into that thanks.
  24. I now have two of these air pods in the little box and they are both hard to keep in my ears, as another poster gave me a link to Lazada, I will wait and see what happens there.
  25. I know that now, but these pods are new to me, and as I said they sometimes fall out of my ear.
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