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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. It's fine now, it has come back again today.
  2. My main gripe is why does he not wear a shirt in public especially being so overweight and exposing big titties. It is disgusting, there is no other word for it.
  3. It is in Pattaya, but not anywhere else although I do see the odd shirtless Thai, but not vastly overweight with big titties.
  4. This is Thailand, where brains are in very short supply.
  5. I tried to install it but it seems over complicated to me. Any other streaming site you just download, but not with this one. I am not prepared to spend ages trying to follow instructions when it should just be a case of clicking on "download" or "install".
  6. My Tinyzone has been off all day. I fear I may not get it back.
  7. When I click on, it takes a bit of time then the usual thing appears. "This site can't be reached" Check your internet. The internet is fine.
  8. I don't have to log into it, that is just a figure of speech. I just click on the same as I do for anything else. I will just keep clicking on and see if it comes back.
  9. Probably true, but I'm sure they can be moved elsewhere, and think of all the money that would be going into the economy with many more westerners coming to live in Thailand, which would definitely happen with all these immigration hassles gone, and also many Thai families taken out of poverty.
  10. I have not long downloaded TinyZone for streaming movies, and found it brilliant, I have already got a few, but now when I try to log on to it, it just doesn't come. Does anyone know why? Has it been taken off? Is it permanent? Thanks.
  11. So all these boat people who arrive every day are getting sent back? As John Wayne used to say "That'll be the day".
  12. Probably the UK. If a person is living in any country, has no criminal record, behaves themselves, and working or having regular funds sent and contributing to the economy, why not just leave them alone instead of all this visa and visa run nonsense?
  13. If you don't want to break any laws in Thailand, just stay in your bed, or don't forget to put on your underwear. Just because something is against the law does not always mean that it is right.
  14. Only police above a certain rank, (don't know which one there are that many) can ask to see your passport.
  15. Would that not mean that the brown envelopes will be going in the opposite direction?????
  16. What is a cue "sport"? If it is what I think it is, just like darts, although there is some skill required, it cannot be called a sport as there is no exercise involved. If you see grossly overweight guys taking part in anything, do not refer to it as a "sport".
  17. I can't even let a man touch me let alone massage me. Quite a few times over the years in a store I have brushed salesmen off me for even touching my arm. In Pattaya a few years back an Indian tailor grabbed me as I walked past his shop, I physically grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall.
  18. Yes, then maybe all these price increases will be back to normal again.
  19. In public, after a drink, people can be a bit tipsy, for your benefit, I'll explain, that means walking properly, not bothering anyone, and not stepping out on the road without looking etc, no problem with that. Incapable, drunk to such a stage that he is staggering, bumping into people, shouting insults at them, not looking before crossing the road etc. If you want me to explain the "etc's" I won't bother. Is that plain enough for you?
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