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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. You have the pods in a box, this is a very different thing.
  2. No these are not the buds in a case, they are the older type. I have since bought the ear buds and I cannot keep them safely in my ear, yet I see people using them all the time ie on the MRT and they don't seem to fall out, I must be doing something wrong.
  3. "Think 30 baht per transaction." It depends on how much money you draw out in another province. I drew over 200.000Bt and my bank tried to charge me 280Bt Commission. It wasn't so much the money that bothered me, it was the theft from my bank.
  4. What other bank will not penalise me for drawing out money in a different province?
  5. I see where you are coming from, but I will not be bullied by anyone, if some idiot puts me in danger they are going to know about it, and riding a 300cc bike will get me away very quickly if any one wants to chase me, which has not happened in 16 years here.
  6. Your lucky, when I had a Kasikorn account I always had to pay a fee when drawing out money in another province.
  7. You are right they are not all the same, I already have an account with the Bangkok Bank. I want to try and get a local TMB account as they do not charge you for drawing money in another province.
  8. It was the branch in the Big C shopping centre in Nakhon Sawan. The manager, I think he was handed me a phone and the person was speaking Thai not English, he came back with the phone a second time, and again it was someone speaking in Thai. what chance have I got?
  9. Yesterday I tried to open an account with the TMB now TTB bank. None of the staff could speak English, I was asked for my phone no and then told someone will be in touch with me. This being Thailand I do not expect this to happen so what is the next stage?
  10. Just because it's "illegal" it does not make it right. Blast the b@stards. I do it regularly illegal or not.
  11. Very big deal, they can be responsible for slowing down traffic for quite a distance behind them.
  12. But you support an unelected PM who has been ripping off the country for years.
  13. I see where you are coming from but it is not the present unelected government who have stopped Thailand becoming like the west, things were like that before they illegally stole the country, and I hope the present incumbent eventually ends up in jail.
  14. "Remember why a military presence exist here." It exists through the greed of an unelected PM who with his soldiers took over the country by force, and if, and it is a big if, a non military government takes over at the next election, it will only be a matter of time before some other greedy soldier who see's how well off financially the present one has become, will do the exact same thing again.
  15. That unelected soldier and his cronies should be back at their barracks and parade grounds. They are no use as politicians as they only have the average low Thai IQ.
  16. Anyone who can afford to lose all that money on Elite Visas, will certainly be able to support themselves, and much more.
  17. "Fact is a large percentage of Russian people are for the war!" and you know that for sure? Personally I do not think that is the case.
  18. "I doubt the guy in the first photo would be much use on the front line." He would not be any use in the lady bars or massage shops either, unless he was very very rich, imagine some poor girl with that on top of him.????
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