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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. what's all this about cold UK farangland? it was t shirt weather here yesterday!!!

    after many years living in Pattaya there was a lot of miserable people living there from what I remembered!

    excuse me, slightly off topic on the above....

    I do agree though the lack of frequent trains is probably the reason for the jumpers....also it hits your prime time local TV stations out there with pixelated pictures for viewing pleasure....over here in 'cold-miserable' farang land it gets a few lines in the corner of the free papers at most!

    Lucky you :)

    Hooded top and leather jacket for me yesterday with that cold wind coming off the north sea.

    If I was not due back to sunny Thailand I think I would be tempted to jump but nowhere to jump from and the trains on the local rail line are too slow. There was talk recently of re-building a toll bridge across a valley here but one reason not to build besides the expense was the amount of people who jumped from the old bridge.

    Benidorm & Spain in general a lovely place and still plenty of available women. The locals are more likely to jump with their current economic and unemployment rates.

    Seriously, you have to be well down / depressed to end your own life. I doubt there are that many real jumpers in Patts. Some might be down to drink and accidents but it is too easy to be leaning over the balcony after a few beers or while having a ciggie and someone sneaks up behind you and ........

  2. Nothing to hide? http://donttrack.us/

    Another alternative to https://duckduckgo.com/

    is https://startpage.com/

    You will need to adjust settings for the search engine as needed.

    Thanks to this post I am now using DuckDuckgo.

    Now I am not being bombarded with adverts for flights to BKK and for electronic showers - the two things I have searched for recently since I came back for my UK break. Google and yahoo had these adverts on every page I visited.

    So Google has lost me as a customer.

  3. Just came in a week ago. I was worried as I had well over my limit of duty free booze. Walked right past the machine. I think I heard them asking for me to have it scanned, but I didn't stop. They were busy for sure, but a lot walked past without having their luggage scanned. I think they focus on people with big bags or a lot of luggage. I was with just a carryon small roller.

    Thanks for the input.

    I hope they are too busy when I land.

  4. Jet Airways via Dehli £308 Incl. taxes etc. from their own site. Flight time 14 hrs 20 mins.

    Do not forget that Easter Holidays are coming and that will push up fares. Followed by the Olympic games and Summer holidays.

    UTTER nonsense-but thats most of your posts. Easter does not mean anything in long-dist airfares. Songkran is more likely to. And the Olympics? Did not that be IN London? No relation at all to singles ex -LON.

    Utter nonsense? Then you are a fool and you need to research a bit more. My flight on March 6th cost me £308. Most flights cost more during the holidays.

    An example flight I checked today.... for Monday 19th March 2012

    Operated by Jet Airways 9W121 London Mon 20:50 Delhi Tue 10:40

    Operated by Jet Airways 9W64 Delhi Tue 12:20 BangkokTue 18:10

    Hurry, Few seats left

    GBP 318.73

    Best Fare of the day

    Hurry, Few seats left

    Now go away and look before you tell me I talk nonsense, you tool.

    edit to show flight and times

  5. In one of the Northern towns.

    3K rent for a 3 bed, 2 bath. 1 kitchen townhouse.

    < 100 Baht mains water.

    1K electric. Using air con to cool room for sleep + tv, computer etc.

    That is the house taken care of.


    30 - 40 baht from a stall.

    Have BigC, Makro, Thai supermarkets. Good local markets. Using a combination of these you get plenty of meat, veg and fruit at reasonable prices - say 1,500 Baht p.w.

    Clothes - many markets with cheap clothes.

    Restaurants - plenty of good ones. A meal for 100-200 Baht. Beer 40-60 Baht Lge bottle.

    Drinks? A bottle of 40% ?Gilbeys? vodka 320 Baht. No corkage fee. soda / pepsi 40 baht each in a nightclub. 20 Baht in restaurant.

    Women? 5,000 a month for a live in woman.

    Internet 650 a month for abt 6 meg.

    What to do with yourself? Same as anywhere in the world. You cannot party / holiday every day. You surf the net, read a book, download & watch movies, go for a walk, look round BigC, go to the park, walk by the river.

    Expensive? NO. Boring? No more than life anywhere where you live.

    19,110 includes 2 bottles vodka +16 mixers, a live in woman, food at 2k p.w., internet, electric, water and a house. About $620 per month.

    Any newbies reading this, please realize that someone just arriving in Thailand would find it impossible to meet these prices without a *lot* of help from a knowledgable local with solid Thai language and negotiation skills, to get to that point yourself will require at least a year or two for even the fastest learner.

    I find it hard to believe that kind of rental value is normal even in an isolated upcountry town, very lucky to find that for 3K.

    Same with the female companionship - unless she's old and ugly, few cute young lasses would stick around for that, even if they saw a much higher lottery win down the road. And you're not factoring in the replacement costs of a new one, always a bit higher in the acquisition stage.

    I would take the drinks and eating out out of the picture myself, so perhaps that would balance out a bit.

    Visa and travel costs, occasional appliance purchases --> USD1000/mo is still basic survival mode. . .

    I found the house by myself as it happens. I went around any and all apartments and hotels asking. I'd been living in a large apartment for 5 months or so that was costing me 4K a month. Negotiations were done through the owners daughter who spoke passable English.

    It depends on what you call old and ugly. The women who lived with me at that place were both mid 30's and not ugly, but then again I am not into young bar girls. The women found me too.

    A little research - which is what I did before I came over initially - helps a lot.

    There are a lot of places to rent at low prices away from the cities.

    Take Cha-Am. There are houses there for 5K a month. A quiet place where many would like to live. Many places have reasonable apartments quite cheap. But it is all about research.

    Was it easy to set myself up? No. But neither was it too difficult.

    The internet and forums can help a lot when you are first starting out. Do not dive straight in, take some time to make enquiries.

    Maybe not for the faint hearted but I do like a challenge.

    Visa runs to Cambodia. Roughly 2K every 90 days. An e-visa for abt $20 + travel.

    • Like 1
  6. other farangs in the family .

    i have only once experienced this .

    with an issan lass, her two sisters had netted farangs , whilst working down south .

    both farangs [german ] had bought houses, for their tee raks.

    i was certainly put under pressure by her sisters to buy land and build a house ,

    and constantly compared with , and told how good the other farangs are , good men , jai dee.

    it came to a head when a family friend turned up with a car , which the thai family wanted me to buy .

    i thought the thai lass , is not that good in the sack , and decided to pull the pin , and end the farse .

    i certainly felt relieved , to get out of that stress full situation.

    my ex then , on the advice of her sisters ,took her arse down to phucket ,

    cause phucket more exspensive , better farang , go there , more money.

    good luck to the happy families.jap.gifwai.gif

    Yep, when the demands become excessive it is time to move on to pastures new. And there are plenty of pastures out there that want grazing.

  7. Do you believe all you are told?

    Do politicians tell you the truth?

    Global warming is here / is not here / coming.

    Thailand will stop the floods this year.

    There are no terrorists in Thailand.

    The list goes on and on and on through everyone's lifetime. And you ask why people are cynical?

    If you are referring to Thailand, then look at life here and not be cynical about most of what we are told.

  8. Oddly enough I bought some After Eights today for the g/f mother.

    A friend of mine often buys a big jar of sweets / chocolates. A jar of Roses chocs as you are in the U.K. They seem to go down very well.

    Have you got a Wilkinsons near you? They are doing reduced perfume at the moment. CK and the likes.

    If they talk a lot you could also buy a jar of gobstoppers. Think of all that peace and quiet

    Perfume is not a good idea mate

    60+ year old mother of my longest relationship here was absolutely delighted to receive perfume. A perfume designed for a more mature person. And there was some jealousy about when I handed it over.

  9. I do lower the bar to some degree because of cultural differences but there are signs to look out for.

    that's not lowering the bar at all - by the same argument she's lowering the bar (because you're not Thai Chinese are you?!?) because of cultural differences.

    surely you're just finding a level that you're both comfortable at where compromise is healthy and not to be confused with sacrifice

    Fair and agreeable comment.

    • Like 1
  10. Any details you have in your inbox or outbox of that account are definitely compromised bgecause the person who has that account can read your mail.

    If you are unsure of any sensitive data that may be in any of those mails, get the information changed immediately.

    Open a new account and let people know your account has been hijacked and get them to delete and ignore that account and any mail that comes from it.

    There is very little possibility that Yahoo will do anything about it, but you could send them details and wait and wait and wait.

  11. I do lower the bar to some degree because of cultural differences but there are signs to look out for.

    Not many Thai women, educated or not, have much knowledge of the world as a whole, unlike most of us. Putting aside the question of money, I would be asking, 'What does she do for you?' 'How does she treat you?' 'Does she show genuine affection?'

    Because a woman is educated does not make her a good woman. An Issan woman whose family lives in a tin shack can be a good and loving woman. Whereas a woman from a family with property and a college education can also be a right money grubbing B*tch.

    Does the woman in your life genuinely snuggle up to you, does she kiss you, does she care if you are hurt or sick? Does she make love to you? If she does then that has to be a good start.

    If she is happy to meet your friends and be sociable, that also is a good sign.

    A woman who either helps with or does many of the day to day things like cooking, cleaning, shopping and laundry because she wants to. If she helps with problems along the way. When she asks what you want or would like to do. These are all good signs.

    If the requests for money for whatever reason keep cropping up, that is often not a good sign, especially if her 'performance' in everything drops off because you do not give in to her financial requeats.

    • Like 1
  12. Oddly enough I bought some After Eights today for the g/f mother.

    A friend of mine often buys a big jar of sweets / chocolates. A jar of Roses chocs as you are in the U.K. They seem to go down very well.

    Have you got a Wilkinsons near you? They are doing reduced perfume at the moment. CK and the likes.

    If they talk a lot you could also buy a jar of gobstoppers. Think of all that peace and quiet ;)

  13. Most places have been issuing tickets for a long time now to those on m/c not wearing crash helmets. Also to people riding 3 or more on a m/c. Proper tickets too in the vast majority of stops and not tea money.

    At least a year ago I was stopped at a toll for the then g/f not wearing her seatbelt. Quick as a flash she dipped into her handbag and took out some pharmacy she had in there and told the policeman it was for her stomach.

    He waved us on with no ticket.

    I doubt if they will ever stop people piling into the back of pick-ups. It seems to be traditional here.

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