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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Everything in the OP's is a crock of sxxx.....

    Believe me I'm no lover of Heathrow but statements for example that T4 can be seen from T3 400 metres away border on I don't know what !!

    I dont remember the exact terminals we went to and departed thats why I put a question mark against them. There was no underground train and if we had had to wait for the next shuttle bus we we might have missed our flight.

    Its signposted EVERYWHERE from T3 and you sure as hell wouldn't walk even without bags.

    Its a good 10 minutes on a shuttle bus and a good 3-4 minutes on the underground train, Dumped at T3 ?? You mean you got off the bus at your intended destination ?? Shall I go on ??

    I dont remember the exact terminals we went to and departed thats why I put a question mark against them. There was no underground train and if we had had to wait for the next shuttle bus we we might have missed our flight. My post is absolutely correct

    There IS a train. It simply wasn't pointed out to you.

    The train in question might be the London underground tube system. That has a seperate stop for T4.

    But if you are unaware of this and have been dropped in the wrong area and in need of getting to T4 then asking as you did would be the correct way, even if the info you were given was incorrect.

    To some others - we do not ALL know our way around strange places, that is why we ask and hope to be given the correct information. When in a hurry signs are not always as easy to see as when we have plenty of time.

  2. Well now. I have had a hard time with this company but I am getting my refund.

    Their main problem is giving out information and also giving out correct information regarding people to contact. 2 of the 3 e-mail addresses I was given were incorrect, including the one I was given when I phoned the number RabC gave.

    I did pester the info@jet airways mail that does seem to work and the perseverance has paid off.

    10-14 days to get the refund into my account. Better than some, worse than some others, but a result.

    Thanks for the help and support from WilliaminBKK and RabC.

  3. I've always loathed Heathrow and prefer Gatwick but hey; seems you missed the fact that there is an underground train runs between Terminal's 3&4. You probably missed the signs because it isn't signed particularly well but I've never heard of anyone having to leg it before. Better luck next time if you have to use this Godforsaken Cattle Station they call an Airport.

    I have to agree about Gatwick. With the rail link and all I prefer it to LHR. But sometimes we have to go via LHR.

  4. No mention of drugs here?

    The reason I ask is that a friend of mine who owns several condos had an American citizen die in one of those condos. While sorting the belongings out and boxing them up to put into storage they found at least 2 bottles of Ketamine, multiple hard drives, wi-fi cameras and all sorts of other computer stuff to transmit movies and photos to a computer.

    With the set-up he had I have to believe he was into making porn movies and most likely without the knowledge of the women. If you ever look at porn with, say, western women, they rarely look drunk or drugged. On the other hand look at the eyes of many of the asian women in porn photos and movies. So many look drunk or drugged.

    So iot may be the case that a lot of these women had little or no idea what they were letting themselves in for. Just a thought.

  5. Then I have to think myself lucky in that I have never met any of these types of people personally though I have seen the idiots wai-ing everyone in sight.

    I should be thankful I move in circles where there is a mix of nationalities and cultures. Maybe I have had some good Thai teachers letting me know more about the basics of Thai etiquette while being allowed to be myself and these people accepting my mistakes and correcting them along the way.

    Being yourself is what I believe you should be. There is no need to take on an alter ego. I have found many Thai people accept I am not Thai. They accept my humour. Those that do not - that is up to them, in the same way, those I meet and drink with from around the world either accept me or not. Heaven forbid I ever turn into some sort of person who goes overboard on Thainess - if I do, slap me! :P

  6. I have yet in almost 10 years here to see a western expat woman fixed up a bit while out, they mostly always look disheveled and unkempt which gives off a bad impression of shear laziness but I guess that's what has brought many here in the first place away from that sort of "could careless how I look take me or leave me the way I am" attitude that most western women have.

    Well, shouldn't you take these Western ladies as they are? why would you want to take them as someone else?

    Many of the replies I see here are from men whom I'd imagine are unable to find success in a relationship in their homelands and have found solace in the fact that their sexists and bigoted opinions are tolerated by someone with limited life choice.

    So why are you here then?? You have a real problem with reading what's actually in the post don't you?? Actually my reasons for being here are nothing even close to your presumption but keep trying won't you??

    And how do you presume to know what my missus life choices were or are? What a presumptuous twit..

    Have to agree.

    Why is it that some people presume about our relationships in our home country and also to think we cannot have any?

    Currently I am in the UK and I see so many huge lumps of lard walking around, I would not want any of them, nothing to do with if they want me or if I am capable of a relationship or not.

  7. 020 8735 9650 is the number for their UK HQ got from saynoto0870.com

    Thanks for that RabC. :)

    I have just phoned them and the lady I spoke to has said she will see what she can do and has requested details of all contact I have had with Jet Airways so far including calls and numerous e-mails.

    Now I wait - again LOL - and see what happens next :)

    I love banging my head against brick walls should be my new motto ;)

  8. Pattaydingo, explain to Barclays you have been denied the original terms of carriage which states confirmed status and it is now standby-both ways. Chances are they wont budge but maybe just maybe.

    Start e-mailing the powers that be: http://www.jetairway...Management.aspx

    Post on airliners.net and airline equality and ask for help -google United breaks guitars

    I've been an airline guy for 20 years and you are within your rights to demand positive space travel given your situation and travelling 500 km to get an answer is unacceptable to see the one person who allowed the original provision.

    Thanks for the above.

    I am getting stonewalled again today.

    And trying to get hold or a supervisor with Jet airways is impossible.

    Off to try some more tacks like those you mentioned :)

  9. Ok here is a reply from a western expat street cowboy tongue.png

    To the OP: I dont know where you are seeing these women, but most western women i know here dress very well and are in good shape...and they do it for THEMSELVES (and of course their partners, because dont we all generally like to look good for our partners..?). I enjoy dressing nicely. Even wearing just jeans and a tshirt can look nice if crisp and clean. Tiring to forever read about so-called fat frumpy bad tempered etc etc western women, by western men. I have a full and active life, am a pleasant and friendly person, and i hope to stay that way as much as possible until the day i drop dead! ..and, i can say, that the woman i know, are attractive, happy, and well dressed women! I decided to put a photo of the kinds of things wear during the DAY..and that includes heels depending on where im going, even if makes me tall..because i like them. Sadly i cant (well wont) put photos of my friends, because feels wrong without their permission, but they are very presentable attractive ladies. Anyway, make any nasty comment you like, but here are some photos (threw in the dtracker one for the heck of it. Dont usually wear such casual stuff if im on a proper ride):

    Got no idea how to embed a photo on here now so linking (could someone fix for me?): http://imageshack.us...2/20564207.jpg/post-33493-0-72969800-1331874691_thumb.j

    (Ahh ok, i dunno how to embed, but ive attached)

    Nice legs ;)

    • Like 1
  10. What do you mean by dressed like in the west, everything here is mega size. Thank god I brought my jeans with me to UK as the smallest size here seems to be too big. 28" jeans are proving really hard to find. On the bright side though I can wear my wellies. But you won't find me wearing those in Thailand.

    You take care of them thar Rams when out in ur wellies on the moors.

  11. If I may draw a comparison.

    Well before the greatest majority of you were born and before the likes of America, Canada and Australia really got going we had a lot of social deprivation in the U.K. and in Europe.

    Living conditions were hard. No contraception. Children often slept on straw mattresses and top to tail in one room. People took in boarders, did laundry and many other similar tasks to make ends meet. There was little or no education for the masses. Children worked long hours working at the mines, as chimney sweeps, in the cotton mills. Fathers also worked very long and arduous hours. All to get food on the table, to feed and clothe the children and to keep a roof over their heads. Families lived together in one house, grandparents, mother, father, children.The women of the household struggled but never sold themselves. They had pride.

    Sounds familiar?

    Go out into the country here and see the womenfolk doing the same - though not at / down the mines - but in the rice fields, working the sugar cane, banana fields, etc.

    Many Thai people may not have a lot either but that does not mean they are going to go and sell their bodies in brothels and bars.

    These parents are the same as ours were and as ours do (if they are good parents) strive to better themselves and the lives of their children. Better their children's education so they too can go to work in a bank or for the government or similar and get reasonable wages and pensions.

    I often think that people forget far too easily their roots because in the West we have made many great advances in our social structures since the mid 1800's early 1900's. Either that or they do not like to remember where they came from. Our grandparents were proud to have mined the iron ore that helped build things like the Forth Bridge in Scotland or Sydney Harbour bridge in Australia amongst other great achievements.

    There is no need to denigrate all Thai women into some miasmic pool some of you only ever seem to see.

    edit to capitalise Australia (don't want to offend our sousins down under) ;)

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  12. Odd, but my twisted mind sees the OP's heading and I do not see 'Black Bamboo', I see Black Bimbo.

    Maybe I need to go lie down before seeing the psychiatrist.

    Odd, but my twisted mind sees the OP's heading and I do not see 'Black Bamboo', I see Black Bimbo.

    Maybe I need to go lie down before seeing the psychiatrist.

    Well done...Racist and sexist in the same sentance... clap2.gif

    Sometimes I try and sometimes I am trying :P

    Not my fault my brain is twisted. I blame my mother ;)

  13. I would ask to see the meter readings to try and clarify the amount used to query their estimation of the cost.

    At the end of the day they do have your deposit - a large one too I might add and they might simply deduct the cost. A bit of a Catch 22 situation for you.

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