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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. pattayadingo ... I expected better ... wheres my Dingo gun?

    Your gun is useless I stole it and used it to shoot at a lesser spotted, spotted dick eating monster created by some crazed, blethering scotsman, but the buffalo went into a rage and trampled on it, destroying it.

    Danger ....

    There is a wounded lesser spotted buffalo heading for the wall in search of its creator. Maybe looking for some funds to cure it, or even some revenge ph34r.png

    • Like 1
  2. There is no place for necrophilia in this forum.


    You have something against the study of my posts? huh.png


    Listen here no neck ... who asked you for a comment ?

    Actually, I just wanted an excuse to watch the bouncing ball ... post-4641-1156694572.gif

    Spot ... see the ball

    see the ball bounce ... post-4641-1156694572.gif

    I thought you were into necrophilia, not bouncing your balls about.


    <---- looks for Mods about and sees none so might get away with this next bit........

    If someone can bounce their balls on their head like that could that possibly make them a d*** head? unsure.png

    Apologies, I can't help myself, my mental straight-jacket has slipped and I escaped wink.png

    • Like 1
  3. Two good ways to travel in and around the U.K. are the railways and bus / coach.

    The rail network can be very cheap and very quick if you book in advance - up to 3 months - and latch onto their cheap fares. Book on the internet.

    National Express coaches can be very reasonable and quite comfortable too.

    Megabus is often forgotten about. Look them up on the internet and you get get extremely cheap tickets. Some as low as £1.


    Cheddar gorge (as mentioned earlier) is very beautiful. Fantastic caves.

    York - the walled city - with York Minster is a very beautiful and historic city.

    Whitby further up the north east coast. Whitby Abbey up the 199 steps where Dracula is buried, Whitby harbour and its links to Captain cook. A very quaint and historical place. Nearby are the North Yorkshire Moors.

    Homesteads where (sorry Blether LOL) you can visit Hadrian's Wall is further north.

    The other obvious locations like London, Stonehenge, Lake District, Scotland with its beautiful mountains, lochs and rugged coastline. Lands end and so many other scenic, beautiful and historic places.

    Planning the itinerary can really save a lot of money on travel that can be used towards places to stay. Do you want hotels? In many places a good Bed & Breakfast place can save you money too. Often these places are run by friendly and helpful locals.

  4. This thread is skirting with the danger zone. Leave me out of it. No polls for you!

    Man up Jingthing!!!.......we need your experience, talent, wit, and ability biggrin.png

    Sheesh! What grovelling clap2.gif

    We have a problem with the radar on our 'Anti-Blether' missiles. They need a new software upgrade to lock onto hot air. Any programmers out there ....... ?


    I'd tend to nominate failed post of the year about some lesser spotted buffalo that ate too much spotted dick :P

    • Like 1
  5. oh bugger you blether, i now see purple elephants, invading chinese girls and a angry american sheep making mortal threats to a german philospher.

    yes, boom area, anywhere where there is a glut of cheap booze, tarts and somewhere to put the jet ski rental

    Bugger me?.......oh no not again......I'm still sore from the last time crying.gif

    You are supposed to have the Ram facing the other way!! Doh!

  6. So you think you can tell a 35 year old Thai woman I am too old for her???

    She probably doesn't need me to tell her...

    I wouldn't say my post was "Venomous"; just truthful.

    Sadly the truth really hurts when it comes to speaking the truth about the "Great Thai/ Older Westerner Relationship" illusion, and nowhere more so than in the minds of the older gent who really thinks his girl is "different" or that this is "the real thing".

    If anything I'd say the venom has been aimed at me for speaking my mind....wouldn't you?

    I'd say that replies directed at you are simply because of your one sided view. Other people have points of view too but you would like to be the great dictator. Maybe you would like all us older men to be forced to have vasectomies and the women we consort with to be given over to some mental health programme so their wills can be bent to yours?

  7. The point is that people young, older or old should be allowed to decide for themselves what they want to do. If they want to get married to a Thai and have children, that is their right and not for me or for others to judge. Some will fail and others will succeed. some will be happy and others not. Yet that is their choice. Their decision. Who are we to tell them what to do?

    Who are we to tell them...?

    Responsible members of the human race perhaps?

    Responsible people who are able to think above the waist and not like some re-born teenager, who feels that it is just wrong to reproduce with someone 30 years their junior simply to prove an imaginary point either to themselves or the world at large.

    Yes, you scratched a nerve in me as you have no idea who people are but you spout out this bumptuous crap as though only you know the meaning of life and everything else.

    Why does someone need to "know" someone to see they are making a terrible life choice, and frankly behaving irresponsibly?

    What I do know is that in a demographic of highly fragile relationships, to suggest that it's perfectly fine to have a child which will live the majority of it's life fatherless is just wrong.

    Without wishing to get personal but who the hell o you think you are telling people who are older and wiser than you how to run their lives.

    Older certainly, but wiser...don't make me laugh.

    i am now beginning to think that you need some form of counselling for your own failures and your own way of life.

    Responsible members of the human race do not judge others until they have walked in their shoes or have reached a certain level of maturity and I do not feel you have done either because you put down whole sectors of people because of your own pathetic beliefs, or maybe because of your own failures.

    Who is to say that an older man with years of experience behind him worse than a younger man with potentially a lot less experience in life to get married and raise a family? You do, of course.

    Why would a man over 50 be less likely to live long enough raise his offspring especially in this day and age of longevity of life? Who is to say that a younger man might not die or have an accident or simply walk away from a marriage and children?

    There are many women here in Thailand who would love to have a responsible husband and a good father to her / their children. To many of these women a foreigner over 50 suits them perfectly in that regard, more so than a younger man.

    Get off your soap box and stop condemning people you know nothing about.

    • Like 1
  8. Who says WE failed at these relationships? Why do you label all us men as failures? Have you been looking in the mirror too much?

    And who says we all have relationships with bar girls???

    Ahhh, contempt at 'some old fool' as you put it.

    I'm not examining your lives here. merely saying you should do better with your futures.

    I'm young but have had 20 years of life here and seen many a fool who thinks he has a "Girl who is different" fall by the wayside.

    Going from your locale alone I'd say you're in that volume for the future....

    Your rant shows I've touched a nerve, and I don't have problem with the old boys having some fun, but playing at "happy families" to maybe expunge your own guilt at your failures in early life, at the expense of an innocent life, is just WRONG!

    'Expunge my own guilt at my failures in early life?' laugh.png

    See, there you go again. You know little or nothing about my present life, never mind my early life, so how can you judge as you presume to do?

    With regards to my present location that has nothing at all to do with 'having a girl that is different'.

    I will judge a woman on what I know and learn about her. I will do the same with a man. And i will do so with all nationalities. Not all Thai people are scam and rip-off merchants. I happen to know a few who are very sincere and helpful and they have been friends - good friends - for several years now. I know from past experience I can phone these friends and get a resolution to a problem or help in that regard without them scamming me.

    BTW, yes they are different. They are helpful because they want to be.

    And I do not see why you should have so much concern over the futures of people here. Life is a constant learning curve we go through. We meet new people all the time. Some are good and some are bad. Some think they know it all.

    And I have already said in this topic that I have no intention of having children here. I have done that. I had a 20+ year marriage that I would not call a failure. I helped to raise two children and gave it my best. What they do with their futures is up to them.

    The point is that people young, older or old should be allowed to decide for themselves what they want to do. If they want to get married to a Thai and have children, that is their right and not for me or for others to judge. Some will fail and others will succeed. some will be happy and others not. Yet that is their choice. Their decision. Who are we to tell them what to do?

    • Like 1
  9. I for one can't understand it for the life of me.

    Why would anyone who has failed at relationships all their lives then think that somehow - in the twilight of their lives when they should be enjoying their latter years in peace - all will be fine now so they put themselves through the mill all over again?

    I can understand the "Company" angle, but company is one thing, bringing a new life into the world when the father could well be dead by the time the life reaches puberty is just plain wrong.

    There is high enough failure rate in Westerner - Bar Girl relations as it is (and most instances of this phenomena are with Bar Girls). Starting a family with a bar Girl is just plain irresponsible.

    To me it's about the male ego gone crazy. An extreme menopause if you will. "Look at me, I'm 65 and can still churn em out"

    I'd also wager the majority of such births are "accidental" as well and with Thailand's anti abortion laws the female merely has the baby to keep her meal ticket.

    When I see some old fool hobbling down the street with their young offspring, I feel only contempt for the mis-guided fool and terrible pity for the young life who either through separation or death, will never really know their father.

    Take up golf or fishing instead.

    Is that more like it?

    Who says WE failed at these relationships? Why do you label all us men as failures? Have you been looking in the mirror too much?

    And who says we all have relationships with bar girls???

    Ahhh, contempt at 'some old fool' as you put it.

    OMG, What a sad life I think you lead. What on earth is wrong with people of all walks and ages of life going and doing their own thing?

    We do not all live in boxes. We are not all cut from the same mould. Yes, we are ALL different, believe it or not. Why the h_ll should each person conform to your ideals?

    I applaud anyone who does it their way even though it may not conform with my way of life. Let people live and let live.

    • Like 1
  10. if they have radar,why everybody speed,why so many dead people?

    They have radar and use it selectively. Geez, get out of your rabbit hutch and see life here. Friends of mine have proper speeding tickets with photos sent to their homes or they are shown at official check points where everyone pays 500 Baht, Farang or Thai.

    Sometimes .....

  11. passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

    How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

    It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

    Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

    Bus, Train. It should just not be acceptable, attitudes like yours is the reason for so many deaths like the two young kids i recently saw die on the Suratthani to Donsak road. The poor little buggers never had a chance, mum and dad were safely buckled up inside. Totally irresponsible.

    And in so many places where there are no buses or trains? What do they do? Not everyone lives in large towns or cities where they can hop on a bus.

    yes it is dangerous but many do have to get from a to B to get to and from work etc.

  12. I find myself watching TV less and less, including the news and financial channels, and have been considering cancelling the whole caboodle, so we are perhaps moving one step closer to that.

    I have to agree with that

    I only watch news channels, in the early morning and lunchtime

    The rest of my viewing is from torrents on a hard disk.

    Add to that the sport on a weekend and I do not watch the rest.

    Torrents for me and they are so easy to watch using a USB stick on my DVD player. Now I download, copy and watch. No burning nowadays.

  13. Thanks very much to those that have commented and enjoyed the story. I've been in Thailand 12 times since 2008 and I think it was fate that I met that gentleman on my first afternoon. I had arrived with all my preconceived notions and he gently knocked them all right out of me.

    I spend the majority of my holidays now in Chiang Mai and the North, however I'm contemplating going to Pattaya for Songkran. If I do I'll make myself known to oldgent at Wonderful Bar 2, but he'll have to keep it a secret as there is still a contingent of Pattaya OAP's after my blood. ph34r.png ( see previous threads about UK pension rights biggrin.png ).

    Anyway, the story is not mine, the story is that of a man who loved and lost and was lost. Now he has found a new life and he is the better for it, and so is his family. All I had to do was listen, learn and remember.

    The Op will find that as he travels through life circumstances have a habit of changing unexpectedly, the trick is to have the ability to adapt, accept, and get on with it. Pattayadingo did, Ianforbes did, and many other people who have contributed to this thread or are reading it did.

    If you will indulge me with a combination of two of the most famous Scottish sayings, ( I'll be nice, I'll translate them into English )

    The best laid plans of mice and men go wrong................but if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

    Nah, you will be too tight to give anyone your alcohol laden blood. They'd be better off trying to get blood from a Blarney stone wink.png

    • Like 1
  14. One thing to consider is the shock of retirement.

    Now, you are not old and you are not a youngster. You have a work ethic and a routine, something that occupies your life and your mind. You will not have that once you retire. That can leave a void in your life.

    The question then is, What are you going to do each and every day?

    Life after retirement is not one long holiday. So I would suggest you sit back and seriously think what you will do each day when the novelty of retirement and all that free time wears off. Do you have interests? computers, internet, fishing, walking, hiking?

    You do not like bars and drinking. What are you going to do with your evenings (not that you have to go to bars, of course) ? You can only sit and watch so much television or sit on the patio watching the world go by.

    It is not my intention to put anyone off retiring early or going to live in a foreign country, only to point out that many, even in their own country can go a bit crazy from boredom if they do not think these things through and find some way to fill their days. (edited here)

    Whatever you decide, I hope you find fulfillment in life and have some good years with your retirement as many of us do.

  15. Spotted Dick tried to hide from his followers by covering his spots with mud


    But after a brief rain the mud washed off and now Spotted Dick is on the run again, checking his back trail.


    Now he is all spruced up and really looks ready to ... erm ... hang out somewhere.

  16. Maybe a bit obvious but also check out the on line newspapers for Pattaya including Pattaya Trader as well as Thai Visa classifieds. Sometimes they have some good ads.

    Other than that Naklua is not my area so cannot help.

  17. http://housecall.trendmicro.com/

    i had some spare time on my hands and there are some sites that say trend Micro can remove those infections. The URL above is the free scan from them.

    Before using or logging on to get the scan, you need to boot in safe mode and turn off system restore. (those infections will continue to reinfect via system restore).

    Several variants of AutoIt worm reported in the wild. It is also known as Trojan.Win32.Autoit.ci, W32/Sohana-AZ, W32/YahLover.worm, W32.Imaut, TR/Autoit.CI.14 W32/Autorun-GG, WORM_DELF.FKZ

    The above variants of [ new folder.exe AKA regsrv.exe ] may be helpful for future searches.

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