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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. No thanks. I am hansum enough already and also full enough of chemicals.

    TBH I am as I am and see no reason to use enhancements. My mirror does not crack or groan when I look into it and if people do not like the way I look, that is up to them.

  2. I like DAENGS Salon on 2nd Road (near Pattaya North road) in the mall building that contains Kiss. A haircut will be 200 baht though. I know, too rich, for some of you.

    Too rich for tight old sods like me with hardly any hair to begin with laugh.png

    That extra money can go on beer. Hmmm. An extra 150 Baht = 2 large Leos whistling.gif

  3. Easy.

    Number 2 please.

    Buzzzzz, trim, buzzzzzzz.

    50 Baht.

    All over Pattaya.


    It must be a couple of months since you had your haircut Dingo, as it's at least 60-70 THB nowadays.

    Soi 1 off Pattaya Klang near Smitty's bar. 50 Baht & a little further along 60 baht. Seen other places too on my travels but as they are further away I'd rather go local.

    Have to admit I have also seen plenty that charge 100 Baht for a quick no. 2 buzz.

    edit to say these cheap places do seem to be tucked away off the main drag.

  4. What on earth is a 66 year old man doing in a bar in that area with his wife!

    That's rich. So it was his fault he got shot? Okie dokie.bah.gif

    Of course not - don't put words in my mouth.

    Just saying, it's rather strange a married man going to a brothel with his wife.

    It was a bar, not a brothel. Big difference.

    Can a man not take his wife wherever they want to go? If not, why not?

    • Like 1
  5. It happens the world over.

    I'd have thought that if two people of either sex got on with each other, enjoyed talking about the same things, had the same outlook on life in general etc., swapping phone numbers is a good way to be able to interact further and maybe the start of an interesting friendship.

    I have other peoples phone numbers. That way we can arrange nights out, change the times, dates and meeting places if needs be.

    It is called being sociable.


    On the other hand there are some right miserable gits out there. I know I'd rather have a few friends, to be able to sit, chat, have a few laughs, a few beers together and laugh at some of these miseries.

    Long may the miserable gits remain miserable. You are no loss to the sociable members of society. IMHO.

    Yet I also do not have to go out with friends. I can be as happy out on my own.

    • Like 1
  6. Yes, It's very easy. I just made the journey. Don't stop for anyone. Just keep walking until you reach the Thai immigration office. You will be approached and followed all the way to the Thai immigration office. Exit the Thai immigration office and it's clear sailing. Walk south across the street and continue walking east to the Cambodia visa office. Per the official, it's "one thousand baht" so fill out the Cambodia visa card and hand over your passport photo and passport. Your passport will be ready in a few minutes. Walk outside turn right and walk east passing the two casinos to the Cambodia immigration office. Fill out the immigration card and wait in line. When you finish walk north across the street to the Cambodia immigration office to exit Cambodia. After that you are free to visit the two casinos or you can walk west passing the casinos to the Thai immigration office to enter Thailand. Good luck.

    With the E-Visa you will pay only 750 Bahts, even if you show it to the people pestering you on the way in and out, they will try to convince you that you need some more extra stuff, just ignore them, even the police might try to give you an excuse to extort more money from you, just don't give up and decline any "shortcut/help" as you will soon notice there is absolutely no such need.


    added the words "they will try to convince you that you need some more extra stuff"

    No need for the 1000 Baht as Surayu says - if you have an E-visa.

    The other thing to note is that with the E-visa you get small entry / exit stamps in your passport, not the full page one the Cambodians issue you with for the 1000 Baht. Passports are expensive these days so no-one really wants full page visas in them. So you have a dual saving (money and passport).

  7. An old thread, but just wondering if there's any new and updated advice from you guys?

    Wishing to contact UK (both land and mobile) from a 1-2-Call mobile here in Phuket.

    Calling cards? Pre-fixes? Have used 009, 008, and 0050 before, but charges seem very variable.

    Thanks for the help.

    CAT cards are still good value. They also tell you how much money is left on the card and how much call time you have when you dial the number. That will vary depending on if you are calling a mobile or a landline number.

    The only problem I find with CAT and other cards is when dialing many companies that answer their phones with music. CAT says the number is unavailable but it isn't. Just one of the foibles of using cards unfortunately.

    But to call a landline abroad or a mobile I find they are good. Valid for a year too, I believe.

    100, 200, 300 Baht cards available.

  8. Site is down while they are working on it. Could they not have posted here on the downtime and how long? sad.png

    Could have saved some hassle trying to get in and play. At least it says so now on the site itself.

    works for me, just cashed in 1500 points for some food and then played and won 500 points back

    whens lottery day......?

    Yeah, working again early this evening. Had a maintenance screen up earlier today.

  9. I have to agree about the E-visa. It is so simple and cheap. No hassle from anyone if you show the visa as you walk through.

    One thing to note about the E-visa, do not copy and paste it to print it out, as you lose the bar code.

    With the ciggies, viagra, kamagra and such like, it can be a bit hit and miss according to some reports regards counterfeits but I have never encountered any problems with them so far.

    The beggars and touts. I wave them away and continue walking. Those touts that continue at your side hoping for some money on the Cambodian side get rather disappointed when you flash your E-visa laugh.png

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