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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. For your info .... about York.

    Did you know?

    ...that York was voted the best place to visit including best family day out and best historical place to visit in a new survey by East Coast rail (Sep 2011)

    The York Pass is the perfect way to make the most of your stay in York. Currently £48 for a 2 day pass.


    The Pass gives you entry to over 30 attractions in the city of York and over 40 special offers so you can visit more of our historic houses, discover more museums and make plans for days out, all for a lot less money.

    See more of York for less with a York Pass.

    A visit to York Minster, the largest gothic cathedral north of the Alps goes without saying. Do not miss the JORVIK Viking Centre an award winning experience transporting you to a Viking settlement 1000 years ago or let the children enjoy an archaeological adventure at DIG. York Maze the largest maze in the world combined with a visit to the Yorkshire Air Museum makes for a great day out beyond the city.

    The York Pass is packed with over 30 attractions in the city of York and beyond, with something to please everyone. Medieval Castles, Interactive Museums, Historic Houses or even a steam train ride, the York Pass has them all.


    or here are a few of the places to visit :-

    National Railway Museum Admission: Free.


    The world's largest railway museum is home to a wide range of railway icons and literally millions of artefacts, from Mallard - the world's fastest steam locomotive - to a lock of Robert Stephensons hair.

    Its vast collections, including more than 100 engines, tell the railway tale from Rocket to Eurostar.

    Yorkshire Museum


    The Yorkshire Museum is the home of some of the richest archaeological finds in all of Europe.

    As well as the temporary exhibitions you can travel through time from elegant Roman jewellery and fine mosaics via an Anglo-Saxon gilt bowl and the superb Gilling sword to Viking treasures including swords, battle-axes and a silk cap from Coppergate, the heart of Viking York.

    York Dungeon


    Wander through a modern day Dante's Inferno with a bloodcurdling visit to the York Dungeon, an animated medieval horror museum.

    Pain, superstition, torture and death haunt Britain's past - and are recreated here. Come and see St George being sawn in half.

    finally, a map showing all the attractions scroll down a bit :)


  2. No music last night but plenty of bars open and serving beer in glasses. Was a good night all in all with people drinking and chatting away sociably and friendly

  3. Don't know if similar but you could try this.


    That really is rough stuff :) Cheap as chips but rough.

    7-11 do not stock a lot of different types of tobacco. Ask around near where you live. In Pattaya, for example, there are several places that sell different types of tobacco right through to Cherry flavour. Where you are may well have some shops that stock a similar brand to Amber. Often places that sell spirits have stocks of tobacco too.

  4. Go out on your own. Visit some places regularly especially on your own and the women here soon latch on and they will ask, "You no have lady take care you?"

    The obvious answer being no from you and then see what she wants / offers.

    Do not tell them you are only on holiday or the money goes up.

    Tell them you want a woman here for a long time (years) not just for a shag and they then think they have a future prospect that might get them a house. But you are on the move soon and can just disappear ;)

    Have fun playing the game.

  5. Internet / bars / clubs / restaurants, even the local market have all worked fine for me. And I do not mean p4p at clubs and bars. Plenty of choice.

    Whichever way you choose to meet them take care and give them time to see what scams - if any - they try to pull, is the sensible way.

    I find that the great majority are happy to get into bed with you within a few meetings and that includes those that have a chaperone along. When up north of Bangkok I never met a woman without a chaperone so do not be put off if they bring one along.

    i gave up trying to pull women in the UK quite a long time ago. Go for it. Have some fun and always always be prepared for and aware of the scams.

    • Like 1
  6. if you are a grumpy, surly old git anywhere in the world people will treat you as such. Same if you are a young miserable, grumpy sod.

    I agree with the OP's post that older folk here are more likely to be treated with respect if you engender that respect from your general attitude. More so out in the sticks where generations of family show deference and love towards older generations. And this is not all about money as some seem to believe.

    As I have said before on other topics, I have been to parties, marriages, funerals, make monk and many other activities. I have been out with whole families to restaurants to buffets, clubs or on days out where everyone interacts together. The same applies at other peoples houses or simply all going out in the truck to the market.

    The attitude of the family as a whole is different here. Everyone mucks in together, parties together, are happy together. You are not looked upon as some old degenerate.

    I do miss life out in the sticks here in Thailand where it is a social family atmosphere and that is something that is now sadly lacking back home. Not because my son and his wife or the grandchildren do not love me, more because the way of life back home has degenerated into a free for all where each has to look after their own to survive in many ways, where they no longer seem to have the time for us older, often wiser, folks.

    Life can be great out there in the sticks. Maybe some more of you ought to try to spend some genuine time out there and get to know the real Thai family life instead of living it up in Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya, then you might understand where the OP is coming from.

  7. I feel that while I am alive and kicking I would not consider suicide. Suicide after all is definitely a last resort and you have to have serious problems to carry out the act. It also takes some guts to top yourself.

    A friend of mine had cancer of the brain at the age of 49. He was given 6 months to live. He sorted out all his finances and set all his personal records straight and made 1 request only of myself and one of his other really good friends.

    That request was for us to make sure we took him out twice a week every week to the pub - something we had done for years - until he was no longer able to be taken out. We also took him on holidays to Holland and places where we did not have to fly.

    Right up until the very end, he was happy and even when in hospital near the end he tried to get up from bed in his drugged state asking for the two of us to take him out!!

    Some of us would not have the courage to carry on and some of us would not have the courage to end it all. Some of us have the instinct to carry on until the very end so I do believe that until we reach that point in our lives we cannot really say what we would do.

    Making plans to go to Thailand and spend what money you have having a great time and then committing suicide when the money runs out seems ludicrous to me because we never really know what our instinct for survival will be.

    I also think that committing suicide away from home can be a very selfish thing to do if you have family who then have to go through all sorts of problems emotionally and bureaucratically.

  8. I have never seen a gas station in Thailand that does NOT have self serve air either at the pumps themselves (small tank) or at the side of the station. Never been to an LPG however just pull into any Shell or any petrol station.

    Esso (SHELL?) garage near Dolphin Roundabout 2nd road. I'll not go back there again :)

  9. You gave them your passport? That is a U.K. government document and should not have been surrendered.

    Did you / they have insurance on the rented bike? That should have covered it. Or maybe you did not insure the bike and then I believe you will be liable for any loss / damage. 50K is not a huge amount if you take into account loss of earnings from the rental company and the cost of the bike.

    Odd that the renters might have seen your bike parked in amongst so many others, but not impossible. The rental company might say that you sold / stole the bike too.

    Consequences of not paying? I'll leave that to others more knowledgeable but I don't think you will be blacklisted.

  10. Bought a plug into the lighter one last week in Big C Baht cost 600 use it for truck, motor bike, bycicle and air bed for pool!

    big c n tesco have them plus plug into your lighter socket cheap only got one last month 500bth plug in

    Maybe I looked on days when they had no stock on display. I'll look again tomorrow when I go do my main shop for the week.

    Thanks guys :)

  11. Thanks guys. Comments noted too. I'll look at the electric ones as well.

    Maim reason for asking is that I have used 2 garages and twice have lost hub caps and they cost 1200 Baht for 4. presume they did not tap the hub caps into place properly. Means I'll have to check each time.

    or DIY at the petrol stations whenever you fill up.

    Why are they removing hub caps to put air in the tyres anyway????

    I have rarely had air put in the tyres without them being removed here even though I make sure the valve is lined up with the correct notch.

    I use LPG and have not yet found an LPG station with an air line.

    Also many garages seem to have no air line or have one that does not work :(

  12. Thanks guys. Comments noted too. I'll look at the electric ones as well.

    Maim reason for asking is that I have used 2 garages and twice have lost hub caps and they cost 1200 Baht for 4. presume they did not tap the hub caps into place properly. Means I'll have to check each time.

  13. I've had a minute or two to consider this one now.

    Ladyboys for you McBlether. Why? I can see them having so much fun and games with slipping their hands up your kilt - maybe they might even go a bit nuts about that. Seems your wee sporran might get some attention too.

    For that you should be headed in Pattaya direction.

  14. Loong

    The son in laws plan was to produce chicken noodles but you have given him something to fall back on if that does not take off.

    Must admit that it is not good to have all your chickens and noodles in one basket.

    That got me to thinking.

    You could always graft some noodle trimmings onto an Egg Plant and have egg noodles. Take it one step further and you could genetically engineer the egg noodle plants with hen embryos. The new species could then lay ready made egg noodle in shells that would have a built in chicken flavour.

    That would leave you with all your eggs in one basket.

    Hmmm, medication time for me, methinks.

  15. Some inter-breeding could go down so well. You could get Farang noodles and Issan noodles together, leave them in a room for some time and let them spread their seeds before allowing them to germinate together. You would have to inspect the Issan variety though to make sure they have a good bush to begin with. A trimmed bush could lead to problems so inspect carefully. Leave a buffalo outside as a guard.

    In 9 months time you could be on a winner with Leuk Krung variety, not too dark and not too white.

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